
Sleep and Dreams.– Sleepiness.

Inclination to yawn. Yawning. Yawning and stretching (after a quarter of an hour). Yawning, with chilliness of the body. Incessant yawning, without sleepiness. After dinner, great inclination to lie down and sleep. Sleepiness during the day. Sleepiness after eating. Sleepiness with palpitation. Sleepiness the whole day, with stretching of the limbs and yawning. Sleepiness soon followed by activity. Constant sleepiness during the day; he falls asleep unawares. Overpowering sleepiness while sitting. 8.30 P.M., striving against drowsiness. As soon as she sits down during the day she nods and slumbers; but if she lies down she becomes wide awake on the slightest noise. Very sound sleep at night, only twice awakened by thirst and two calls to urine (the latter unusual). Very sound sleep, as of a drunken person, without waking once; in the morning he was completely confused in his head, as though he had not slept enough, together with pressure in the temples on shaking his head. While asleep one eye is open, the other half closed, with the eyeballs turned upward, as in a dying person (after 1 hour). While asleep he lies upon the back, with his head thrown backwards, arms stretched above his head, with slow expiration, and strong, rapid pulse.


Sleeplessness the entire night. Sleeplessness until midnight, with pressive pains all over the head. (* The pressive headache at night seems to be characteristic of China; also the pain in the umbilical region in the evening in bed is related thereto.-H. *) She cannot sleep the whole night; vivid and disagreeable thoughts one after another crowd upon her. He was unable to sleep on account of many thoughts and reflections; each occupied him for only a short time, but in succession crowded upon him, so that through nearly the whole night no sleep came to his eyes, on account of which he became very warm all over towards morning, although he is unable to have less covering, or to be uncovered; without thirst (after 30 hours).

Feeling more lively than sleepy at night, lay down on sofa, and smoked a pipe. He falls asleep late; he is unable to sleep on account of many thoughts; he also does not sleep soundly, and in the morning on rising is very much exhausted. Sleep only from 3 to 5 A.M. (Uneasy Sleep). Uneasy sleep, with tossing about without waking. Uneasy sleep, and slight sweat all over after waking in the night. Uneasy, sleep, full of dreams and crying out. Uneasy sleep at night, from which he started up from time to time, and every time remained unconscious for some moments. Uneasy sleep at night, with worrying dreams and tossing about from which he awoke every time. Uneasy sleep; he could not fall asleep; if he fell asleep he soon awoke, with sweat on the scalp and forehead, with chilliness over the back.

Uneasiness and loss of sleep. Unquiet sleep in the night, interrupted by four or five erections (1st day). At night in sleep, he tosses about, uncovers himself, and had all kinds of worrying dreams of former occurrences; in the morning he cannot get wide awake, on account of confusion and stupidity in the head; he feels out of sorts in the morning and not at all refreshed by his sleep. He starts up on falling asleep, He starts out of sleep at night. Slept for some hours, waking frequently at intervals; on the whole, the night resembled one after indulging in spirituous liquors during the day. Out of nervous anxiety went to bed as early as a quarter past eight, soon fell asleep, but awoke frequently (120 drops after 11 hours). Loss of sleep after midnight; he is also very sleepy, though his thoughts remain active, so that he remains with the eyes closed, and frequently changes his position in bed. He woke two hours earlier than usual in the morning. Dreams.

Confused fancies, in the evening on falling asleep, on which account he awoke again (after 16 hours). Confused, senseless dreams, from which he frequently awoke. Sleep disturbed by confused, interrupted dreams, with frequent waking; on waking he did not become perfectly conscious. Confused, senseless dreams after midnight, mingled with half unconscious waking. Voluptuous dreams, with emissions. Heavy dreams during the sleep at night, which make him anxious after waking. Anxious dreams at night, whereupon he awoke in a half unconscious condition, and remained frightened for some time. An anxious dream; he imagines he is descending a precipice, on which account he awakes, but the dangerous place remains vividly before his fancy (especially on closing the eyes), so that he continues for a long time in a great fright about it, and cannot quiet himself. Just as he is falling asleep he is waked by frightful fantasies. (* Uneasy sleep at night, with dreams that cause anxiety and starting up, on waking from which he cannot collect his senses, or about which he continues to be anxious, is very characteristic of Cinchona.-H. *) A frightful dream at night (after 8 hours).

Frightful dreams of unhappiness, which awoke him, without, however, his being able to come to his senses. At night frightful dreams of falling from a height, with waking full of uneasiness, with loss of consciousness for the first few moments. Dreamed that some one had stabbed his brother, and then he called for his mother; that his mother was dead, and then he cried; that his mother’s arm was hurt; on each occasion the impression continued after waking. As soon as she closes her eyes to sleep, dreams of horrible things.



Chilliness; (after a quarter of an hour). Chilliness of the whole body, more internally (after 3 hours and a half).

Chilliness over the whole body, without external coldness, followed by dull cutting headache, extending into the orbits.

Chilliness over the whole body, with cold hands (after half an hour). Chilliness of the whole body with cold feet (after 2 hours). Chilliness of the whole body, without external coldness.

Chilliness, without coldness of the body without thirst (during the one and a half hours between the chill and heat). (* On the second and third days after taking the drug the intervals between the chill and heat in the paroxysm became longer. *) Chilliness of the body, as if a cold wind blow upon it, especially when walking, only seldom with shivering; it only comes on while sitting, over the arms, loins, and thighs (after 8 hours).

Some chilliness with pressure in the abdomen. Slight chilliness over the whole body. Fleeting chilliness, especially over the back (immediately). Violent febrile chilliness at 5 A.M., with coldness of the feet (after 12 hours). Internal chilliness, without perceptible external coldness (after 4 hours). (*1118, 1124, alternate action with 1151. *) Chill internally and externally over the whole body, at times most in the marrow of the bones of the feet, which are colder than the hands (after half an hour). Chill the whole afternoon, alternating with heat, together with weakness of the lower limbs; everything is far worse while walking in the open air. (Two attacks of chill at different times, preceding the fever). Febrile chill (after a quarter of an hour) coming and going alternately, together with weakness of the knees whole body from time to time during the whole day, especially on the forehead, which has cold sweat upon it; violent thirst a quarter of an hour after the first chill (after 1 hour). Febrile attacks of chill and sweat throughout the whole day, intermingled with a persistent sensation of heat and redness of the face alternating with a little thirst. Shaking chill over the whole body, without thirst. Shaking chill over the whole body, with ice cold hands, without thirst (after one to three hours). Shaking chill and internal coldness for several hours, without thirst (after half an hour and one hour).

External shaking chill and shivering, with internal chilliness, wherewith the left hand and left foot were colder, afterwards both hands and feet became equally cold without thirst (half an hour to one hour. (Severe shaking chill, in the evening on lying down). Shivering over the whole body, with gooseflesh (after 1 hour) in the open air. Shivering over the whole body, without thirst (after two hour and half), Shivering over the whole body, though less severe on the limbs, without thirst. the body is not cold, only the hands (after half an hour). Shivering in the morning and forenoon, with cold hands, sensation of nausea and rapid pulse. In the morning, shivering for half an hour, without thirst and without subsequent heat. Shivering and chill on going from the open air into the warm room (after 5 hours). (* An infrequent alternate action of the much more frequent condition, 1136, 1144, 1148, 1157, and 1172. *) Shivering and shaking chill over the whole body.

Shivering and shaking chill through the whole body, with cold hands and dulness of mind (after one hour). He is attacked with shivering and creeping chill in the open air that is not cold; they immediately cease in the room. (Slight shivering, followed by loss of speech). (* See note to S. 798. *) Violent shivering in the open air, together with shaking chill and gooseflesh. At noon he eats with relish and with good appetite, but an hour afterwards there follows coldness without thirst and afterwards a sensation of heat. Coldness and shivering when walking in the open air at 5 P.M. disappearing in the room (after 10 hours); an hour afterwards great heat, especially in the face, increased on motion and on walking thirst follows an hour after the disappearance of the heat. Internal coldness, periodic, with shivering and shaking chill over the whole body (immediately). Internal sensation of coldness, mostly on the arms and hands. He is cold all over. (* Alternate action with 1118, 1124. *) Chilliness in the back while walking in the open air, afterwards heat in the back, with breaking out of sweat immediately after which there again follows a cold sensation and just above the elbows and above the knees. Shivering or chilliness, with gooseflesh, after every swallow of drink (after 6 hours). Chill over the arms, with nausea in the stomach, followed by cold limbs, with shivering and recurrent nausea. Shivering chill on the chest and arms, when walking in the open air. Coldness of the hands. Coldness of the hands and feet, even in a warm room. Coldness and chilliness in the knees (after half an hour). Coldness of the feet in the morning. Coldness of the hands, feet and nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.