
Pressure in the left temple. Pressive headache in the temples, in the evening. Fine sticking in the left temple.

Continued sticking sensation in the right temple. Sticking headache between the right temple and the forehead, with violent pulsating of the temporal artery (after half an hour). Stitches between the forehead and temple of the left side; when touched, he feels a severe throbbing in the arteries of the temples, and the sticking disappears. Tearing headache in the left temple.

Pressive tearing in the temporal region, as if the bones would press out. (* Tearing (drawing) pressure and pressive-tearing (drawing) seem to be the chief pains of Cinchona. *). Jerking- tearing in the right temporal region, for three days. Jerking headache in the temple, extending to the upper jaw.

Vertex. Contractive pain in a circle on the vertex (after half an hour). Headache, first like a cramp in the vertex, followed by bruised sensation in the side of the head, aggravated by the slightest motion. Parietals.

Headache; a digging in the left side of the head, while sitting (after nine hours and a quarter). Pressive headache in the side to which he inclines himself. Headache in the left parietal bone, like a throbbing. Jerking from both parietal bones down to the throat. Occiput. A dull sensation in the lower posterior portion of the head, as when waking from sleep.

Painful drawing upon the occipital bone. Painful drawing on the right side of the occiput. Drawing pain in the left side of the occiput, which disappears on bending the head backward. Drawing pain in the articulation of the occiput and atlas, when touched, so that he is obliged to bend the head backward. Drawing headache in the occiput, while sitting. Severe pressure in the occiput, as if the cerebellum would be pressed out (after five hours and a half). Pressive headache in the occiput (after three hours). External Head. Momentary contraction of the skin of the forehead, as if it were drawn together in one point in the center (after half an hour). Pain, as if the skin on the upper portion of the head were grasped by the hand. Contractive pain on the left side of the occiput in the skin. Sharp stitches in the left side of the scalp. The whole scalp is so sensitive to touch that everything on it hurts him; the roots of the hair seem to be especially affected (after thirty-six hours). Sticking-itching on the scalp (after one hour).



The eyes are somewhat red, with pressive-burning pain in them, and much heat (in the afternoon), (after 6 hours).

Subjective. Sensation in the eyes as in general weakness, as if they were very much sunken, which was not the case (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling as of sand in the eye. Movement of the eyes painful, with sensation of mechanical hindrance.

Painless pressure in the eyes, as from weakness and loss of sleep (after 10 hours and a half and 12 hours). Biting in one, and then in another eye, with lachrymation. Pressive-biting pain in the eyes, as from salt; she was obliged to rub them (after half an hour). (* From the dust. *). Brow and Orbit. Pain over the left orbit. Fine, itching pain above the orbits.

Pressure in both eye-brows more externally, aggravated by motion of the frontal muscles (after 3 hours). Lids. Gum in the external canthus (after sleep). The eyelids will close from weakness and sleepiness (after half an hour). Jerking of the left upper lid back and forth (after 6 hours). Twitching, blinking, trembling in both eyes (after 2 hours and three- quarters). twitching of right upper eyelid. Sensation of dryness between the lids and the eyeball, with rubbing pain on moving the lids, without visible alteration in the eye. Violent pain in the lids. Pressive pain in the external canthi. Tearing in the left external canthus. Tickling sensation on the lids (after 5 hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation. Lachrymation, with crawling pains in the eyes and in the inner surface of the lids. On waking at night, it seems as if the right eye were swimming in water (after 19 hours).

Conjunctiva. Inflammation and redness of conjunctiva.

Ball. Motion of eyes painful, with sensation of mechanical hindrance. Pupil. Pupils dilated (after one hour and a quarter). Pupils very much dilated (after a quarter of an hour). Extreme dilatation, and almost immobility of the pupils, with weakness of vision, so that he could not recognize at a distance distinctly (myopia), with a fresh color to the face, and otherwise general activity (after 6 hours). Contracted pupils,; (after three-quarters of an hour),; (after 1 hour). Pupils contracted (immediately, and after three hours and a half). Pupils sensitive, but more inclined to contract than to dilate (after 20 hours).

Vision. (Dimness of vision). (Amaurosis). The room (lighted by a candle) appeared in a blinding sulphurous-yellow light, but after a few minutes all the surroundings were of a shimmering rosy-red (this symptom appeared as the headache suddenly disappeared, during a sluggish evacuation, with tenesmus). Black points float before the vision (after 4 hours).

Darkness before the eyes.


Internal. Pain in the left ear, only when touched (after 6 days). (Pressive pain in the inner ear, like earache), (after one hour). At first a throbbing sensation in the ear, afterwards a long-continued ringing. Tickling in the ear.

External. Drawing pain behind the ears, extending as far as the mastoid process. Tearing in the lobule of the ears. Tearing in the cartilage and the external meatus auditorius. Transient sticking pains here and there in the parotid glands. Hearing. Difficult hearing. Something seems to be constantly before the ear (like deafness), (after one hour). Ticking sound in the ear, as from a distant watch. Ringing in the ears. Ringing in the ears, with headache in the temples. Frequent ringing in the right ear, together with tickling- crawling in it, as if an insect had crept into it. Roaring in the ears.


Objective. Redness and heat only on the nose (after 12 hours). Sneezing (after half an hour, two hours and three hours). The attack of the paroxysms of fever commences with sneezing. Sneezing, with coryza (after one and two hours). Forcible dry sneezing several times (after 7 hours). Watery discharge from the nostril, which is at the same time stopped (after 13 hours). Catarrh, so that it trickles from the nose for two hours. Catarrh, with sensitiveness of the nose, and some pimples on the margin of the nostril and septum of the nose, which are painful to touch (after 9 days). Attacks of stopped coryza. Bleeding of the nose, in the morning between 6 and 7 o’clock, after rising from bed, for several mornings in succession. Frequent, profuse nose- bleed. Nose bleeds after blowing it violently.

Subjective. A soft pressure across the root of the nose, extending upward, and on the eyebrows, which disappears when touched, with tension of the skin of the left wing of the nose. Pressive pain in the root of the nose (after the heat of the cheek had disappeared), which extended to the side (after 5 hours). Fine needle-like stitches in the cartilage of the wings of the nose. Tearing pain in the back of the nose.

Biting deep in the left nostril, sudden, painful, sticking on every inspiration; the biting is aggravated by compressing the nose, after which there is itching externally on the back of the nose, in the evening (after half an hour). Smell. (He fancies that he smells a corpse).


Objective. Hippocratic face (pointed nose, hollow eyes, with blue rings), indifference, insensibility; he paid no attention to those about him; did not care about those things of which he was usually most fond (after 1 hour), Face sunken, pale. Sunken, pinched face, pale, sickly, as after excesses. The color of the face is bad, earthy. (Red, puffy face). Face flushed and swollen. Paleness of the face.

Frequent changes in the color of the face. Subjective.

Right-side face-ache. Pressure across the face, especially near the nose and cheeks, together with contraction of the eyelids, as if the upper and lower lids were drawn towards each other (after 3 hours). Needle-like pains in left face, left chest, and left hand. Cheeks. Redness of the cheeks and lobules of the ears. Fine stitches in the right cheek-bone, which disappear on pressure. A picking pain in the zygoma and in a right back tooth. A cutting- burning pain in the upper jaw, while standing (after 7 hours). Lips.

(Blackish lips). (The skin of the lips is wrinkled and shrivelled) (after 5 hours). (Cracking of the lips). Cracking of the lower lip in the middle (in sneezing). Dry lips, without thirst (after 7 hours). Sensation of soreness of the right side of the upper lip neat the corner, as after much wiping in coryza.

The inner surface of the lower lip is sore and excoriated. Pain in the lower lip near the left corner of the mouth, as from a corroding ulcer. Lower Jaw. Jerking, dull stitches in the right side of the lower jaw. Tearing in the left side of the lower jaw. Tearing pressure in the right upper and lower jaws at night, before midnight.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.