
Aversion to beer. Aversion to coffee, although food has a natural taste. Eructations. Eructations (immediately). Eructations (directly after). Eructations, without taste or smell. Eructations until going to sleep (immediately after ). Eructations tasting of the food.

Eructations as if caused by nausea, with colic (after 3 quarters of an hour). An eructation, as from nausea (after 1 hour). Four eructations, with a taste of bark (36 drops after 15 minutes).

Some eructations (2 ounces). Sundry eructations (1 ounce, soon after). More frequent eructations (70 drops). Constant eructations (70 drop after 1 hour). Empty eructations of only air (after 2 hours). Tasteless eructations till toward evening (directly after). Tasteless eructations after eating. Bitter eructations after eating (after 2 hours). Continued bitter eructations (18 drops after 1 hour and a half).

Incomplete sourish eructations after drinking milk (after 1 hour and a half). Bitter sourish eructations, after bread and butter. A sobbing like tendency to eructations.

Something half way between sobbing and eructations (after 3 quarters of an hour). Frequent rising of badly-tasting mucus.

Hot risings from the stomach, soon followed by a decided taste of China, beginning at the root of the tongue and spreading though the whole mouth.

Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (after 5 minutes) Nausea (18 drops). Nausea (after 5 minutes). Nausea (70 drops after 1 hour). (Nausea). (* Local effect of the powder. -Hughes. *). Nausea for about an hour. Nausea and hot risings from the stomach, with a decided taste of the China, extending from the root of the tongue over the whole mouth (after 5 minutes). Nausea in the region of the pit of the throat after eating. (Nausea with the usual appetite). Nausea and unpleasant taste (120 drops).

Nausea and vomiting. Nausea without vomiting. Excessive nausea and aversion for not unpleasant substances, even when they are not set before him and he only hears them spoken of; with a version to labor, constant sleepiness during the day and yellowness of the eyeballs (after 8 hours). Nausea, flushes of heat, and orgasm of blood disappear after eating. Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit (18 drops). (Retching and contraction in the pharynx, without hindering breathing) (Continued vomiting) 11.15 A.M. slight vomiting, consisting principally of water, of a very sour taste, of a spirituous, penetrating smell, like bark. Stomach. (Indigestion.) The food eaten at supper remains in the stomach undigested.

The stomach is easily disordered by food, or by eating an improper kind of food, with flat taste in the mouth fullness in the abdomen, fretfulness, and headache. Milk easily disorders the stomach. Sensation of emptiness and qualmishness in the stomach. Anxiety in the region of the pit of the stomach). (Anxiety in the region of the stomach, especially after eating. After a moderate meal followed by a walk, while sitting, a nauseous anxiety in the stomach, as from an overloaded and disordered stomach, together with hunger. Heaviness and pressure in the stomach) (Sensation of heaviness in the stomach. After pressing upon the stomach, a burning rises half way into the chest. Fullness after eating though with the usual appetite before the meal. Sensation of fullness in the stomach. He feels as though he had eaten to satiety, had drunk to satiety, and also had smoked tobacco to satiety, although he has for all the articles a natural good taste ( a few hours). Compression of the pit of the stomach which impedes respiration (after half an hour). Some spasm in cardiac region.

Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach, extending to the sternum. Jerking sticking in the stomach (after 3 hours).

Transient stitches here and there in the stomach and abdomen.

Severe stitches in the pit of the stomach, during inspiration (after 3 hours). Sharp stitches in the pit of the stomach. Sensation of soreness with pressure (or pain, as if one pressed upon a sore place) in the pit of the stomach, several mornings. Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, as from fullness. In the morning, in bed, while lying on the side, pressure in the stomach (as if it were constricted); it appears when lying upon the back. Pressure in the stomach, and griping.

At first pressure in the stomach, afterwards accumulation of flatulence, followed by vomiting after eating, with the usual appetite (vegetables). After taking food, even a very little, there was immediately a hard long-continued pressure in the stomach. Heavy pressure in the stomach. Severe pressure in the stomach, after every meal. A severe pressure below the pit of the stomach, as if everything there was sore, in every position; the same when touched; soon afterwards a violent diarrhoea, which did not relieve the pain in the pit of the stomach (after 7 hours).

Violent pressure in the stomach, which disappears while eating.

(* Alternate action with 478. *). Oppression of the stomach.

Weight on stomach.


Hypochondria. Pinching stitches in the left hypochondriac region (after 1 hour and a half). Several attacks of intermitting pressure in the region of the liver, while standing, which disappear on bending the body forward; the region is painful to touch, as if suppurating (after 5 hours). Continued stitches beneath the right ribs, in the region of the liver unaffected by inspiration or expiration (after 4 hours). Violent stitches in the region of the liver, extending from within outward, only on expiration (after 5 hours). Swelling of the liver. (Obstruction of the liver).

Obstruction of the spleen. Cutting pressure in the region of the spleen, as if the spleen were hardened. Stitches in the spleen when walking even slowly. Umbilical. Griping, as if external, below the right side of the navel, while sitting, in the evening (after 13 hours). Colicky spasms in region of navel. Pressure in the umbilical region. A constrictive pressure in the umbilical region, in the evening in bed.

Contractive pressure on the right side below the navel as if there were an induration there., while sitting. After a moderate meal at noon and in the evening, pinching pressure somewhat above the navel in the upper abdomen which becomes intolerable on motion and is only relieved during complete rest. Severely pressing pain on both sides below the navel after eating. Severe cutting in the umbilical region, with cold sweat on the forehead, lasting a quarter of an hour (after a few minutes). Dull sticking in the right side above the navel, more severe when toughed. Dull sticking in the left side of the abdomen, about the navel, and at the same time below the right nipple, extending inward (after 1 hour). Excessive, pressive sticking on the left side below the navel, while walking rapidly and afterwards (after 2 hours).

Tearing in the umbilicus. Tearing and rumbling in the abdomen below the navel. Excessive tearing on the right side, near the navel. Extending down into hypogastrium, in all the inguinal region; relieved by bending backward. Colic in the region of the umbilicus, together with shivering. Frequent attacks of cutting colic in the umbilical region. General Abdomen.

(Inflammation of the abdomen). Distension of then abdomen, especially of the lower abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, as from much drinking and from flatulent food. Distension of the abdomen, in the morning, without flatulence. Distension of the abdomen after eating like a fullness. Distension of the abdomen, colic and diarrhoea. Obstinate distension of the abdomen, causing anxiety. Obstinate, tense distension of the abdomen. (Flatulent distension of the abdomen.) (Swelling of the abdomen.) Belly much swollen for a short time, until eructations ensued (36 drops). (Ascites, dropsy).

(Tympanitis. Tympanitis. (Contraction of the abdomen and sides by heaving and falling of the scapulae. (* See note to S 798. *) (Indurations of the abdomen). (Attack of hardness, distension, and pains in the abdomen). (* This, with S. 880 and delirium, occurred instead of the ague paroxysms, five days after beginning China. -HUGHES. *). (Ulcers in the abdomen).

Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit (cherries).

Crackling in the left side of the abdomen, downward and backward, as if in the ascending colon. Rumbling in the abdomen (after one hour). Rumbling in the upper abdomen (after 2 hours).

Rumblings and rattling in the intestinal canal (18 drops, after one hour and a half). Great rumbling and moving of much flatus in the abdomen, with a pressive sensation, in the evening between 6 to 10 followed by passage of much offensive flatus.

Violent commotion in abdomen, followed by passage of the clyster, with relief of symptoms. Excessive flatulence (after 5 hours). Flatulence, and profuse discharge of it. More flatus than usual (2nd day). Very badly smelling flatus (120 drops).

Accumulation and passage of much flatus (after half an hour). Flatulent discharges (18 drops). Discharge of very fetid flatus (70 drops). Passage of much offensive flatus (after 10 hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.