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Phosphorus signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Phosphorus is used…

      The Element. P. (A. W. 30.96). Saturated solution in absolute alcohol. Trituration of Red amorphous Phosphorus.


Alopecia areata. *Amaurosis. Amblyopia. Anaemia, acute pernicious. Anus, fissure of. *Antrum, *disease of. *Arteries, *disease of. Asthma. Bronchi, diseases of. *Brain, *affections of, softening of. Brain-fag. Breast, abscess of, fistula of. *Bronchitis, membranous. *Cancer of bone. Cataract. Catarrh, intestinal, nasal. Chilblains. Chlorosis. Chorea. Ciliary neuralgia. Coccygodynia. Cold. Constipation. *Consumption. *Corpulency. *Cough. Croup. Dandruff. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. *Ecchymosis. *Enteric fever. Ephelis. Epilepsy. *Erotomania. Exophthalmos. Exostosis. *Eyes, *affections of. Fainting. *Fatty degeneration. Fistula. Flatulence. Fungus hematodes. *Gastritis. Glaucoma. Gleet. Gums, ulceration of. *Hemoglobinuria. *Haemorrhagic diathesis. Headache. *Heart, *degeneration of, murmurs of. *Hydrocele. *Hydrocephalus. Hysteria. Impotence. Intussusception. *Jaundice, malignant, of pregnancy, of anemia. *Few, *disease of. *points, *affections of. Keratitis. *Lactation, *disorders of. *Laryngitis. Levitation. Lightning, effects of. Lienteria. *Liver, *diseases of, *acute yellow atrophy of. *Locomotor ataxy. *Lumps, *haemorrhage from, *oedema of, paralysis of. Marasmus. Menorrhagia. *Menstruation, *symptoms before. *Mollities ossium. *Morphoea. *Muscae volitantes. *Naevus. *Nails, *ulcers round. *Neuralgia. Nightmare. Nipples, sore. *Nose, *bleeding from. *Numbness. Nymphomania. *Odour of body, *changed. *Oesophagus, *pain in. Ozaena. Pancreas, disorders of. *Paralysis, *pseudo-hypertrophic, *general of insane. Periostitis *Perspiration, abnormal. *Petit mal. *Plague. *Pneumonia. * Polypus. Pregnancy, vomiting of. Proctalgia. *Proctitis. *Progressive muscular atrophy. Pruritus ani. Psoriasis. Puerperal convulsion. *Purpura. *Pylorus, *thickening of. Retinitis. Rheumatism, paralytic. *Rickets. *Screaming. Scurvy. *Shiverings. *Sleep. disordered. Somnambulism. *Spine, *curvature of. Spleen, enlargement of. Sprains. Stammering. Sterility. Syphilis. *Syringomyelia. *Throat, *mucus in. *Tobacco habit. *Trachea, *tickling in. Tuberculosis. Tumours, erectile, polypoid, cancerous. Typhus fever. *Ulcers. *Urethra, *stricture of. Vaccinia. Variola. Voice, loss of. *Whitlow. Wounds. Yellow fever.


*Phosphorus (Light-bearer, Morning Star) “was discovered in 1673 by Brandt, an alchemist of Hamburg, and shortly afterwards by Kunkel, in Saxony.’ Teste, from whom I quote, says that attempts were made to use *Phosphorus in medicine immediately after discovery. Kunkel made it into his “luminous pills, ‘ and Kramer claimed to have cured with it diarrhoea, epilepsy, and malignant fevers. Teste gives a list of old-school cures, which include: Continuous, bilious, and intermittent fevers, general oedema, measles, two cases of pneumonia of left lung, with ataxic symptoms, chronic rheumatism of the legs, apoplexy, hydrocephalus, periodic headaches (in one case with menstrual irregularity), catalepsy, epilepsy, gutta serena, asthenia facilis, chronic lead poisoning, a list which shows a very good idea of the range of action of Phosphorus Hahnemann’s proving brought out the fine indications, without which the generals are of little service, and to Hahnemann’s symptoms have been added those of later provings and of numerous cases of poisoning, and the effects on workers in match factories, especially necrosis of the lower jaw. The vapor given off by unignited *Phosphorus is *Phosphorus oxide. The jaw affection, called “Phossy-jaw’ by the work people themselves, is accompanied by profound adynamia, and not infrequently ends in death. “The form of the disease differs according to whether the upper or lower jaw is attacked. In the former case it pursues generally a chronic and mild course, ending in exfoliation, cicatrization, and cure. In the latter the necrosis may be either acute or chronic, but is always severe, and the patients usually die of “consumptive fever’ (*C. D. P.). Here is a typical case quoted in *C. D. P. from *B. F. H., iv 287: *J. D., 21, had been four years in a match factory. For two and a half years he had only laryngeal irritation from the local action of the fumes. He then began to cough very much and expectorate thick white mucus. Then most violent toothache set in, with swelling on right side of face. A molar was extracted but without relief, and one tooth after another dropped out. He became to weak to walk. A swelling as big as an egg formed below right orbit, burst in a fortnight, and discharged a large quantity of white pus. He grew worse, all the teeth fell out, gums of lower jaw were retracted. Examination found right cheek swollen. At right angle of lower jaw an opening discharging laudable pus, through which a probe can be passed two inches along bare bone, and two inches anterior to this another aperture leads to the same. On opening mouth the whole lower jaw as far as ascending rami and down to reflection of mucous membrane is denuded and of leaden greyish colour. On right upper jaw probe can be passed over bare bone. Pareira (*C. D. P.) has observed in phosphorus workers “a peculiar sallow, bloated complexion, with dull expression of eye and gastric derangement, ‘ when there was no affection of the jaws [Wagner found *Phosphorus symptoms long before local disease appeared, e.g., cardialgia, anorexia, eructation of gas smelling of *Phosphorus, also dizziness, faintness, and cachectic appearance. The first symptoms in the jaws are tearing pains, the teeth being sound, swelling and suppuration of the gums, and lessening of the teeth follow, and the bone becomes denuded. Langenbeck objects to the term “necrosis,’ stating that it is a periostitis in which bony deposit occurs, enclosing the jaws more or less as in a sheath. There is no exfoliation. This osteoperiostitis may arise from rheumatism. *Klin. *Woch, Jan. 2, 1872.] In cases of acute poisoning the most remarkable effect noted is acute fatty degeneration of the liver and engorgement of the lungs. At first there is tenderness of the liver, but as it shrinks this passes away. The right lung is more affected than the left. The symptoms of acute *Phosphorus poisoning are exceedingly painful if consciousness is retained, violent tearing pains in oesophagus, chest, stomach, vomiting and diarrhoea, rectal, vesical, uterine tenesmus, bloating of abdomen, sensitiveness to touch, haemorrhages from all offices. Death may take place in a few hours, or it may be delayed for months. In the case of a child of 2.5 who had sucked the heads of matches, two days afterwards there was some feverish excitement, later violent convulsions, lasting three hours, and ending in death. There were found after death no fewer than ten invaginations of the small intestines, which, however, were empty, and there was no sign of strangulation (*C. D. P.). In a woman, 45, who swallowed the Phosphorus from 120 matches, Ozanam found a typhoid febrile state, profound prostration, inability to raise herself, dry tongue, much thirst, stomach sensitive, vomiting of black, sooty matter. Death took place on the second day (*C. D. P.). A man, 48, inhaled vapor of burning *Phosphorus Among his symptoms were: A sensation as if something twitched under skin or was creeping between skin and flesh. Twitching of single bundles of fibres at different times like playing on a piano. Tongue when speaking often refuses to move, so that he stammers (*C. D. P.). A case reported by J. O. Muller and translated in *C. D. P. brings out some very characteristic symptoms of *Phosphorus A strong woman, 30, took about three grains of Phosphorus from matches. Among her symptoms were: After eight hours violent and noisy vomitings. Prostrated, cold, pallid, as if moribund and unconscious. Cold, clammy sweat, general, skin here and there waxy yellow, complexion leaden grey, dark blue rings round eyes, pulse small, hard, slow, unrhythmic, intermitting. Abdomen distended, very sensitive all over, the slightest touch causing violent pains, could not bear weight of nightdress. Senses and mind in unconscious apathy, could only be roused by loud calling into her ear. Aco. 1 every ten minutes revived her. She complained of very violent burning pain in lower chest (oesophagus?), stomach, and whole abdomen worse by every touch or change of posture. Vomiting and diarrhoea ceased, but she still had retching and *ineffectual straining at stool with burning like fire in large intestine and anus. She passed with difficulty small quantities of dark yellow urine, smelling strongly of garlic, *after micturition very severe burning. Boring, burning pains in bones, especially of skull, palate, nose, jaws, and teeth, worse taking cold or warm things into mouth or chewing, only tepid liquid nutriment could be borne. At times numb pain in teeth, they felt loose as if they would fall out. Apathy alternating with angry words and actions. After menses, burning leucorrhoea that made the parts sore. Soft parts of joints swollen. Considerable rigidity of joints. The skin, which had been pale, put on a yellow tint, bloated swellings appeared in places on eyelids and face, pitting on pressure. On nape, back, and other parts the skin could be raised by the fingers in large folds, which slowly smoothed down again. Finally a peculiar exanthema appeared on the skin about the joints like eczema, vesicles in groups turned rapidly into scabs and frequently recurred. *Sulph. was given and gradual recovery occurred. In a youth poisoned by *Phosphorus there was nausea and sour taste, milk tasted burnt, every smell (tobacco, wine, beer) worse the nausea. One of the provers had: Loathing of butcher’s meat and bad appetite. Phosphorus burns are among the most painful of all burns, and the burning sensations of the poisonings are prominent also in the provings: Glowing sensation throughout epigastrium and chest. ‘ “A flame seemed passing through me. ‘ “Warming sensation right side of heart and below left clavicle. This heat spread to apex of left scapula and to acromion, when it left the heart. ‘ “From 11 a. m. till 4 p.m. remarkable numb feeling in left leg from knee to toes, sometimes sensation as if hot blood flowed into it.’ Other symptoms from the provings are: “Drawing forcing towards pelvis and rectum as if menses coming on.’ Intense sexual excitement in men with erections, emissions, later impotence. Dr. Sorge, 34, had this symptom: “Weight in occiput and nape, down whole spine a dull feeling as if over- filled with blood, and in sacrum a peculiar paralytic feeling like what one feels in the limbs when exposed to unavoidable danger, heaviness of feet, which were not placed on ground with usual energy. Walk less strong, often stumbled on a smooth road. Diminished sexual appetite, and feeling as if the penis would not become erect when excitement was present. Mental indifference (quite unusual). ‘ E. R. Heath had some decidedly “phosphorescent’ symptoms: Darting, cutting pains, causing much distress, starting from different points and flashing over whole abdomen, imagined an aurora borealis and seemed to hear distinctly voices shouting “Beautiful, oh! was not that splendid?’ as the pains became more severe and lasting. He sprang from bed and tried to collect his thoughts, had numbness all over with sensation of myriads of needles slightly pricking him. Throat dry and parched, a flame seemed to pass through him. Feet seemed glued to the floor. With great difficulty he reached the vessel, and as soon as the bowels began to act the pains changed to cramps. Stools were like scrapings of intestines, almost constant, with tenesmus, for over two hours, after which he laid down in bed, weak, sore, almost helpless. The same prover had: Intolerable thirst, drink did not quench it, but caused cold, clammy sweat to exude the moment the water entered stomach. Later: Involuntary passages, periodic, rectum insensible, sphincter paralysed, slight prolapse after each stool. Stools inodorous save for a slight mouldy smell. H. Noah Martin proved *Red amorphous Phosphorus. The symptoms do not differ from those of transparent Phosphorus, and are included in the Schema.-_Such are the materials out of which the picture of the great remedy known in homoeopathy by the name *Phosphorus has been drawn, the characteristic features being pointed up with the added light and shade of clinical experience. The types of constitution in which *Phosphorus has been found particularly *suitable are strongly marked: (1) Tall, slender persons, of sanguine temperament, fair skin, blonde or red hair, quick, lively perceptions and sensitive nature. (2) Young people who grow too rapidly and are inclined to stoop, chlorotic, anaemic. (In experiments on young animals *Phosphorus has produced rickets. Kessel (*H. W., xxxi. 394) gave *Phosphorus to young dogs, in whom it caused fatal disturbance of digestion and fatty liver, and “marked atrophic process where bone was being deposited. ‘) (3) Persons of waxy, translucent skin, half anaemic, half jaundiced. (4) Tall, slender, narrow- chested, phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes, soft hair. (5) Tall, slim, dark haired persons, especially women, disposed to stoop. (6) Nervous, weak persons who like to be magnetized. (7) Haemorrhagic patients, slight wounds bleed profusely. *Phosphorus profoundly affects the nutrition and function of every tissue, notably the hardest (bone) and the softest (nerve and blood). It causes irritation, erethism, exaltation of all the senses, and later a typhoid state and fatty degeneration. In fevers of typhoid type and in pneumonia Phosphorus has an important place. It is indicated especially when the morbid action becomes localized in the right lung, particularly the lower lobe. In the year 1876, in the course of a severe attack of typhus fever during my residence in Liverpool, my state, as I am told (for I was in delirium), suddenly became very critical through pneumonic consolidation of the right lung. Phosphorus was the remedy selected by Drs. Drysdale, Hayward, and Hawkes, who attended me, and under its action I made a rapid recovery. Hard- dry cough, rusty sputa, worse *at twilight and *till midnight, worse *lying on left side, better *lying on right side, abdomen *distended, *sore, *very sensitive to touch, stools offensive, bloody, involuntary, *the anus appearing to remain open. Each one of the symptoms I have italicized is keynote of *Phosphorus When any of them are present (with or without the pneumonia) *Phosphorus is likely to be the remedy. The delirium is low, muttering, stupid, or violent, or there may be a state of ecstasy, or odd ideas, that his bones are in fragments and he cannot fit the pieces together. As a leading constituent of nervous matter *Phosphorus has a deep action on the organ of mind and sensation. It produces an excitable condition, exaltation of mental faculties, and the condition which follows over-exertion. The mind, like the special senses, is too excitable and impressionable. Easily angered and becomes vehement, actually gets beside himself with anger and suffers physically in consequence. At other times anxious and restless, especially in the dark and at twilight (the restlessness of *Phosphorus is universal, patient cannot sit or stand still a moment, it belongs to the stage of irritation, and is succeeded by apathy if the condition is not arrested). Imagines he sees faces grinning at him from the corners of the room. Such conditions are found in cases resulting from losses of fluids, over-work of brain, sexual excesses and abuse, and take shape in general paralysis of the insane with mania of grandeur, and in apoplexy and its sequel, in Duchenne’s pseudohypertrophic paralysis, in locomotor ataxy and other paralyses. A very characteristic condition of *Phosphorus in nervous cases is *fibrillary twitching of individual bundles of fibres in muscles. Numbness and formication in paralysed limbs indicate it in hemiplegia and paraplegia. Spasms on paralysed side. In other cases the burning pains of *Phosphorus are prominent: burning between the scapula, burning in spots along the spine, *feeling of intense heat running up the back (no other remedy has exactly this symptom). The uncertain gait, neuralgic pain, and fuzzy feeling of the feet, give the

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica