Materia medica

Case 3. Geo. F., age 22. Gonorrhoea for three weeks; treatment by regular school. Symptoms–pain in left testicle which is very much swollen, small bubo of left side also. Discharge very scanty, milky mucus, much burning and cutting in neck of bladder or urinating; symptoms otherwise quite negative; no thirst; no appetite; works every day, but feels very tired and exhausted every afternoon after three o’clock. Tongue coated white; bad taste and no desire for water. Cured with Pulsatilla 1m.


This is a valuable remedy in the rheumatic expressions of gonorrhoea or from diseases brought on by getting wet, in patients with a sycotic constitution, whether the disease was acquired or not. Sycotic patients (men especially) suffer at every change of the weather, and at every falling barometer with stiffness of the joints, pain in the tendons or sheaths of muscles. Such patients become stiff, sore, lame and scarcely able to move, because of a severe muscular prostration that accompanies the disease. Lumbago from the least exposure from sweating or from getting too warm while at work, or from sitting in a draft. Notice how frequently these imperfectly cured patients have lumbago. Rhus has a broad field of usefulness in rheumatism caused by suppressed or hereditary Sycosis. The symptoms are aching, restlessness, uneasiness, desire to move constantly; pains relieved by motion or change of position; the relief is momentary, however, yet the patient is compelled to move.

Urinary Organs. Urging to urinate with great tenesmus and pain in the region of the prostate, this is like Nux; in severe cases there is also a desire to stool; symptoms are all better by motion; urine hot, scanty, often bloody; either complete retention or it flows very slowly.

In women we have frequent desire to urinate, which cases not day nor night and occasionally it dribbles away. This is worse in cold air or when cold, better by getting warm or from motion. Rheumatic or uric acid patients needing this remedy frequent, urgent desire, the urine is dark, scanty, becoming turbid on standing and depositing a white sediment. Urine passes in drops with straining and great suffering, Apis, Cantharis, Mercurius, or Nux); urinary difficulties with much aching, stiffness and soreness about back or kidneys.

Male Sexual Organs. Chordee with desire to urinate. Red spots size of a pin head or larger on the surface of the glans penis. (Medorrh., Thuja, Sulphur)

Orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea with much oedema and accompanied with rheumatic symptoms; erysipelas of the sexual organs, scrotum in particular, after acute suppression, or during the gleety stage of the disease; erysipelas gleet or the suppression of the discharge.

Female Sexual Organs. Soreness of the uterus with rheumatic pains in back or limbs; aggravation before storms, in all pelvic difficulties Leucorrhoea worse after menses, in women with a rheumatic element present. Leucorrhoea, thin, dark, scanty, like dirty water, biting the pudenda. It may be thick, creamy, and acrid, accompanied with backache in the small of the back, and much burning and pruritis of the vulva, causing soreness, redness and swelling of the parts passed over (Ars).

Case 1. Erysipelas of scrotum following suppression of Sycosis in the first stage; began on left side and spread down over perineum and towards the right; temperature 103; much aching and restlessness with shooting pains in lower extremities. Burning, itching, biting, smarting in the skin. Rhus 1m cured in one week.

Case 2. Mrs. R., age 53, contracted Sycosis in the second stage from her husband who was a travelling man. Symptoms, burning, biting, smarting on urinating; urine scanty with urging; desire quick, frequent; discharge from vagina, thin, scanty, excoriating the pudendum; erythema produced wherever the discharge touches, this smarts and burns like erysipelas. Backache continuous, can scarcely rise from a sitting position, but better when she moves about; better by hot douches and from hot baths, worse during wet or stormy weather; cured with Rhus tox, given in the 1m then in the c.m. potency, followed by Sulphur c.m.


Acute or chronic gonorrhoea with burning at the root of penis when urinating. Frequent urging to urinate.


This remedy is syco-syphilitic and is indicated in old men at the close of the secondary and at the beginning of the tertiary stage. It is one of the remedies for old debauchees enfeebled by intoxicants and venereal disease.

It may follow Nux and may be compared with thuja in gonorrhoea. Symptoms-spasm of the sphincter when sitting down to urinate; relieved by standing; he tries to grasp the neck of bladder with his fingers at the close of urination. There is a severe pain or spasm at the close, which causes him to cry out. Children scream when urinating, but it is usually caused by the passage of sand or a lithic deposit from the bladder. Offensive odor from the genitals (Psorinum, Thuja); rheumatism following the suppression of the discharge (Arsenicum, Bryonia, Rhus, Dulc). Gonorrhoea checked from getting cold or wet and is followed by rheumatism. Indicated in the tertiary stage when warts, gouty nodules, and gouty pains follow a suppression in the first or second stage of gonorrhoea; moist eruptions on the genitals; headache, with pain in the back of the head the pain settles at root of nose. Adapted to dark- haired, nervo-bilious temperaments.


Suitable to tall thin women with lax, muscular fiber. She is without natural affection or sexual appetite, especially after child bearing. She is excitable, nervous and fidgety, worse when alone. The face is often freckled or has many moth patches and pigmentary spots. Gonorrhoeal discharge milky or thick greenish- yellow; discharge painless; indicated frequently at the close of the secondary stage. It has a drop of discharge of a milky or yellowish color which appears only on the morning and is generally painless.

With stricture it has the same symptoms; discharges stain the linen yellow or yellowish-brown. Frequent desire to urinate; urine milky and burns like fire (female); cutting like knives on urinating it passes involuntarily while sneezing or coughing (Bryonia Causticum) Gonorrhoeal discharge at night only in men, staining the linen yellow; painless drop; no burning on urinating; urine loaded with urates. Chronic gonorrhoea with loss of sexual power. Great weakness after coition. Urinary organs; feeling as if a drop was coming out of the bladder, constant pressure on the bladder with inclination to urinate, urine deposit a brick dust sediment, sensation as of enlargement of the bladder. Gleet, no pain, no soreness, subacute or chronic stage of the disease, with only a single drop in the morning, yellowish staining the linen. Meatus glued together in the morning; sexual organs fee weak.


A syco-syphilitic remedy useful after mercurialization; the patient is easily excited and aroused to anger. Hardness, induration and chronic enlargement of the glands. Prostate gland greatly enlarged causing frequent urging to urinate, passing it in drops with burning before and after. Impotence and complete loss of sexual power; legs and back weak with loss of mental and vital energy. Sensitive warts about the genitals; testicles atrophied, very small; periosteal pains in the long bones; worse at night.


Urinary Organs. A stopped up, clogged sensation in the male urethra; urine scalds; itching at orifice, (Sulphur); urinates very slowly, therefore has to strain, (secondary Syphilis); color, golden-yellow, (Kali carb.); infrequent scanty, slow. After chills, urine quite profuse. Urinary troubles increases at night, (Syphilis).

Male Sexual Organs. Chancres about the glans penis, quite small; lardaceous floor, everted edges; glans of a purplish color. Suppressed chancre, where the disease attacks the organism in other places. Pricking or sticking in the chancre is quite a common symptom. ( Acid nitricum) Bubo, left inguinal, small, fluctuating, purple, painful; increased by standing and at night, or from midnight until morning. Inflammation and induration of the spermatic cord.


Urinary Organs. Kidneys secrete very little urine, often none in acute febrile diseases of children. Great desire to urinate, often in acute diseases or after labor or miscarriage. Bladder- retention of urine, after great staining a few drops pass. Not painful like Cantharis, flow increased by drinking vinegar; urine discharged in drops, after straining and urging. (Cantharis Mercurius Cor. Nux. Apis.) Urinates profusely at night, while during the day it is scanty and only passed with great difficulty. Urinary suppression to reflex spinal irritation, brain or spinal disease. Urine very profuse after the delirium of this remedy. Urine often involuntary or dribbling in severe fevers or brain troubles. Temporary paralysis of the bladder sphincter; bladder empty, no urine secreted. Copious passages of pale, watery urine following acute delirium or nervous attacks.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908