

Pains in eyes, as if in orbital bones, Pressure in eyes as from a grain of sand. Frequent itching in eyes. Pressure as if eyes would be pressed out. Shootings, smarting, heat, and burning sensation in eyes, especially in external canthi. (Eyeballs feel sore, with tendency to cold sweat and giddiness.- R. T. C.) Eyes sore to touch and feel full (cured. glaucoma R. T. C.). Congestion of blood in eyes. Redness of sclerotica and of conjunctiva. Yellowish colour of sclerotica. (Episcleritis shifting from one eye to the other.***T. T. C.). Inflammation of eyes of various kinds (with pressing and burning pains). Lachrymation, especially in open air, and when facing the wind. Agglutination of eyes, morning, with lachrymation in open air,

worse in wind. Sees better in morning, in twilight, or by shading eyes with hand. Small burning spots on eyeballs. Balls seem large, difficult to get lids over them. Stiffness in eyes. Nocturnal agglutination of eyes. Hordeolum. (Styes constantly appearing, suppurate.***R. T. C.). Quivering of eyelids and of their angles. Difficulty in opening eyelids. Swelling of eyelids. Pupils contracted. Oedema of the lids and about the eyes. Amblyopia. Weakness of sight on waking in morning. Eyes give out while reading. Myopia. Diurnal blindness, which is sometimes instantaneous( as from fainting), everything seems to be covered with a grey veil. As if a black veil were before the eyes. Clouded sight by candle-light. Weak-eyed people who see a halo around the lamp light. Shortsightedness, momentary loss of sight. One sees variegated colours when there may be only one colour. Black reflections or sparks, and black spots before sight. Sensibility of eyes to both daylight and candle-light (aversion to light). Greenish (of red) halo round candle. Cataract viridis.


Otalgia. Acute tearings and shootings in ears and head. Beating and pulsation in ears. Congestion of blood in ears. Sensation of dryness in ears. Yellow discharge from ears, alternating with deafness. Acuteness of hearing. Strong echoing of sounds, especially of human voice in ears, with vibration in head. Deafness, especially to human voice. Feeling as if something were in front of the ears. (Deafness after typhoid, &c.) Deafness, left side, and throbbing headache (produced. ***R. T. C.). Deafness from cold in head. (Deafness with decayed teeth. ***R. T. C.) Murmuring before ears. Buzzing in ears. Roaring, ringing in the ears. Aching, tickling, itching in ears. Frequent tinnitus sometimes changing into beautiful tunes. (Never ceasing tinnitus like steam, seems to cause vertigo and feeling of falling through floor. ***R. T. C.).


Nose red, swollen, and painful to touch. Dry and hard scabs in nose. Polypus in nose (bleeding easily). Excoriation at angles of nose. Ulcerated nostrils. Numerous freckles on nose. Fetid exhalation from nose. Blowing of blood from nose (every time it is blown). Profuse nose-bleed, slow bleeding, Epistaxis, sometimes during a stool or in evening. Acute sense of smelling, especially during the headaches. Foul imaginary smells. Loss of smell. Uncomfortable (painful) dryness of nose. Constant (profuse) discharge of yellow, greenish, bloody, purulent mucus from nose, without coryza. Coryza, with inflammation (soreness) of throat and dulness (confusion) of head, fluent and dry alternating. Frequent sneezing. Obstruction of nose, especially in morning.


Face pale, wan, sallow, earth-coloured, with hollow eyes, surrounded by a blue circle. The colour of the face is very changeable. Paleness, alternately with redness of face, and transient heat. Redness and burning heat of cheeks. Circumscribed red spots on cheeks. Ashy, anaemic, blue lips, waxy. Bloatedness of face, especially round eyes. Jerking of muscles of face. Tension of skin of face and forehead, sometimes on one side only. Desquamation of skin of face. Painful sensibility of one side of face on opening mouth. Painful, drawing, and tearing shootings in bones of face, especially in evening or at night in bed, or after the slightest chill. The pains in face are renewed by speaking or by slightest touch. Eruption of pimples and of scabs on face. Lips bluish. Lips dry and parched, swollen, covered with brownish scabs. Cracked lips, crack in middle of lower lip. Tetters and pimples round the mouth. Ulceration of corners of mouth. Cramp in jaw. Necrosis of lower jaw, more rarely of upper. Necrosis of left lower jaw, swelling of jawbones. Engorgement of submaxillary glands.


Drawing or tearing (pricking, stinging) toothache, or else gnawing, boring, pulsative, jerking, and shooting, especially in open air, or in evening and morning, sometimes at night only, especially in heat of bed, or else from contact with hot food. Toothache after washing clothes, from having the hands in cold water. Toothache with salivation, after slightest chill. Pains as of ulceration in teeth during a morning meal. Caries in teeth. Teeth become very loose. Bleeding of teeth. Grinding of teeth. Painful sensibility, inflammation, infixing, ulceration, swelling and ready bleeding of gums. Gums separated from teeth, and bleed easily, especially from touch.


Excoriation of mouth. Bitter taste in mouth, sour after milk, bloody erosions on inner surface of cheeks. Accumulation of saliva, which is watery, saltish, sweetish, or excessive dryness of mouth. Soreness of mouth. Spitting of blood. Viscid mucus in throat. Haemoptysis. Purulent vesicles in palate. Skin of palate shrivelled, as if about to be detached. Tongue swollen, dry, loaded with a blackish brown coating. The tongue swells (agg.***R. T. C.). Stinging in tip of tongue. Tongue: chalky white, dry and white, dry and red, dry and brown in center, coated yellow. Difficult articulation, speech slow, tongue refuses to move so that he stammers.


Dryness of throat day and night. Aching in throat. Smarting, scraping, and burning pain in throat. Burning in oesophagus. (Spasmodic) stricture of oesophagus. Tonsils and uvula are much swollen. Hawking up of mucus in morning. Pain as from excoriation in throat.


Clammy or cheese-like taste. Bitterness in mouth and throat after eating, with roughness. Taste saltish, sour, or sweetish in mouth, especially after a meal. Loss of taste. Want of appetite from a sensation of fulness in gullet and violent thirst. Excessive craving for cooling things. Longing for acids and spicy things. Hunger after a meal. Bulimy, even at night (during an attack of gout). with great weakness, so great that he faints if the hunger is not soon allayed. Thirst, with longing for something refreshing. Sensation of faintness and softness in abdomen after breakfast. After a meal drowsiness and indolence, heat and anxiety, burning sensation in hands, acidity increased, pressure and fulness in stomach, chest, and abdomen, accompanied by obstructed respiration, vomiting of food, inflation of abdomen, or headache, risings of sour ingesta, hiccough, debility, colic, and many other sufferings. Throwing up of ingesta by mouthfuls.


Risings, with pain in stomach, as if something were being torn out of it. Tobacco smoke produces nausea and palpitation of heart. Frequent risings, generally empty, especially after a meal and after drinking, sometimes also abortive, or spasmodic, or else sour, or with taste of the food. Sour regurgitation of food. Pyrosis. Hiccough. Nausea of various kinds, especially in morning or in evening, or else after a meal. Nausea with violent hunger or thirst, which disappears on eating or drinking water. As soon as the water (or food) becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up. Water brash, especially after eating acid things. Vomiting with violent pains in stomach and great weakness. Greenish or blackish vomiting. Vomiting of acid matter. Vomiting of food, especially in evening. Vomiting of bile or of mucus at night, sometimes with coldness and numbness of hands and feet. Vomiting of blood.-Vomiting with diarrhoea. Pain in stomach, especially when it is touched and when walking. Violent pains in stomach. Better by a cold drink. Sensation of contraction in cardia, the food, scarcely digested, returns into throat. Fulness in stomach. Shootings and pressure in stomach, especially after a meal, with vomiting of food. Pain in scrobiculus when it is touched, also in morning. Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning sensation in stomach in and scrobiculus. Inflammation of stomach. Ulceration of stomach in anaemic girls (***R.T.C.) Spasmodic pain, sensation of clawing and contraction in stomach, sometimes with choking. The pains in the stomach are better by cold food (ice-cream, ice). General uneasiness, but which is felt more particularly in stomach. The pains in stomach manifest themselves chiefly after a meal, as well as in evening and at night. Oppression and burning in epigastrium. Drawing pain in pit of stomach, extending to chest.


A very weak, empty, or gone sensation, felt in whole abdominal cavity (this is an indicative point whether found existing among a complication of troubles or occurring alone, and especially when accompanied by sensation of heat in the back between shoulder-blades. ***H. N. G.). Sharp pains through abdomen. Shootings in hepatic region. Distention of abdomen, especially after a meal. Abdomen hard and distended. (Distended abdomen with bilious tendency. ***R. T. C.). Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. Enlargement and induration of liver, with pain. Pain in hepatic region on pressure. Enlargement of spleen. Sensitiveness in hepatic region, worse when lying on right side, with pain on touch. Painful pulsation in right hypochondrium. Contractive pain in abdomen. Spasmodic colic. Pinchings, cuttings, and tearings in abdomen, especially in morning, in bed at night, and in evening, and often with urgent want to evacuate and diarrhoea. Shooting pains in abdomen, sometimes with pallid face, shiverings, and headache. Sensation of coldness, with heat and burning sensation in abdomen. Inflammation of intestines. Intussusception. Uneasiness in abdomen after breakfast. Pressure outwards against sides of abdomen. Soreness of abdomen to touch when walking. Flaccidity of abdomen. Obliged to lie down from weakness across abdomen. Inguinal hernia. Large yellow spots in abdomen. Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands. Incarcerates flatus. Flatulent colic, deeply seated in abdomen worse when lying down, with grumbling (rumbling and rolling in bowels) and borborygmi. Flatus in general.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica