
Scanty and dark-colored urine (70 drops after 1 hour).

(Scanty, yellowish-green urine). Scanty urine, with brick-red sediment. And hard, tense swelling of the foot, spotted with red.

Scanty secretion of urine during the first 12 hours; it afterwards becomes more copious. Urine. Urine somewhat dark-colored (18 drops after 1 hour and a half). Dark colored urine, with brick-red sediment (after 24 hours). Urine is not passed frequently, but is paler than usual, and deposits a cloud (after 3 hours). Pale yellow urine, which on the next morning has deposited a dirty yellow, flocculent sediment.

Whitish, turbid urine with a white sediment.

Sexual Organs.


Frequent erections (after 6 hours). Awoke thrice in the night, with erections (2nd day). Pressing pain in the glans before urinating. Fine needle-like stitches in the frenum of the glans, worse on touch, especially sticking and tensive, painful; nothing was to be seen externally. A jerking pain between the glans and prepuce, when walking. Itching in the glans which compels rubbing in the evening in the bed. The scrotum hangs down (after 1 hour). Drawing pain in the testicles. A kind of tearing pain in the left testicle and left side of the prepuce, in the evening in the bed. Swelling of the spermatic cord painful to touch. And of the scrotum, especially of the epididymis. Increased sexual desire./ Nightly emissions. In each of the four succeeding nights, a not insignificant emission (120 drops). An excessive emission at night at 3 o’clock. Female. Increase of the existing menstruation, even to metrorrhagia; the discharge is passed in black clots (after 1 hour). (* 688 seems to be the primary action of Cinchona, 689 the subsequent or secondary action; the excitement of the circulation and haemorrhage from the nose (235- 237), from the mouth, 301, from the the lungs, 705, are the not at all seldom primary action. -H. (Compare Chinin sulf., S. 563.

– T.F.A. *). Suppression of menstruation.

Respiratory Organs.

Larynx and Bronchi. Accumulation of the mucus in the larynx, which he constantly loosens and which makes the voice hollow and hoarse. Sensation of a collection of mucus in the larynx. A kind of drawing in the air-passages below the larynx, followed by paroxysms of coughing.

Stitches and a raw sensation in the larynx. Continual irritation to hacking cough, in the morning after rising, as from sulphur-vapor, whereby nothing could be loosened, for several mornings. Tickling in the evening, provoking cough, which, however, he is able to suppress. Pain in the bronchi and in the sternum, on coughing. Voice. An affection of the larynx, so that the tone of the voice and of singing is deeper than usual and rough (after 2 hours). Hoarse rough voice.

Cough and Expectoration. Cough caused by laughing. He wakes after midnight with cough; with every paroxysm of coughing he feels a sharp sticking in both sides of the chest, still he is able to cough lying down. Severe coughing, immediately after eating (after 4 hours). (During the chill of an ague paroxysm, difficult cough, with stitches in the sides). Suffocative cough for a few minutes at night about 2 and about 4 o’clock (a kind of hooping-cough); she screamed on account of it after she had coughed a few times. (Suspicious cough). (cough of bloody mucus). Respiration. Whistling and wheezing in the bronchi., on breathing (after 2 hours). (Breathing with sibilus through the nose). (* See note to S. 798. – HUGHES. *). Snoring and moaning when sleeping. in a chill. Snoring inspiration (through the nose) when asleep (after 3 hours). Snoring inspiration and expiration, while asleep. When asleep, a snoring inspiration soon follows and a puffing expiration. Inclination to breathe deeply, before dinner. (Impeded respiration for half an hour). Very difficult, painful inspiration and quick expiration. (Dyspnoea).

Dyspnoea, with difficult, at times rattling expiration (mostly when walking), with rawness of the chest (after 4 hours).

(Asthma). A kind of suffocative attack, as if the larynx were filled with mucus, especially towards evening, and at night on waking from sleep (after 8 hours).


Some twitching and jerking here and there in the pectoral; muscles. A sensation, at first burning, then of agreeable warmth.

Extending from the upper part of the chest to the stomach. An agreeable fullness of the chest, as from satiety, with a pleasant (sweetish) taste of the saliva (after 1 hour). (Tightness of the chest). Tensive pain, especially in the internal pectoral muscles (in the morning). Contractive pain beneath the last ribs, and a sensation as if bruised, only when walking. Pressive-drawing pain across the lower portion of the chest while sitting, which caused anxiety; it disappeared while standing and walking.

Tearing-drawing beneath the last ribs while standing. Pressure upon the chest. A burning inward pressure in the whole chest.

Pressure from within outward in the region of the last ribs (after 24 hours). An intermitting cutting pressure across the chest while sitting bent, which disappeared on becoming erect, and still more when standing and walking. Pressive pain in the chest. Pressive pain in the chest and sensation of soreness in the larynx, when coughing. Oppression of the chest. Great oppression of the chest, in the region of the pit of the stomach, as if something were burrowing about there (after 4 hours).

Deathlike oppression of the chest. (* The bark had been given during the chill of an intermittent fever. -H. *). In the evening, a sensation of oppression and uneasiness in the chest; he feels him, self obliged to breathe deeply and to make a sighing expiration, whereupon the oppression is for the moment relieved; with a weak., scarcely perceptible pulse, and anxious impatient mood. The chest seems oppressed (in the night); whistling and rattling, with wheezing and rales in the bronchi, without his being obliged to cough on account of tough mucus (after 5 hours). Stitches in the chest, in the morning. Stitches in the chest when walking rapidly which disappeared during rest. Dull stitches in the chest which compel expiration. Rhythmical dull stitches from within outward in the thorax during rest and motion, without affecting respiration (after 1 hour). Sharp stitches between the 7th and 8th ribs. Sharp stitches in the thorax, from within outward, in the region of the 6th and 7th true ribs, without affecting inspiration or expiration (after 3 quarters of an hour). Some violent stitches in the chest, just above the praecordial; region, while he was at rest, especially while reading (after 3 and a half, 16 and 18 hours). (Crawling in the chest, as if something were crawling about in it).

(Troubles below the short ribs). Front. Drawing pain behind the sternum. Pressure over the whole anterior portion of the chest, at night while lying upon the back.

Pressure externally upon the sternum, while sitting bent over, which causes anxiety, and does not permit sufficient, inspiration; it disappears on becoming erect (after 6 hours) Pressure externally on the middle of the sternum while the upper part of the body is bent over, and also while standing; it disappears on pressing upon it (after 26 hours). Severe pressure on the sternum after eating, worse when sitting bent over or raising the arm. Some stitches from the sternum toward the back soon after drinking (at 8th hours). Sharp stitches in the forepart of the chest beneath the last ribs, without affecting inspiration or expiration. Sharp stitches on the sternum. at the point of attachment of the ribs on both sides from without inward without affecting inspiration or expiration (2nd day). (Throbbing in the sternum, in the morning and evening). Sides.

Pain in the side, as if beaten, or as from a blow. Bone- pains in the joints of the ribs as if bruised on inspiration. A contractive pain in the right side of the chest in a not very large spot in the middle of th chest so that he was obliged to expel the breath suddenly;y and almost involuntarily. Pressure on the left side near the ensiform cartilage. Drawing pressure on the right side of the chest while sitting; it is relieved while standing and walking. (Sharp pressure, with crawling in one side of the chest). Tearing pressure below the last true ribs, on the left side near the ensiform cartilage. A Pressive pain in the side of the chest which impedes breathing. Hard pressive pain in the right side of the chest in the region of the 4th and 5th ribs. Sticking in the right side of the chest below the arm, in the region of the 4th rib, as if it were in the diaphragm, almost like a continual stitch; it appears on pressing upon it and bending over (6th hour). Sharp sticking pain on the left side near the ensiform cartilage and in the pit of th stomach only on inspiration (after 60 hours). A tickling-sticking in the left side of the chest, extending towards the praecordial region. (Stitches in the side). Stitches in the side, while sitting and reading. Stitches in the side and back and constant nausea, while eating and drinking (after 5 hours). Stitches on the sides with great heat, strong, hard pulse, and staring eyes. Stitches in the left side of the chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.