

Weakness in all the limbs as if paralysed, especially in joints, trembling from every exertion. Swelling of hands and feet. Bruised pain in limbs. Extremities, especially hands and feet, heavy as lead. Numbness and falling asleep of limbs. Exanthema on skin about joints. Swelling of soft tissues of joints. Joints stiff.

Upper Limbs

Stiffness in morning on washing, with pressure. Rheumatic tearing (and lancinating pains) in shoulders, arms, and hands (particularly in joints), especially at night. Burning pain in palms of hands and arms, clammy perspiration in palms and on head. Burning pain in hands and arms. Numbness of arms and hands. Lassitude and trembling in arms and hand, and especially when holding anything. Furfuraceous tetters on arms. Congestion of blood in hands, with swelling and redness of veins, especially when allowing arms to hang down. Wrenching pain in joints of hands and fingers, with tension. Swelling of hands, even at night. Heat in hands. Coldness of hands at night. Contraction and jerking of fingers. Deadness of fingers. Paralysis of fingers. Numbness of finger-tips. Skin cracked at joints of fingers. Chilblains on fingers.

Lower Limbs

Uneasiness, weakness, worse on ascending steps, with heaviness. Pain as from ulceration (suppurative) in buttocks when seated. Pain in right hip-joint. (Exostosis of femur.) Wrenching pain in coxofemoral joints, and those of knees and feet, with external heat. Swelling of tibia. Bruised pain in periosteum of tibia. Gangrenous periosteum of tibia, with fever, the periosteum peeled off as far as knee, leaving the bone rough. Painful fatigue and heaviness of legs. Heaviness in hollow of knees. Burning sensation in legs and feet. Tension and cramps in legs, especially in knees. Rheumatic stiffness of the knee. Shocks in legs before going to sleep, day and night. Drawing and tearing (rheumatic pain) in knees. Tetters on knee. Spots like petechiae on legs. Ulcers on legs, with surrounding small pustules. Exostosis on tibia. Jerking, and cramp in calves. Tearings and shootings in feet, especially at night (in feet of a pregnant woman). Swelling of feet, or only of the malleoli, especially at night. Paralytic feeling in feet. Pain (as if bruised) as from ulceration in soles when walking. Shocks in feet day and night before going to sleep. Numbness of tips of toes. Inflammation and redness of ball of great toe with lancinations. Chilblains and corns on toes.


Affections of inner chest, shin bones, bones of legs, of right upper or right lower extremity, right upper or right lower side. Profuse secretion of mucus. Affections of axillary glands, inflammation of glands in general, glands painful, particularly stitching pains, hot swelling of glands. Glandular diseases, especially after contusion. Bleeding from inner parts, threatened phthisis pulmonalis. The pains of Phosphorus are continuous, or, at least, irregular as to time. Arthritic and rheumatic tearings and stitching pains, principally in limbs, sometimes after a slight chill, especially in bed at night. Burning pain in limbs. Tension, cramp, jerking, and distortion of some of the limbs. Sprains, easy dislocations. Ataxia and adynamia. Convulsions. Rigidity of some parts. Fits of paleness and numbness in some of the limbs, which then appear dead. Mucous membrane pale. Trembling of limbs from least exertion, but chiefly during labour. Tendency to strain the back. Ebullition and congestion of blood, sometimes with pulsation throughout body. Sensations: of fullness, of itching or tickling, of knocking, beating, or throbbing, of darting, darting pain, of roughness all occurring in inner parts. Sensation of dryness or of festering in internal parts. Bleeding from various (internal) organs. Inflammation and stinging pain of inner parts. Itching of inner parts. Small wounds bleed much. Blood fluid non-coagulable. Bleeding from all cavities, also from soft cancer. Weakness and soreness in joints, especially knees. Great weakness and paralytic lassitude, which sometimes come on suddenly, especially in bed in morning, or after a very short walk. Can only lie on the right side. Lying on the left side at night causes anxiety. Spasms of the paralysed side. Paralysis, formication, and tearing in limbs, anaesthesia, increased heat. Exostosis, especially of skull. Hip joint disease, oozing a watery pus. Epilepsy with consciousness. Fainting fits, from strong odours. Excessive sensibility of all the organs. Hysterical lassitude. General dejection and nervous debility. Heaviness of limbs and sluggishness. Paralysis with tingling in the parts affected. Emaciation and consumption. Inability to remain in open air, especially when cold. Strong tendency to take cold, which is often followed by headache and toothache, coryza, with fever, shivering, &c. Effects of hair- cutting and chill to head. Pains in limbs on change of weather. The majority of symptoms manifest themselves morning and evening, in bed, as well as after dinner, while several others appear at the beginning of a meal and disappear after it. Worse: In morning, evening, before falling asleep, on waking, before breakfast, after taking cold, while coughing, before or after eating, from violent bleeding, from spraining parts, while lying on back, lying on left side, from laughing (often producing cough), from light in general, light of the lamp, warm food (“very thirsty, takes water, likes it, feels better, gets warm in stomach and is vomited”), reading aloud, from strong smells, after stool (exhausted, &c.), while swallowing drink, in the wind, when singing, when the weather changes either was. Better in the dark, lying on right side, from being mesmerized, from rubbing, from scratching, after sleep, from cold things, cold food, cold water (till it gets warm).


Exanthema which comes out in pustules, is scaly. Ulcers in general. Summer freckles. Hard swellings here and there on body. Wounds which appear to have healed break out again and bleed, wounds that continually heal and break out again. Desquamation of skin. Burning in the skin. Excoriated spots on skin, with cracks and shootings. Round, tettery spots over whole body. Freckles (nose). Dry, furfuraceous tetters. Yellow or brown spots on skin (especially chest and abdomen). Copper-coloured or bluish spots, like petechiae. Red spots. Jaundice. Pale skin. Ecchymosis. Furunculi. Lymphatic abscess with fistulous ulcers (which have callous margins, secreting a fetid and colourless pus) and hectic fever. Large ulcers surrounded by small ones. Ulcers bleed on appearance of menses. Fungus haematodes. Copious bleeding even from very small wounds. Polypus. Chilblains (fingers and toes) and corns on feet, sometimes very painful. Tingling in skin. Nettle-rash.


Falling asleep late. Complaints preventing sleep. Overpowering sleep coming on after dinner, if only a moderate dinner has been eaten. Sleeplessness before midnight. Sleepy at 7 p.m., wakeful at night (produced. ***R.T.C.). Strong tendency to sleep by day, as from lethargy. Stupefying sleep. Sleep retarded in evening, and sleeplessness at night, or frequent waking, with difficulty in going to sleep again, caused by restlessness, with anguish, tossing, heat, vertigo, and ebullition of blood. Inability to remain lying on back or on side. Coma vigil. Sleep unrefreshing, sensation in morning as after insufficient sleep. At night vertigo with nausea, painful sensibility of limbs, pain in stomach and abdomen, suffocating and spasmodic asthma, &c. Frequent waking from feeling too hot, without perspiration. Frequent waking, with starts and fright. During sleep, jerks in limbs, cries, talking, tears, complaints, lamentations, and moans. Dreams: anxious, distressing, lascivious, frightful and horrible, or vivid and uneasy, of animals which bite, of robbers, fire, the business of the day (which he could not finish), bloodshed, death, quarrels, creeping things, &c. Nightmare. Somnambulism.


Shuddering and shivering, especially in bed, in evening (without thirst, with aversion to being uncovered and with swollen veins on hands), sometimes with yawning, followed by heat or otherwise. Coldness of limbs. Internal chilliness and chill not better by heat of stove. Chilliness in evening till midnight, with great weakness and sleep. Chill running down back. Shiverings, followed by heat, with thirst and sweat, especially at night, and in afternoon. (Chronic feverishness with recurring albuminuria. ***R.T.C.). Internal or external heat of single parts. Flushes of heat running up back. Burning in back, between shoulder-blades. Burning pain of external parts or of internal parts. Transient or anxious heat. Nocturnal heat (disturbing sleep). Flushes of heat over whole body, beginning in hands. Perspiration most profuse on head, hands, and feet, with increased secretion of urine. Perspiration on fore part of body. Perspiration frequently smells of sulphur or of garlic. Intermittent fever: heat and perspiration at night, with faintness and ravenous hunger, which could not be satisfied with eating, afterwards chilliness with chattering of teeth and external coldness, the chilliness was succeeded by internal heat, especially in hands, while the external coldness continued. Fevers with soporous condition, dry, black lips and tongue and open mouth. Typhus fever (often with pneumonia and bronchitis, that developed into consumption). Hectic fever, with dry heat towards the evening, especially in palms of hands, sweat, and colliquative diarrhoea, circumscribed redness of cheeks (left more than r.), &c. Pulse changed, quick, full, and hard, occasionally small and weak. Nocturnal and viscid sweat. Sweat in morning. Cold, clammy sweat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica