And so it happens, on our Earth, that radiating bodies are created by the dynamisation of drugs,and it is left to our physicians to put us in relation with the done which will re- establish the potency of the specific element which cause of illness. This theory might seem fantastic, utopian but it is not any more so than a theory that would have been conceived women centuries ago,on the radiophonic realizations of our present times., Besides it is based on perfectly proven facts of Radiesthetic Science which so admirably completes Homoeopathy, as it comes from same spiritual source, this term being employed in the sense of prime substance,of “Protyle,”in comparison to the solid matter which derives from it.

The Action if Medicines.

Basing ourselves on all that has been said above we can now precise the action of the Quantity according to the Quality of the Medicine: crude state,colloidal dynamised state and radiations.

It would need a volume to go into details of this sub-title and I conclude this article by attracting only the attention to the error of administering drugs in a crude state, in great quantity. The reader will have understood that this drug would be transformed,potentised by our dynamising circulation and that a secondary effect would proceed from it, contrary to the primary effect looked for,with all the damaging consequences a repetition of such a fundamental error could produce.

He will understand on the other hand that a potentised homoeopathic drug will receive, by its higher potency, identical substances,many of the same wavelength and will thus re-establish the colloidal state and health.


The was need of a KEY to understand homoeopathic action: I gave it by describing the dynamising action of our heart as important, if not more so,than the circulation itself. Dr.Carrel has written” “He who will discover the means t produce the harmonious development of the tissues and organs will be the promoter of a great progress. Because, more than Pasteur than Pasteur himself has achieved, he will increase in mankind the appetite to Happiness.” Samuel Hahnemann achieved achieved this a hundred and fifty years ago.



Marius Ehny