

*Antidoted by: Nux-f, Coffea, Terebe., Kali permang. well diluted and given freely (Dr. Antal). *It antidotes: Terebe., Rhus ven., Camph., Iodium, Natrum mur. (excessive use of salt), Petrol. *Complementary: Arsenicum, Cepa (all three have alliaceous odours), Carb-v., Ipecac. *Incompatible: Causticum *Compatible: Arsenicum, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Carb-v., Chi., K-ca., Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pul., Rhus, Sepia, Silicea, Sul. *Compare: Arsenicum, Mercurius, Petroleum, Sul. Asthma after cough, Arsenicum (Arsenicum before and after). Fancies himself in pieces, Baptisia Stitches up vagina. Sul., Sepia, Pul., nitricum acidum, Alumina, Berberis, Am-c. Weakening night-sweats, Chi., Calcarea, Lycopodium Sweats towards morning, Calcarea, Lycopodium (Phosphorus on awaking). Tongue glazed, Lachesis (Lachesis red, Phosphorus dry, cracked, black). Lienteria, Chi. Cough worse entering cold air from warm room (Bryonia opposite). Fear of darkness, Ammonium muriaticum, Calcarea, Stro, Val., Stramonium Fear of ghosts, Pul. Sense of insecurity in bowels, Alo. Piles during menses, Collins, Ignatia, Lachesis, Pul. Effect of raising arms high to lift things, Rhus. Chilblains, general paralysis, Agaricus Headache with increased intellectual powers (Phytolacca with increased hearing). Hunger at night, Chi- s., Pso., Pul., Ignatia, Lycopodium (Pho. unappeasable hunger with febrile heat). Left ovarian pain, Coloc., Thuja, Lachesis, Bryonia Somnambulism, Can-i., Sul., Luna. Sensation of anus open, Phos-ac., Apis (Lachesis as if vagina open). Worse walking fast, Pul. Regurgitation of food, Sul. Nocturnal salivation, Charm., Nux vomica, Rhus. Difficult swallowing of liquids, Belladonna, Causticum, Can., Hyo., Ignatia, Lachesis, Lycopodium Blood from bowel, Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Sul., Caps., Mercurius c. Menorrhagia, Calcarea Laughs at serious things, Anacardium, Lycopodium, Nux-m., Platina Haemorrhage, blood does not coagulate, Sanguisuga. Fatty changes in blood, kidneys, spinal cord, brain-fag, crawling and tingling sensations, sexual excitement with erethism, backache as if it would break Pic-ac. (Phosphorus has more irritability and over-sensitiveness to external impressions with the weakness, the senses are too acute, or if failing, accompanied by photopsies, Pic-ac. has more intense erections and less lasciviousness than phos.). In general features, taciturn and distrustful, inclined to be angry and scold, sensation of tension, nervous weakness and restlessness, Causticum (Phosphorus has great soreness of larynx, fears to cough or talk, Causticum has cough ameliorates by cold drink, Hoarseness of Phosphorus is worse evening, of Causticum worse morning). Scrofula, tuberculosis, swelling of glands, indolent ulceration, difficult learning to talk and walk (Phosphorus has delicate, refined skin, features sharp and rather handsome, Calcarea large, swollen lips). Small ulcers surrounding large ones (Hepar pimples round sore eyes). Phthisis florida, Ferrum (Ferrum has apparent plethora with great oppression of chest from least exertion). Weakness and goneness in stomach at 11 a.m., softening of brain, enervation accompanied by trembling, restlessness, Zn. (Zn. has ptosis, worse from wine, restlessness of feet, Phosphorus Of entire body). Functional paralysis from fatigue or emotion, Stannum, Coccul., Ignatia, Natrum mur., Collins. Hoarseness, worse evening, weak chest, cough, copious expectoration, hectic, Stannum (Phosphorus has more blood-streaked sputa, tightness across chest). Bone disease, abscess, especially of breast, with fistulous openings, over- excitability of nervous system, cough excited by speaking, Silicea Phthisis, rapidly growing young people, Iodium (Phosphorus is nearest Iodium in phthisis) Aphonia with rawness of larynx, Carb., v. Heat at vertex, imperfect growth of tissue, morning diarrhoea, Sul. (Sul. has hunger at 11 a.m. with the heat at vertex, Phosphorus has not, Phosphorus has green painless stools, Sul. stools changing colour, and raw sore anus). Irritation of respiratory tract, sore larynx (Phosphorus has irritation lower down, sore larynx, worse from talking or pressure, Belladonna only from pressure). Capillary bronchitis, Ipecac. (Phosphorus more inflammatory). Prostration, Chi. (Phosphorus *sudden, Chi. not). Vicarious menstruation, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Senec. Typhoid, Rhus, and erotic mania, Hyo. Cold, cerebral softening, Nux (Phosphorus follows Nux in both, if cold goes to chest in spite of Nux). Cough from reflex nervous influence, Ambra (Amb. worse when strangers in room). Irritability, intolerance of mental strain, Nux. Vomiting: after drinking cold water, Arsenicum (Arsenicum immediately, Pho. as soon as warm in stomach), Bism. (immediately after eating, with burning cardialgia), Kre. (Of undigested food hours after eating). Diarrhoea as soon as he eats, Arsenicum Weakness after stool, Conium, Nux. Sensitive to storms and electricity, Rhododendron, Mercurius, Morph. Polypi. Teucrium, Calcarea, Sanguinaria, Pso., Len. ameliorates From cold drinks and food (Lycopodium opposite). Hysteria, Ignatia Deafness, especially to human voice (Ignatia opposite). Small wounds bleed much, Lachesis Worse putting hands in water, Lac-d. Apathy, weakness and prostration from loss of fluids, Pho. ac. (Phosphorus has more dryness of tongue and sensorial excitement). Diarrhoea blood streaked and looking like flesh water, Cantharis, Rhus. Shreddy, membranous diarrhoea, Arsenicum,

Causticum worse Twilight, Pulsatilla Hepatization of lungs, Ant-t., Sul., Lycopodium (these correspond to the later breaking-up stage). Can only lie right side (Mercurius can only lie left). Levitation, Phos-ac., Stict. Pul. Desire for acids, Phell. Affections of skin about joints, Sepia Tongue as if burnt, Sanguinaria Deafness after typhoid, Arsenicum, Petrol. Nymphomania, Calc-p., Orig. Tuberculosis, Bacil., Tuberc. Explosion in head, Alo. Jerks in head during stool, Ind. Numb, stiff feeling in brain, Graphites Duchenne’s paralysis, Curare. Growing ends of bones, Conch. Effects of hair-cutting, Belladonna Teste puts Phosphorus in three of his groups, of which Pulsatilla, Ipecac., and Ferrum are the types.


Anger. Fear. Grief. Worry. Mental exertion. Strong emotions. Music. Strong odour. Gas. Flowers (fainting). Thunderstorms. Lightning (blindness). Sexual excesses. Loss of fluids. Sprains. Lifting. Wounds. Exposure to drenching rains. Tobacco (amblyopia). Washing clothes. Having hair cut.


Affections of the mind in general, amativeness, dizziness of the mind. Nymphomania. Melancholy sadness and melancholy, sometimes with violent weeping, or interrupted by fits of involuntary laughter. Laughs at serious things. Stupor, low, muttering delirium, loquacious. Thinks he is several pieces, and cannot adjust the fragments. Stupor from which he could be aroused for a moment only to lapse back into a muttering lethargy, and forgetfulness. Great apathy, very sluggish, dislike to talk, answers slowly or not at all. Anguish and uneasiness, especially when alone, or in stormy weather, principally in evening, with timorousness, and fright. Anguish respecting the future, or respecting the issue of the disease. Susceptibility to fright. Fear: in evening, of darkness, of spectres, of things creeping out of corners. Hypochondriacal sadness. Disgust to life. Apathy alternating with angry words and acts. Becomes easily vexed and angry, which makes him exceedingly vehement, from which he suffers afterwards. Any lively impression causes heat, as if dipped in hot water. Great irascibility, anger, passion, and violence. Involuntary and spasmodic weeping and laughter. Misanthropy. Repugnance to labour. Shamelessness, approaching insanity. Great indifference to everything, and even to patient’s own family. Great forgetfulness, especially in morning. Great flow of ill-assorted ideas. Zoo magnetic condition, state of clairvoyance. Ecstasy.


Cloudiness and dizziness, especially in morning. Vertigo when rising from bed in morning, when rising from a seat, with faintness and falling to the floor, worse morning and after meals. Dullness of head ameliorates washing face with cold water. Frequent attacks of vertigo at different times, and at different hours in the day, especially in morning, in middle of day, and in bed in evening. Vertigo when seated, with hypochondriasis, during which chair appears to rise. Vertigo with nausea and pressive pains in head. Obstinate vertigo, falls back whenever he attempts to rise from bed. Vertigo very pronounced, up and down vertigo, things move up and down, or else patient feels sinking through the floor (***R. T. C.). Apoplectic unchanging vertigo (***R. T. C.) Vertigo with loss of ideas. Stupefying headache, morning, when moving, and worse on stooping, ceasing for a short time after eating, better when lying down and in cold air. Attacks of headache, with nausea and vomiting, and throbbing, jerking pains. Nocturnal headache, preceded by nausea in evening. Headache caused by vexation. Headache, in morning. Headache with increased mental power. Weakness of head, which is fatigued by music, laughter, a heavy step, a warm room, &c. Pain in brain as if it has been bruised. Stunning headache, sometimes with violent ebullition of blood, and paleness of face. Congestion to head, with burning, singing, and pulsations in head, red face, puffiness under eyes, worse morning when sitting and in evening in bed. Sensation of emptiness in head with vertigo. Headache as if too full of blood from intense study. Headache above left eye with floating spots before vision. Numb, dizzy sensation in brain, inability to work. Feeling as if everything had stopped in brain. Jerks in head, especially during stool. Sensation as if brain stiffened on remaining in open air. Sensation of heaviness, of fulness, and pressure in head. Tearing in head, and especially in temples, or semilateral. Lancinations in different parts of head, especially in evening. (Incessant shooting pains through brain with sensation as if eyes being pulled out, beginning in forehead, lasting day and night, with vomiting, better by either warmth or cold. ***R. T. C.) Shocks in occiput, loud snaps, shocks in whole head, with shattered sensation as if something had exploded, brought on by over-work or worry. Washer woman’s headache. Burning in forehead, with pulsations, morning and afternoon, after eating worse in warm room, better in open air. Pulsation in head, with singing and burning in it, mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting from morning till noon, worse from music, while masticating, and in warm room. Congestion in head, with beating, buzzing, heat, and burning sensation, especially in forehead. Splitting headache from cough. Sensation of coldness in head. The headaches are better by open air. Neuralgia of head, when it must be kept warmly wrapped up night and day. External shootings in side of head. Distressing sensation, as if skin of forehead were too tight, and tension in face, as if the skin were not large enough, frequently only on one side, worse from change of temperature and while eating, better after eating, with anxiety. Tendency to suffer from a chill in head, with a sensation in open air as if brain were congealed. (Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in brain.) Inflammation of brain with pulsations and singing in head, the heat enters head from the spine, and from it extends to feet, worse in warm room, better when moving about in cold air. Headache over left eye. Headache extending to eyes, to root of nose. Itching in scalp, worse from scratching, with dandruff. Falling off of hair (in large bunches on forepart of head, and) especially above ears (alopecia areata). Dry scabs and great scaliness of scalp. Dry, painful heat of scalp, compelling one to uncover head, temperature of body not increased, better when lying down. Clammy perspiration on head only, and in palms of hands, with discharge of much turbid urine. Sensation as if pulled by the hair. Exostosis on cranium.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica