Materia medica

These pseudo-psoric patients are the ones who have least resistance to venereal diseases, and when they do become affected, they experience the worst forms and are the most difficult cases to cure.

Mental Symptoms. Great fear with anxiety. Very apprehensive and anxious about their conditions; fears something awful is going to happen. Let this patient become affected with Sycosis with all its train of mental phenomena, and we can readily see what a disturbed mental state would result. Women with this profound tubercular taint affected with Sycosis, especially in the second stage, are inconsolable. They are sad, despondent, weep easily and find no peace of mind. Dr. Kent says this remedy in its mental symptoms is similar to Argentum nit., Phosphorus, Graphites, Sulphur, and we may add Tuberculinum.

Urinary Organs. Frequent urging to urinate, with cutting all along the urethral canal. Darting pain in uterus when passing flatus. Urinary sediment earthy, or violent colored.

Male Sexual Organs. Urging to urinate with pain in cord. General sensation of weakness in the organs with pain in the spermatic cord. Discharge copious, greenish-yellow, offensive and tubercular like.


Urinary Organs. Frequent, scanty urination with urging, yet he cannot empty the bladder. Urging to stool and to urinate at the same time; full feeling in the region of the bladder with urging.

Suppressed gonorrhoea with cystitis from strong drugs, such as Copaiba, Cubeba and any of the vegetable or mineral poisons. Gonorrhoea aggravated by over-eating, from rich food, wines, beer or liquors of any kind, sexual excesses or excesses of any kind. Straining and painful urging; urine passes in drops (Cantharis). Strong, acid urine after debauches, increasing at night or upon lying down. Burning and tearing in the neck while urinating, or burning about the meatus; constipation with urging to stool (Mercurius cor.).

Male Sexual Organs. Painful erections increasing in morning. Very excitable but power weak. Gonorrhoea, with burning and urging to urinate, with desire to stool. Discharges copious, mucous with swelling of the testicles. He is cross, irritable, peevish, becoming better by warmth and after breakfast or as the day proceeds. Discharges, slimy, mucous, or tenacious and purulent.

Orchitis. Left testicle hard and swollen, with drawing or tearing pain along the spermatic cord. Constipation, irritable; sleepy; drowsy when sitting or reading; dirty-brown, coated tongue; bad taste in the mouth.

Female Sexual Organs. Menses dark, profuse and scanty, quite often irregular. Constipation with urging to stool. Stool scanty, dark, often with nausea and vomiting and marked gastric disturbance.

Leucorrhoea. Fetid, staining linen yellow; weight and heaviness in the uterus with stinging and burning in the vagina. Very irritable; wishes to be alone and close to the radiator or stove; feels better when warm; feels < in the morning by cold and after eating; improves towards noon, by warmth, rest, or when not performing any mental labor.

Case 1. C.E., age 20. Gonorrhoea suppressed, with swelling of the left testicle; feels chilly all the time, decreases when warm; is constipated with loss of appetite. Patient is cross, irritable and disgusted with himself. Pain in testicle ad spermatic cord relieved by heat. Speaks in a short, snappish way to his friends. Discharge suppressed ten days. Reproduced within twenty four hours, with relief of all his symptoms.

Case 2. N.B., age 35. Swarthy complexion, dark hair and eyes. Contracted gonorrhoea two months before, had taken Copaiba, and the usual remedies given in that disease by the regular school, with injection of zinc sulphate, which suppressed the discharge within twenty four hours. One week later he had sexual intercourse with his wife, to whom he conveyed the disease, although there was no discharge to be seen for four or five days. The patient then complained of left-sided temporal headaches, was chilly all the time and had a desire, to sit near the radiator. Sleepy in the evenings, yet could not sleep at night. If he did sleep he awakened early and could not go to sleep again; was very much constipated, very irritable and cross in the morning; wished to be left alone.

No discharge since the use of the zinc. Three days later there was a slight mucous discharges from the urethra. General symptoms better. Four days later severe chordee and pain on urinating, with desire to stool, when a profuse muco-purulent gonorrhoeal discharge was established; mental symptoms first improved, then the gastro-intestinal and finally the discharge ceased.


Tearing pains on the bladder with a constant desire to urinate; desire to urinate irresistible on hearing the sound of running water; burning in the urethra before and after urinating; pain running from perineum to middle portion of the penis, or a sharp pain in the testicle awakening him at nights; discharge, jelly like or glairy mucus.


Urinary Organs. This remedy produces a severe form of nephritic colic; pain shooting down the ureter, especially the left, with violent tenesmus, accompanied with nausea and bilious vomiting. Urine passes drop by drop and only when kneeling or with head pressed against some hard substance. Dreadful pain with straining. Patient screams out with pain (Cantharis), shooting or burning pains at or in the orifice or urethra.

Male Sexual Organs. Constant ineffectual urging when urine passes in drops, burning hot in the urethra. Severe urethritis with prostatic complications. Perspiration breaks our when urinating. Discharge thick white mucus; indicated in the first and second stage of a severe spasmodic form of gonorrhoea.


Urinary Organs. Desire to urinate frequent, caused by a crawling stitch-like pain in the navicular fossa (T.F.Allen). After urination, cutting and biting. Burning in the navicular fossa when urinating; better when standing or sitting.

Male Sexual Organs. priapism without curvature of penis; voluptuous tingling in navicular fossa. Gonorrhoea with strangury and irresistible desire to urinate with crawling in the navicular fossa. Acute cystitis following the use of medicated injections in gonorrhoea (Cantharis, Nux v., Pareira brava, Medorrh.) Discharge is milky, albuminous, and sometimes yellow.


Urinary Organs. Bladder; tenesmus very great with stinging in the neck; frequent desire to urinate with sharp cutting pains in the region of the bladder; burning in the neck with chilliness; better by gentle motion, walking slowly about. The urging and straining to urinate in this remedy is similar to Nux. vom.

All the bladder symptoms are worse lying on the back; better lying upon the sides, especially the left. In Pulsatilla we have involuntary urination in women while coughing or sneezing. Like Bryonia or Causticum, the child has involuntary urination as soon as it goes to sleep (Sep). Dribbling of the urine in women (old men Carbo. Veg.)

Male Sexual Organs. Seminal emissions worse in the morning; orchitis with aching and burning in the testicles, with or without much swelling; orchitis form suppressed gonorrhoea, orchitis worse in left testicle (right Bryonia, Medorrh., Rhus., Arsenicum, and Cyclamen) Orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea (Bryonia); from getting wet (Rhus); by medicated injection in the early stage of gonorrhoea. (Nux. Medorrh). Discharge thick, yellowish or yellowish-green. (Similar to Hepar, or Nat. sulp.) with burning and tenesmus on urinating and severe morning chordee. Gleet has also a yellowish discharge. A good remedy for rheumatism, gonorrhoeal arthritis, acute or sub-acute following suppression of gonorrhoea in the acute stage; sub-acute forms of inflammatory rheumatism, affecting the knees or ankles, after the suppression of the discharge by medicated injections or douches.

We are apt to find this remedy indicated in mild, gentle, bashful, timid, yielding disposition, who are forever craving sour things and desiring fresh air. They want open windows and out-door exercise and are worse afternoons and evenings, worse lying on left side or back with head low, in a warm close room, before and during menstruation, from eating fats or rich foods.

Better in open air, walking slowly about, or gentle exercise; (violent exercise, Sepia); similar to Tuber, in the desire for fresh air.

Case 1. Emma B., age 22, suppressed gonorrhoea in the first stage, followed by gonorrhoeal rheumatism, of left ankle joint of a sub-acute form. The leucorrhoea in the beginning was thick, milky in color, bland. There was no thirst at any time, although the fever nose as high as 102. Pain worse in the afternoon and evening; pain relieved by gentle motion by cool bathing. Tongue coated white. The patient weeps easily and craves cool air.

Case 2. Alice M., colored; suppressed gonorrhoea followed by salpingitis; a tumor the size of a small orange found in the tube, accompanied with fever, pain and much suffering. She had previously had a yellowish leucorrhoea with sharp cutting in the neck of the bladder and frequent urging to urinate, becoming worse when lying on the back or left side. Pulsatilla 50m relieved all her symptoms up to that time. I lost sight of the case after that.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908