Materia medica

Case 2. Wm. L., age 32, dark complexion, has been taking oil of sandal for nearly a week; symptoms, fever, general aching, headache, drowsiness, stupid, wishes to be left alone; urinates every few minutes when on his feet; better lying down; much prostrated and is chilly; pulse soft and slow as compared with the temperature which is 102. Discharge is scanty like starch- water which was greatly increased after ceasing the use of the sandal oil. Case was cured in one week with no change of remedy.


Urinary Organs. Stitches in the region of the prostate gland while urinating; frequent urging with at first only a few drops, then the stream becomes natural (T.F.Allen). Gonorrhoea with stitches in the orifice of the urethra when urinating; burning, biting or a tickling sensation in the orifice when urinating. When the urine begins to pass it causes a shiver to pass over the patient as if he were chilly; burning at the close of urination; swelling of the testicles and especially the epididymus after suppression; testicles drawn up and sensitive; discharge, white mucus.


In these days of strenuous living and of stress and strain, we frequently need such a remedy as Lachesis. We need any of such remedies to restore harmony to the abused and overworked nerve centers of our patients. How many of its symptoms correspond to the symptoms of Sycosis as od those of Rhus. tox., Gelsemium, Lac., can. and Thuja. Remember in Lachesis we have the quick, comprehensive, supersensitive patient, or we may have great dullness of intellect with bodily weakness to correspond with the low state of mind. They are often sad, melancholic, whimsical, suspicious, distrustful and above all jealous. The face looks anxious, distressed and uneasy. The discharges are all dark foul- smelling, thin and watery. The lesions are malignant or semi- malignant, supersensitive or hyperesthetic and are aggravated by heat, touch, warm bathing and after sleep. Selfconsciousness stands out boldly at all time, and no pressure or weight can be endured on any of the nerve centres of the body. This is peculiar to Lachesis in all its provings and clinical work. In insanity they think they have superhuman power or control and are oversensitive to impressions or touch, all the faculties being oversensitive and intense. Yet strange as it may seem, hard, firm pressure will often relieve. The face in this disease is of a purple color or mottled in severe cases, with hemorrhages of dark, thin watery blood. Again the face my be puffed, livid, besotted, sallow and oedematous.

Urinary Organs. There are stitching pains in the kidneys extending downward through the ureters. In cystitis there is a feeling as of a ball in the bladder or in the abdomen when turning over. There is ineffectual urging with much burning when the urine passes. Again, the urine may be scanty, and very dark, and cause violent burning. The urine is strong, dark brown, offensive in fevers, or it is black and foamy, and it may be as if mixed with coffee grounds, as in scarlatina. Then, again, it may be black and albuminous in that disease.

Male Sexual Organs. Great sexual excitement and sexual desire is manifested in this disease. A jealous mania or epilepsy often follows sexual excesses in this remedy. There is excessive sexual desire with continuous erections at night or after first sleep; the semen has a pungent smell. On the sexual organs you will often find sycotic eruptions or ulcers of a dark, bluish color. The scrotum is greatly swollen, of a dark color; there is threatened gangrene of the sexual organs; chancres or chancroid ulcers, dark in color and phagedenic in character; buboes of a dark color, very sensitive to touch, and with fistulous openings.


We are only beginning to understand the use of the milk remedies, and we are greatly indebted to Dr.Swan and Dr.Laura Morgan for what we known of this remedy. It shows clearly, that we ought not to stop in selecting from nature’s storehouse, remedial agents for the cure of the sick. Strange and peculiar are the symptoms that develop from the animal fluids and excretions, deep and profound are their action; they go down into the innermost chambers of life, in their work upon the vital force.

Mind Symptoms. Depression of spirits; listlessness, with disinclination to either bodily or mental labour, seems to be quite a constant symptoms. Headache with great depression of spirits. It cures (like Natrum) a headache found in very anaemic, tubercular patients especially in women who are run down in health and very anaemic. Their residual supply of nerve energy is very low, therefore they faint easily or have fainting spells. The headache of these patients is often worse lying down; when they get out of bed and get on their feet, it induces fainting or a faint feeling, as in China and Ammonium Carb. The pain is usually in the forehead just above the eyes; occasionally it reaches to the occiput. The pain is often unbearable, intense, and lasts for days. Nat. mur.and Tuberculinum have a similar headache. When the pain gets very severe, nausea and vomiting is often induced, they have a great dread of light, noise and motion. It is relieved by copious urination. The inner edge of the right eyebrow is favorite for the headache of this remedy to begin. It is called the “American” sick headache Chronic constipation with these sick headaches is not infrequent; stools are dry, large and hard, causing the patient to strain much, and often the stool lacerates the anus.

Urinary Organs. In women the urine is pale, copious, and retained with difficulty. There is pain in the region of the kidneys, that passes around towards the bladder like berberis, or the pain goes from the kidneys down the back to the thighs. Sometimes the urine passes in a great an like hot water.


Dr. J.T.Kent says that milk remedies are animal products and foods of animal life, and therefore correspond to our innermost physical nature. True it is often necessary to select from some of these milk products, in order to find a remedy that will reach down deep enough into the life and the potent, disturbing element. Lac. caninum is one of these remedies for consideration and study. It has many mental and nervous symptoms peculiar to Sycosis. In the crude state it was used there thousand years ago for the expulsion of the dead foetus and as an antidote for poisons. Its symptoms are as follows: The mind is very forgetful, in writing, uses too many words, and not the right ones, forgets words and sentences (Medorrhinum). Its mental symptoms remain long with the patients and are very distressing.

A few of the more marked sycotic disease might be mentioned, that are curable by this strange remedy. Hysteria, acute or subacute mania from suppressed gonorrhoea, or mental conditions following operations in sycotic diseases in women, such as removal of the ovaries, uterus and tubes. The mania is similar to Lachesis, so are the dreams and hallucinations; the dreams are of horrible deceased states of the body; foul ulcers, as if her body was so diseased she could not touch it. They are constantly washing or scrubbing the body to get it clean. Is this not true of Sycosis more than any other miasm? Psora is afraid of water and it usually aggravates all its symptoms. Like Lachesis, Lac caninum is worse after sleep; as soon as the eyes close she sees snakes, dark or black water, and horrible sights that make a lasting impression on her mind. One case that I now recall would not shake hands with her friends or touch anything for fear of polluting herself. There is no desire to live; in this we have another suicidal remedy. Her mania is often of a violent nature like Belladonna, Stramonium, Verat alb. The diphtheritic symptoms show the malignancy of the sycotic element present. All the malignancy of the sycotic element present. All the discharges are putrid and offensive; it has ulcers, sore throat, pustules, and eruptive diseases of all kinds.

Urinary Organs. Constant desire to urinate with intense pain; urine scanty, dark, high colored, excoriating external genitals; urine often coffee colored, loaded with mucus or albumen. Urine suppressed with no desire to urinate whatever (Opium).

Male Sexual Organs. Syphilitic ulceration of penis; fungoid chancre on glans penis; chancre shiny; odor from ulcer fearfully, malignant looking; buboes, with much pain. Gonorrhoea with intermittent pain in the middle or posterior part of urethra. Mixed venereal diseases; chancre with gonorrhoea, or chancroid and gonorrhoea, malignant types of venereal diseases; diphtheritic-looking chancres or chancroid ulcers, with much pain, great sensitiveness and nervousness. Ulcers round usually, greyish white or shiny, glistening in appearance.

Aggravation – touch, motion, standing, being alone.

Amelioration – menses, during flow.

A single dose should be given, not under the thirtieth potency; if it is necessary to repeat give at the same time of the day. Suitable to tall, slim, dark-haired people of a marked nervous temperament. MANGANUM We have but few symptoms so far in the proving of this remedy that bear upon the urinary tract or the sexual sphere, but it is such a profound tissue remedy and has such power to break down the blood corpuscle, that it will probably prove itself to be a wonderful curative agent in all sycotic patients, especially for those that have a marked pseudo-psoric basis. It acts upon every tissue of the body. It produces nearly all the skin lesions and breaks down such tissues as bones and lung tissue. It may be classified with Silicea, Tuberculinum, Calcarea C., Calcarea phos. and Hepar.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908