Materia medica

Gonorrhoea. Great irritation of urinary passages; unusual straining and urging in order to empty bladder; flow cases often, then starts again; shuddering when urinating; urethra feels narrow, as if a band were about it; streams start freely after drinking vinegar; no power in bladder to expel urine.

Male Sexual Organs. Constantly uncovering the genitals (Hyoscyamus), a mental symptom. Temporary loss of sexual power; extreme sexual passions; onanism following or causing epilepsy; young boys are constantly handling sexual organs; cannot keep hands off them. (Coffea). Intense chordee with unendurable sexual desire. In gonorrhoea it often serves as a palliative.


Anti-psoric. Sulphur is purely an anti-psoric remedy and it is known as the king of anti-psorics. It stands at the head of remedies for Psora.

It often cures chronic disease when Syphilis and Sycosis are blended or banded with Psora, by virtue of its removing the psoric taint or separating the bond of Psora from the other miasms. The symptoms are menstruation too profuse, too early, and too long lasting. Not infrequently the menses will stop completely the fourth or fifth day and then return, and the patient will flow two or three days longer. This to me has been a very reliable symptom of Sulphur. Other remedies have it, but Sulphur has it very markedly. Chronic uterine hemorrhage, with oppression of the chest; distention of the abdomen; constipation; often a dry evening cough; burning of the hands and feet, especially while lying down on first going to bed; great restlessness and tossing about at night, with desire to uncover the feet and limbs, or to find a cool place in the bed. Hot flashes followed by a slight perspiration during menses, about, or the beginning of the climacteric period. She cannot endure a warm room, wants the room about 60 or 65 degrees during menstruation. Severe colic during menses; pains in sides; flashes of heat and feels faint.

Congestion of the blood to the heard or chest, heat on the vertex; burning on the vertex during flow. Faint gone feeling in stomach about 10 or 11 A.M., < by eating a few mouthfuls. Bleeding hemorrhoids during menses; flow profuse in the morning with severe colicky pain in the bowels. Standing increases all her sufferings, and at the close of the flow the discharge produces much itching of the pudenda and vulva. Often it excoriates the vulva and perineum; gnawing hunger; fainting spells; hands and feet cold; flashes of heat to the face, restless and sleepless nights; wakens often in the night; peevish; in great haste in doing anything; anxious and in doubt about her salvation; great dryness of the skin; itching of the eye lids, and of the whole body when in bed and covered up warm; lips very red; skin of face and body has a dirty, unwashed look. The lower extremities feel heavy; she is easily fatigued; worse ascending a height; < when standing; < from heat, bathing when at rest, at night and from changeable weather. ((>)) lying on right side, from cool air, and dry warm weather

Sulphur is well adapted to thin, stoop-shouldered women who are deeply impregnated with Psora or pseudo-Psora. It arouses to action and gives new vigor to every cell in the body, curing a multitude of chronic miasmatic states of the system.


The face in this remedy is very characteristic, indeed there is often a typical sycotic cachexia present. We find it greyish, even waxy, again it may have that peculiar greasy, shiny appearance similar to that found in Syphilis at the beginning of the second stage; I have frequently met with it in the public clinics. Thuja is also a great remedy to antidote animal poisons, such as gonorrhoea, mixed Syphilis, or the bad effects of vaccination. We have the copious perspiration of Mercury, but it is of a sweetish odor, like honey, or again it may be pungent, musty, or like fish brine. Especially is this true of the perspiration about the genitals of both sexes. We notice this symptom in most cases of chronic gonorrhoea as marked perhaps as we do the odor of the feet in Silicea, or Baryta-carb, patients.

Urinary Organs. Burning in the urethra during urination and for a considerable time after; it is quite a constant symptom of this remedy (after Sarsa); cutting, drawing and burning in urethra, with frequent urging (Can, sat. Cann, ind.)

Bladder. Loss of power at times; unable to fully void the urine; has to make a number of attempts to do so; incontinence increases during night; comes on while coughing (Bryonia Causticum); urine foamy, often dark with strong odor.

Male Sexual Organs. Nightly painful chordee in gonorrhoea; discharge greenish, watery, or a thin yellowish-green fluid, stream forked or twisted; burning or cutting when urinating (Cann. sat. Medorrh.); pain < by walking; urine scalds when he urinates, and urethra very much swollen. Jerking, cutting, burning, with an interrupted stream. Glans penis very red, covered with red sores or spots, elevated red sore points, often exuding a yellowish-green mucus. When gonorrhoeal discharge stops, rheumatism begins; sensation as of moisture running from the urethra (Kali b.); dribbling of the urine in chronic cases.

Severe burning in the glans penis; suppressed gonorrhoea with sub-acute or chronic rheumatism. Small tubercles (Sycotic) about the glans penis; warts and warty growths on the sexual organs, or about the anus and perineum, in both sexes. Condylomatous growths after gonorrhoea, usually dry (moist Acid nitricum Cinnabar.); deep, red spots on the glans and inner surface of the foreskin, with slight burning. Gland covered with a thin yellowish-green, badly smelling secretion. Glands red, much swollen in the first and second stage. (Medorrhinum.) Symptoms very similar to medorrhinum especially the mental symptoms. Erections violent, long continued, in the morning with increased desire for coition. Voluptuous itching in the foreskin. Urine yellow, copious, with frequent desire to urinate night and day. The absence of painful or spasmodic symptoms does not contra-indicate this remedy, indicated in the second and third stage more frequently, however.

General Symptoms. Thuja is a true anti-sycotic, deep and of long action, indicated more frequently in blond or the lymphatic temperament, but it cures in dark as well as light individuals. Skin looks dirty, brownish; sweats on uncovered parts (reverse Silicea), copious and sour smelling, ceases when awake. Sweat about the genitals, sweetish smelling.


Urinary Organs. Renal colic; terrific pains along the ureter (Berb, Coloc. Veratrum alb.) with nausea, vomiting, retching (Tart. emet.) and cold sweat. The prolonged use of tobacco sometimes produces a sort of paresis of the bladder with dribbling of the urine, habitual constipation, sticky and pasty stools; tremor of the hands and tongue.

Male Sexual Organs. Nocturnal emissions without awaking. Organs flabby with no erections. Impotence in smokers.

Gonorrhoeal discharge renewed or re-established after using tobacco in people sensitive to narcotics (coffee or any of the alcoholics). Many physicians prohibit the use of tobacco during the treatment of gonorrhoea as it prevents their suppressing it, or hinders a cure where homoeopathic remedies are used.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908