
correspondence with locomotor ataxy, when the conditions correspond. Epilepsy from masturbation. Petit mal: epilepsy with consciousness. Mau of Itzehoe (*H. R., xv. 268) cured this case of sciatica: An elderly lady had for eight weeks a continual burning pain running along back of left thigh and leg, compelling her to spend most of the day in bed. Entire limb so weak that she could hardly walk. Worse lying on left side. Better lying on right side or on back. Worse by movement. Worse by cold air. Better being warmly covered. Worse In evening. *Phosphorus 6x, every two hours, caused aggravation for the first three days, and after that gave relief, but did not cure. *Phosphorus 30, one powder every evening, completed the cure in a week. But the action of *Phosphorus is not confined to the brain and spinal cord, it also affects the cranial bones and spinal column. I cured mainly with *Phosphorus 1M a case of spinal caries with paralytic symptoms in a lady aged 67. That is, I cured the caries and removed the paralysis, though the curvature remained. There was a history of a strained back thirty-five years before, and of lumbago and sciatica five years before I saw her. She had many pains in the scapula and chest, and could not walk unless supported about the waist. Incidentally *Phosphorus set up a symptom of its own: Dryness of mouth, lips, and throat. *Phosphorus has burning thirst for cold water, cold water relieves, but *as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach it is vomited. This is one of the keynotes of *Phosphorus, and distinguishes it from all other remedies in cases of vomiting. Desire for cold foods and preference for cold meat is very characteristic of *Phosphorus, and the cold food, like the cold drink, may be vomited as soon as it becomes warm inside. Ice cream ameliorates the gastric pains. There is nausea on putting hands into warm water, sneezing and coryza from putting on hands in water. Regurgitation of ingesta in mouthfuls. During pregnancy the sight of water causes vomiting. The appetite of Phosphorus is remarkable: Must eat often or he faints. Hungry soon after a meal, hungry in the night, must eat. Craving for salt (Phosphorus remedies the effects of excessive salt-eating). The sinking, faint feeling of *Phosphorus is fell in the whole abdominal cavity, also in head, chest, and stomach. The stools of *Phosphorus are peculiar, whether constipated or diarrhoeic: Long, tough, hard feces (like a dog’s), voided with great difficulty and straining. Diarrhoea as soon as anything enters the rectum, profuse pouring away as from a hydrant, watery with sago-like particles, with sensation as if the anus stood open, involuntary, during cholera time, painless, morning of old people, bloody stool, blood-streaked stool, stool like shreddy membranes. With the stool there is burning in the anus, notably stitches shooting up rectum. A man suffering from pneumonia, to whom I gave *Phosphorus 3, after a few days developed attacks of violent pain in rectum and anus, with distension of abdomen and desire for stool, stool light, lumpy, constipated, only passed by aid of glycerine enema, after stool, complete relief of pain, some times the attack waked him from sleep. With *Phosphorus 200 I cured a very severe proctalgia coming on at every menstrual period. During urination, and also when not urinating, there is burning in the urethra. Another very characteristic burning of *Phosphorus is burning palms, cannot bear to have the hands covered. Flashes of heat beginning in hands and spreading to face. The fever is more of the yellow fever, typhus, or typhoid, nervous or hectic, type. In intermittents when there is heat at night beginning in stomach, faint and hungry in night, heat of hands. There is also chilliness towards evening, icy coldness of hands, knees, and feet, even in bed. Sweat is anxious, profuse, exhausting on slightest exertion, profuse at night, cold and clammy, smelling of sulphur or of garlic. Phosphorus corresponds to yellow fever in many particulars, disorganization of the liver and blood with jaundice, haemorrhages. It has caused acute fatty

degeneration of the liver, and corresponds also to fatty degeneration of pancreas with gastric symptoms and oily stools, and fatty and amyloid degeneration of the kidneys. *Phosphorus stands at the head of haemorrhagic, and corresponds to the haemorrhagic diathesis. The blood loses its coagulability. Very small wounds bleed profusely. *Blood-streaked discharges are very characteristic when from lungs, nose, bowels, or other orifices. Haemorrhoids. Menses are more profuse and longer-lasting than usual. There may be vicarious menstruation in the form of haemoptysis, epistaxis, or hematuria. Left ovarian pain. Leucorrhoea which causes blisters. Sexual excitement is great in both sexes, going to the extent of satyriasis and nymphomania. Frequent erections in men, and sexual thoughts entirely beyond the patient’s control. Erections in spite of efforts to control passion in young men. Impotence from over-indulgence or from celibacy. The female breasts are the seat of many burning, shooting, cramping pains, and *Phosphorus has proved a leading remedy in mammary abscess and fistula. The characteristics are: Erysipelatous appearance, red streaks starting from opening, thin, ichorous discharge. The haemorrhagic action of *Phosphorus is seen in many forms of pulmonary haemorrhage and congestion: blood-streaked or rusty sputa, tasting salty, when patients with delicate chests bring up phlegm tinged with blood whenever they take cold *Phosphorus will generally clear up the case. Phthisis florida may also need *Phosphorus It has also a “stomach.’ or “liver.’ cough, cough comes on after eating, and starts from a tickling in pit of stomach. Cough worse when strangers enter the room. Cough worse from strong odours (part of the general sensitiveness of the drug). Bronchial catarrh better in all grades may require it. Cough causes tearing pain under sternum as if something was being torn loose. Suffocative pains in upper part of chest with constriction of larynx and engorgement of lungs, mucous rales, panting and laboured breathing, even emphysema. After the cough an asthmatic attack. The *Conditions of Phosphorus will generally decide when it should be given. ***T. D. Stow *F. of Homoeopathic, August, 1890) reports the case of H. B., 52, farmer, who had for six months a sharp pain with soreness in third intercostal space, three inches to left of sternum, limiting inspirations. Dyspnoea on exercise, dry cough during the day till 10 p.m.. Thick, yellow, sweetish sputa from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Cough worse lying on left side, when talking, when eating and just after eating, on going into cold air, by change of weather. Better in fairly warm room, lying on right side. Prefers cold food. Has become alarmed by the persistence of the attack and loss of flesh. Three doses of *Phosphorus 500 (Dunham), taken on three successive days, cured. This case was translated in *Hahn. *Month., September, 1890, from Alg. H. Zeit.: While walking rapidly against the west wind three months before, X. felt a pain under middle of sternum with sensitiveness of the part of pressure. Pulse rapid. *Phosphorus 6 removed the symptoms for two weeks, when pain and sensitiveness returned, and with the pain a sensation as though gas would rise from epigastrium. *Phosphorus 3 cured. W.A. Nicholas (*H. W., xxv. 495) reports the case of ***T. B., 51, whom he saw after a four months’ illness, which began with congestion of the brain on the sudden death of his wife, and was followed by bronchitis. During all this time he was heavily drugged. A rather long walk brought on a severe attack of angina pectoris. *Belladonna 1X gave much relief. Nicholas noticed the patient at times put his hand to the back of his neck. *Phosphorus 1 relieved entirely. *Phosphorus corresponds to headache and other sufferings from grief. Hot vertex after grief. It has shocks in occiput, coldness in cerebellum, congestion of brain seeming to rise from spine into head. Phosphorus has “splitting headache caused by cough.’ Neuralgic pains of many kinds, and impending

paralysis. The attacks are induced by mental exertion, worry, *washing clothes, and are worse by music, noises, strong odours. Gale, of Quebec, discovered in *Phosphorus a remedy for “washer women’s headache’ (*Organon, iii. 30). His patient had these symptoms: Whenever she washes clothes or walks fast she has rush of blood to head, red face and eyes, heat on head, scalp sensitive to touch, sudden shooting pains, especially in vertex. Phosphorus cm cured. I cured a somewhat similar case (*H. W., xxiv. 455) with *Phosphorus 30 every four hours, only in my case the headaches always appeared the morning after washing: violent shooting pains left side of vertex, better wrapping head in flannel. I had given several medicines previously which had improved the general health, but had done very little for the headaches. *Phosphorus affects all parts of the eye retina, choroid, vitreous and crystalline lenses, cornea, and conjunctive. It has arrested cataract and glaucoma, and cured retinitis albuminuria from suppressed menses. The leading symptoms are: Colours appear black before the eyes. Always sees green. Halo round candle. Letters appear red while reading. As if a grey veil over everything. Blindness after typhoid, sexual excess, loss of fluids, lightning. Twitching of lids. Pustule on cornea. Burning pains. The characteristic skin of *Phosphorus is waxy, and either clear and pale or yellow. **Under a *”Phosphorus treatment ‘ which was in vogue a generation ago, patients had a peculiarly waxy, fine, clear complexion, and in one case which came under my observation there was also very marked enlargement of the liver. In a case of rheumatism in an old lady who had *waxy pallor, Cooper gave *Phosphorus and set free all the joints. All kinds of eruptions may be set up. Exanthema with pustules (like small- pox), ulcers, psoriasis, lichen, eczema, blood boils, purpura. Hansen cured a case of purpura in a girl of ten (*H. W., xxxv. 105). The disease began with loss of appetite and pains in the stomach, but as soon as the purpura spots appeared the pains ceased and the appetite returned. The inner aspects of the thighs were affected. *Phosphorus 2 cured. The ulcers of *Phosphorus bleed easily at the slightest touch, and open cancers or fungus hematodes with this characteristic have been cured with *Phosphorus “Large ulcers surrounded by smaller ones.’ Ulcers affecting the nails. inflammation and eruptions about joints. Fistule with callous edges from glands. The joints most affected by *Phosphorus are the hip and knee. The left side of the lower jaw is more affected than the right. Caries and exostoses of spine and other parts have been cured with *Phosphorus De Noe Walker cured with *Phosphorus 6 a large exostosis of the femur which had been pronounced osteosarcoma by old-school authorities. There are some forms of rheumatism which only *Phosphorus can cure. These are characterized by great *stiffness of the joints, more stiffness than pain. A drawing, tearing, *tight feeling in parts. Stiffness of old people. Paralytic rheumatism from exposure to rain. The *tight sensation appears in the girdle pain of spinal affections, *tightness of skin of face and forehead. (Also stiffness in brain, in eyes.) Allied to the rheumatic symptoms of *Phosphorus is its sensitiveness to effects of storms, especially thunderstorms. *Phosphorus has cured more cases of headache always coming on when thunderstorms are about than any other remedy in my experience.It has also cured blindness from lightning stroke. The headaches from inhaling the steam of a washtub perhaps come in the same category as effects of vapor- laden air when storms are about. Mills (quoted *H. W., xxxi. 33) relates a typical case of thunderstorm effect: Mrs. F., tall, thin, dark, of mild and gentle disposition, was seen by the doctor during a thunderstorm. He found her sitting on the stairs, trembling and cold and bathed in cold, clammy sweat, full of nervous dread, and almost beside herself. One dose of Phosphorus cm cured. Some weeks later she witnessed a worse storm with complete unconcern. The power of *Phosphorus over septic conditions is illustrated in a case of Howard Crutcher’s (quoted *H. W., xxxiii. 405). A girl, 16, had perforating appendicitis, operation having been delayed too long in consequence of opposition of friends. Although he deemed it useless he was persuaded to operate, and found a large abscess behind the colon, freely communicating with the peritoneal cavity. Up to the fourth day the patient progressed favorably. Then there was a collapse: pulse 130, mind wandering, urine and feces passed without restraint. The patient was rapidly sinking, *Arsen. gave no help. The doctor sent word to the students who were nursing the patient that they might try a hot saline enema. On attempting to give it *the rectum was found to be open, no resistance being offered by the sphincter. *Greyish-white fecal discharges, watery and offensive, passed constantly. “The students, recognizing the indication for *Phosphorus, gave a dose of that remedy, and instead of dying the girl got well.’ *Peculiar sensations are: As if about to die. As if immersed in hot water. Anxiety as if below left breast. As if he had been lying at night with head too low. As if everything had stopped in head. As if chair were rising. As if eyes would be pressed out, or pressed down by weight about them. As if painful nodes under scalp. As if pulled by hair. As if head would burst. As if something exploded in head. As if skin of face too tight. As if something were pulled tight over ears. As if dust in right eye, sand in left eye, eyeballs large. As if something lay before ears, foreign body in ears. As if nose stuck together. As if nails driven into jaws. As if food did not digest properly. As if heavy weight in stomach. Stomach as if freezing. As if something cooking in stomach. Anus as if open. Larynx as if lined with fur. As if skin on larynx. As if a piece of skin hanging loose in larynx. As if something in middle of sternum torn loose. As if heart had grown fast. As if chest eviscerated. As if a narrow band encircled body and lay upon heart. As if great weight lying on middle of sternum. Back as if broken. As if quicksilver moved up and down spinal cord. Coccyx as if ulcerated. Soles as if he had walked too much. Feet as if asleep. Ankles as if sprained. *Suddenness is a feature of *Phosphorus: Sudden prostration such as may occur in diphtheria, measles, scarlatina, or any disease in which the system has sustained a profound shock. The left side is somewhat more affected than the right, the venous more than the arterial system. The symptoms of *Phosphorus are worse from touch (cannot bear touch of nightdress), from pressure (but pressure ameliorates feeling as if something before ears and pains in chest). Rubbing better. Mesmerism better. Rest worse pain in arms and shoulders. Lying down causes intense pains in eyes, worse colic and tearing in jaws, ameliorates heat of scalp and incarcerated flatus. Weakness after stool and after urinating, compelling lying down. Lying on back worse diarrhoea, asthma, ameliorates pneumonia, pain in arm. Lying on left side worse, on right side better. Sitting worse. Motion, exertion, walking, especially fast walking, worse. Exertion physical or mental worse. Laughing worse (cough). Coughing causes headache. Talking worse pain in larynx. Worse from spraining parts. Worse lifting arms. Worse before sleep, worse after (Some symptoms are worse on waking, but this is less characteristic.). Worse morning, evening (especially *twilight), before midnight. Heat worse boring in teeth, back pains, itching spots of skin. Warm food and drink worse (but hot drinks ameliorates flatulent colic). Warm water, putting hands in causes toothache. Warm wraps ameliorates neuralgia of head and heat of scalp. Weather changes (either way) worse. Open air ameliorates pain in forehead, hemicrania, stuffed feeling in nose, worse vertigo, toothache, cough, causes tearing in labia, causes taking cold easily. Wind worse. Thunderstorm worse. Washing with cold water better. Washing clothes, wet weather worse. Worse light, noise, music, piano playing. Ameliorates In the dark.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica