

Teeth. The teeth are loose and painful, only when chewing. Toothache, with looseness of the teeth (after 3 hours).

Toothache, dry catarrh, and lachrymation. Drawing toothache comes on easily in the open air and in a draft. Pressive drawing toothache in the left upper teeth, with sensation as if the gum or inner portion of the cheek were swollen (after 1 hour).

Toothache, like a pressive drawing, in the left side of the lower jaw. While smoking tobacco (to which he was accustomed) drawing- tearing toothache upward and downward in the upper jaw, followed by an attack of faintness. Throbbing toothache. Drawing pain in the incisors in the morning. (* Rhus tox would seem to be the antidote for the symptoms 278, 283. -H.). Toothache, sticking from within outward in the front teeth, Pain in the lower incisors, as if they had been knocked against something. Digging in the upper back teeth, relieved for a moment by biting the teeth together, and pressing upon them (after 40 hours). Pressive pain in the crowns of the right back teeth, when biting the teeth together. Drawing, pressive toothache in upper back tooth, with sensation as if it were benumbed, in the morning (after 24 hours). Picking pain in an upper back tooth. Small fine stitches, with tearings in the right upper back tooth. Small fine stitches, with tearings in the right upper back teeth, neither relieved not aggravated by touch, or inhaling fresh air (after two hours and a half). Jerking-tearing in the upper back teeth of the left side (after 5 hours).

Gums. Swelling of the gum and lips. Tongue.

Painless swelling on the side of the back part of the tongue. A vesicle beneath the tongue, which is painful to move. (Yellowish tongue, not coated with fur). Tongue very much coated, especially in the afternoon (after 7 hours). Tongue coated yellow. Tongue covered with a thick, dirty, white coating (after a quarter of an hour). Tongue coated very white, in the morning. (Clean tongue, with bitter taste). Sensation on the tongue as if it were dry, and covered with mucus (after 1 hour). Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue. Burning stitches on the tongue. Biting on the middle of the tongue, as if it were sore or burnt. Biting on the tip of the tongue, as from pepper, followed by accumulation of saliva at this place.

General Mouth. After an agreeable surprise much bright blood came suddenly into the mouth (after 24 hours). Towards morning, an offensive odor from the mouth, which disappears as soon as she eats anything. The mouth is slimy, and the taste watery and flat. Acidity in the mouth. Feeling as though there was an offensive exhalation from the mouth.

(Dryness of the mouth). Dryness of the mouth, with thirst.

Painless swelling of the arches of the palate and uvula (after 3 hours). Dry palate, with thirst, in the evening, an hour after the fever. Tobacco-smoke causes an unusually acrid and biting sensation in the posterior part of the palate (after 24 hours). Scraping on the palate, even when not swallowing (8th day). Saliva. Accumulation of saliva, with nausea. Much saliva in the mouth, with nausea (after 2 hours).

Contractive sensation of the salivary glands; flow of saliva.

A sensation in the mouth, causing a coagulation of saliva, as he had smelled of too strong vinegar. Watering of the mouth (70 drops after one hour). Mucus in the mouth, in the morning after waking, and after making some exertion; it seems to him as though it was offensive to those near him; he believes there is an offensive odor from his throat. Taste. Flat, insipid taste, after drinking, Sweetish taste. Taste at first sweetish, then sour; profuse saliva. Nauseous taste in the mouth, as after cheese. A nauseous, at times bitter taste, especially in the morning; the food had an unpleasant though not a bitter taste. Very nauseous taste (in consequence of his having taken large does of bark in powder for intermittent fever, a year and a half previously), (18 drops). Slimy taste in the mouth, which disgusts him with butter.

Bitter, slimy taste (70 drops after one hour). Salty taste.

Sweetish, salty taste in the mouth (after 3 hours). Frequently a sour taste in the mouth, as if his stomach had been disordered by fruit. (Bitter taste). Bitter taste in the mouth; even the tobacco tastes bitter while smoking. Bitter taste in the throat, which obliges him to swallow saliva (immediately). Bitter taste in the morning. Bitter taste in the mouth, while- drinking coffee. Constant bitter taste in the mouth. All food tastes unusually salt, afterwards bitter. Bitter taste of food, especially of wheaten cakes (after 6 hours). Although he had no bitter taste in his mouth by itself, yet everything tasted bitter; after swallowing food there was no bitter taste. Tobacco tastes sweetish while smoking. Black bread tastes sour (after 3 hours). Coffee tastes sourish. Beer tastes bitter and mounts to the head. Bread tastes good while chewing, but bitter on swallowing. Bitter, salty taste of bread and butter; dryness of the palate and throat; when not eating, no unnatural taste in the mouth, only dryness and thirst. Supper has little taste. No taste from smoking tobacco. Speech. (Loss of speech).


Very dry sensation in the throat, with cool breath (after one hour). It seems as if some food remains in the upper part of the throat (after 3 hours). The throat seems swollen internally; sticking, only when swallowing, on the left side of the tongue, with a pressive pain in that spot, only when talking or breathing. Contractive sensation in the throat.

Sticking in the right side of the throat, only when swallowing.

Stitches in the throat, in the evening after lying down, not when swallowing, but when breathing. Stitches in the throat from a slight draft of air, when not swallowing. Sensation in the pit of the throat, as if it were sore; a sensation when swallowing like a sore throat, although swallowing does not hurt it. Troublesome sensation of rawness in the throat.

Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. (Angina faucium). Scraping sensation in the fauces, especially on the margin of the larynx, as after rancid eructations or heartburn. Sensation of emptiness in the pharynx and oesophagus (after 11 days). Tension in the pharynx, on bending the head backward, which, however, did not hinder swallowing.

Contraction of muscles of oesophagus. A gentle contraction of the oesophagus, with the peculiar China taste, for one hour and a half (18 drops, directly after). Swallowing.

Swallowing difficult, on account of a sensation of narrowness in the throat. Painful swallowing; swollen submaxillary glands, with special pain in them on swallowing.

External Throat. The submaxillary glands are simply painful (beneath the angle of the lower jaw), especially when touched and on moving the neck. A clawing or pinching pressure in the right submaxillary glands, on motion of the neck and on touch, or by itself.

Stomach.– Appetite.

Rather an increase of appetite (2nd day). Good appetite at dinner. Very good appetite (70 drops). Appetite unusual, so that I ate nearly as much again as usual, for 8 days (after 4 days) Great appetite for sour cherries. He has an appetite for various things, but does not exactly know what. Voracious appetite, longing for something, he does not know what. Hunger in the afternoon at an unusual hour. Hunger, though without relish. Hunger and yet want of appetite; the food tastes natural yet seems disagreeable in the mouth. Great hunger and appetite at 8 A.M. without knowing what he wishes to eat. Ravenous hunger, with insipid taste. A kind of ravenous hunger, with nausea and inclination to vomit (after 2 hours). Frequent longing for indefinite substances. Enjoyed his dinner. He relishes supper but is immediately satiated, and hence can eat very little. Less appetite (70 drops). Little appetite.

Little appetite at noon, from a sensation of satiety, (Loss of appetite). Loss of appetite, as from, slight nausea. Loss of appetite and nausea, constantly wants to vomit and cannot, before and afternoon. No appetite all day (140 drops). No longing for foods, with a natural taste. No desire for food or drink. Indifference to eating and drinking’ only while eating some appetite and the natural taste of the food return (after 6 hours). The dinner is eaten without any relish. He does not relish tobacco when smoking. Thirst.

More thirst every morning than in the afternoon. Thirst and hunger, in the evening, an hour after the fever, then, after he had eaten coldness and rumbling in the bowels. (Thirst during the chill). (* This, together with 402, does not seem to be correctly observed; for in all other observations I have found that the Cinchona fever has no thirst with the shivering or chill, see 1118, 1123, 1131, 1147; the thirst appears much more after the shivering or chill, as is shown by 397,398, 1129, or, which amounts to the same thing, just before the heat, 400. So, also, the thirst is not marked during the fever of Cinchona, even in the most developed hot stage, see 29, 1177, 1180, 1182, 1184, 1193, 1203, 1221, except some burning of the lips, 1185, or dryness of them, see 406, 1203, although this dryness explains the expression “some thirst during the heat,” 1187; for the “thirst during the transient heat,” 1194, does not denote completely developed feverish heat. Much more, however, does the thirst appear after the heat, 309, 395, 1148, or what is the same thing, during the sweat, 1228 The feverish heat, accompanied by stinging over the whole body seemed to make an exception, see 1181, 1192. *). Thirst after the chill without subsequent heat. Thirst after shivering through the skin. Thirst after the fever, during sweat on the back and forehead. Very great thirst for an hour (after 9 hours and a half) followed by a burning heat over the whole body, with throbbing in all the veins, without sweat and without thirst, with violent burning of the ears and forehead, though with only the usual, warmth of the cheeks, hands, and feet, all of which parts seem in the internal sensation of being too hot (after 10 hours and a half). Excessive thirst for cold water, with chill and heat, especially in the morning just after walking. Unquenchable thirst, during a chill and intermittent fever. Great desire for wine. Little thirst. No thirst when eating. No thirst with the heat immediately after midnight, only dry lips. Aversion to water and longing for beer.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.