
Stool and Anus

A very characteristic symptom is found in the stool, which is long, slim, hard, and dry, and is evacuated with a great deal of difficulty, it may be compared to a dog’s stool in appearance and in manner of evacuation, is often accompanied with the same straining, trembling of the limbs, &c. Diarrhoea: in great quantity, like water from a hydrant, and is very exhausting to the patient (often accompanied with a very weak, empty, or gone feeling in abdomen), painless, stools large, involuntary, mucous. (Emaciating diarrhoea, skin dry and hard. E. A. Small). Constipation. Faeces hard, small, slow, interrupted, difficult to evacuate, and much too dry (like a dog’s). Urgent and distressing want to evacuate. Prolonged looseness of bowels. Feces of the consistence of pap. Serous diarrhoea. Diarrhoea with diminished strength ( worse in morning). Mucous diarrhoea. Bloody diarrhoea. Undigested faeces. Greenish, grey (or whitish grey), or black feces (with flakes of mucus). Stools watery, with whitish yellow and cheesy masses, lumps of white mucus. Stools odourless save for a slight mouldy smell. Stools like scraping of intestines. Involuntary evacuations. Discharge of mucus from anus, which remains continually open. Taenia, or ascarides from rectum, during stool. Discharge of blood during the evacuation. After stool: pressure, burning pain, and tenesmus in anus and rectum, with great exhaustion. Dartings and shakings in rectum and anus (this may occur in children, causing them to cry out, is usually worse in evening or night, they appear to have worms, they will put their hands to the seat, and show by various signs where and what the matter is). Nettle like stitches in rectum when not at stool. Stitches in anus. Biting and itching in anus. Tearing in rectum, and genitals, even to sinking down. Pain in anus so violent it seemed as though the body would be torn asunder, with cutting and movements in whole abdomen, constant ineffectual desire for stool, heat in hands and anxiety, better only by application of warm cloths. Shaking and clawing left side of anus. Crawling stitches. Pruritus ani. After stool, frightful tenesmus for some time. Paralysis of lower intestines, of sphincter ani. Anus wide open. Sensation of rectum paralysed. Cramps and contraction of rectum. Protrusion and ready bleeding of haemorrhoidal tumors in rectum and anus, with pain as from excoriation, when sitting or lying down. Fissure of anus.

Urinary Organs

Increased secretion of watery urine. Frequent emission of a scanty stream of urine (only a small quantity each time). Urine with white, serous, sandy and red, or else yellow sediment. Turbid urine, with sediment like brick-dust. Pale, aqueous, or whitish urine. Variegated pellicle on surface of urine. Haematuria (with acute pain in region of kidneys and liver, and jaundice). Smarting and burning sensation when urinating. Tension and jerking, or burning pain in urethra when not urinating (with frequent desire to urinate).

Male Sexual Organs

Very strong sexual desire, with constant wish for coition. Impotence after excessive excitement and onanism. Erections which are too energetic in evening or morning. Frequent (involuntary) pollutions. Feeble erections or none at all. Feeble and too speedy emission during coition. Pains in testes and swelling of spermatic cord. Hydrocele.

Female Sexual Organs

Nymphomania. Aversion to coitus. Tearing in genital organs, and stitches upward from vagina into uterus. (Small pustulation of vulva with great irritation. ***R. T. C.). Oedema of labia (worse left), later gangrene, Catamenia too early and too profuse (and of too long duration), or too early and too scanty and serous. (*Phosphorus patients generally menstruate regularly but profusely, and not uncommon symptoms are, vertigo on rising in morning, with weakness of legs, so that for a few moments after getting out of bed, they cannot stand. H. N. Martin.) Discharge of blood from uterus during pregnancy. Catamenia of too long duration, with toothache and colic. Before menses: abundant bleeding of ulcers, leucorrhoea, want to urinate, and weeping. Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia. On appearance of menses, incisive, griping pains in the back and vomiting. After menses, weakness, blue circles round eyes, and anxiety. Menses: of too short continuance, retarded. During menses: shooting headaches, fermentation in abdomen, expectoration of blood, pains in (small of) back, soreness of limbs, great lassitude and fever, or palpitation of heart, shiverings, swelling of gums and cheeks, and many other sufferings. Sterility on account of excessive voluptuousness, or if the menstruation comes on too late and is too profuse. Smarting, corrosive leucorrhoea (drawing blisters). Hard and painful nodosities in breasts. Inflammation (erysipelatous) of breasts, even after formation of pus. Erysipelatous inflammation of mammae, with swelling, burning pains, and shootings. Anxious feeling beneath left breast, with bitter eructations. Burning, pinching in right breast, heat mounting to head. Cramp pain in breast, high up, under sternum, with eructations. At 3.30 p.m. pain from left nipple to right nipple, thence to right shoulder and right little finger. Pain below nipple shooting like electricity. Nipples hot and sore. Papular eruption on breasts.

Abscess in mammae, also with fistulous ulcers, bluish colour.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness and scraping in throat, sometimes prolonged. Aphonia, so as to be unable to speak except in a whisper. Catarrh with cough, fever, and fear of death. Very painful sensibility of larynx, which prevents speaking. Stitches, soreness, roughness, and dryness in the larynx. Croup, bronchitis. Great sensibility of larynx with burning pain. Dryness in trachea and chest. Expectoration of mucus from larynx. Cough excited by a tickling and itching in chest, or with hoarseness and sensation as if chest were raw. Hollow, hacking, spasmodic, tickling cough, especially if caused by tickling in chest, at night, preventing

sleep. Cough with shootings in throat, chest, and scrobiculus, sometimes only at night. Dry cough every day, which continues several hours, with pains in stomach and abdomen. Cough with stitches over one eye. Cough from a change in the weather and from strong odours, from lying on left side or on back. Cough from going from warm into cold room (H. N. Martin). Dry, shaking cough, with sensation as if head were going to burst, excited by cold air, by drinking, or by reading aloud. Cough with vomiting. Cough excited by laughing. Dry cough, as if caused by tubercles, or chronic pneumonia. Cough in paroxysms, brings up a viscid, muco-purulent expectoration, branched like the bronchial tubes. Cough with purulent and saltish expectoration, especially morning and evening. Cough with expectoration in morning, without expectoration in evening, expectoration frothy, pale red, rust coloured, streaked with blood, white and tough, cold mucus, tasting sour or sweet, transparent mucus in morning after rising. Greenish expectoration from cough. Cough with expectoration of slimy mucus or of blood, with smarting in chest.


Noisy and panting respiration. Difficult respiration, especially in evening, with anguish in chest, worse by sitting down. Respiration oppressed, quick, anxious. Difficult inspiration, heaviness, fulness, and tension on chest. Obstructed respiration and oppression of chest of various kinds, especially in morning or evening, as also during movement. Spasmodic asthma. Constrictive spasms in chest. Heaviness, fullness, and tension in chest. Contractive spasms in chest. Tearing in chest. Lancinations in chest, and especially in left side, sometimes prolonged, or else when the parts are touched. Burning pain as from excoriation in chest. Inflammation of lungs (left side). Pneumonia nervosa (lungs hepatized). Tuberculosis (phthisis mucosa). Sensation of fatigue in chest. Anguish in chest. Congestion in chest, with sensation of heat which ascends to throat. Pain under left breast, when lying upon it. Yellow spots on chest.

Heart and Pulse

Anxiety about heart with nausea and a peculiar hunger, somewhat better by eating, distressing even in bed. Sensation of warmth about right side of heart. Pressure, heaviness, aching in heart. Rush of blood to heart and palpitation, that becomes very violent after eating. Palpitation of heart of different kinds, especially after a meal, morning and evening, as also when seated, and after all kinds, especially after a meal, morning and evening, as also when seated, and after all kinds of mental excitement. Palpitation of heart with obstructed respiration, palpitation from every mental emotion. Violent palpitation with anxiety, evenings and mornings in bed, on slight motion. Blowing sounds in heart. Pressure in middle of sternum and about heart. Pulse rapid, full, and hard, small, weak, easily compressed.

Neck and Back

Rigidity of nape of neck. Pressure on shoulders. Swelling of neck. Engorgement of axillary glands and of those of nape of neck and of neck. Itching and shooting under axillae. Fetid sweat under axillae. Paralysed sensation in upper sacrum and lower lumbar vertebrae. Contusive pain in loins and back (as if back were broken), especially after having been seated a long time, hindering walking, rising up, or making the least movement. Pain in small of the back when rising from a stooping position. Burning in back or small of the back when rising from a stooping position. Burning in back or small of back (especially with delayed menses). Tabes dorsalis. Burning pains in limbs. Sensitiveness of spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae to pressure. Softening of spine. Heat or burning in back, between scapula Tearings and stitches in and beneath both scapula. Pain in coccyx impeding easy motion, can find no comfortable position, followed by painful stiffness of nape. Coccyx painful to touch as from an ulcer. Transient pain from coccyx though spine to vertex that drew head back during the stool. Backache and palpitations prevail (***R.T.C.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica