Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. When we see pathology disappear while our patients are under the influence of a well-selected Homoeopathic drug, one that has been selected for a patient because of similarity of the patient’ s sufferings to the recorded reactions experienced by healthy provers while experimenting with the same drug,it is very gratifying both to the physician and the patient.


HOMOEOPATHISTS AND HOMOEOPATHY. On all aides the cry is going up that Homoeopathy is going out of existence;that it is squashed by allopathic maneuvers. So it is in many ways, and various factors could probably be cited as contributory causes for its decline. There has never been decadence of Homoeopathy itself, only stagnation, largely due to the complacency of its exponents and practitioners,who mistook the starting point for the winning post!.


POLIO ABORTED WITH REMEDIES. Following the course of his disease,he didn’t die but he was very severely crippled,and for years later had to use crutches to walk,whereas the patient I attended,married just a year after he had contracted the disease and was able do dance the day of his marriage, with his bride.


CLINICAL TESTIMONY ON DIABETES. During the also few2 years he had been using Homoeopathic remedies off and on whenever need arouse,and had been passing.1.25 % to 2% sugar in the urine without much the dietetic restriction and usually kept quite fit. Early in September, 1951,he started getting a little burning during micturition,which he neglected, perhaps taking a dose or two occasionally of some homoeopathic remedies which he thought to be indicated.


THE MOTIVE OF THINGS. Digestion ends in fact,by the vigor of this dynamising action and the profoundness of the problem thus raised allows one to understand why the Homoeopathic medicine is the one that responds to our deficient needs by the manner of the preparation itself which is identical to the used by nature and independent of all other consideration.


CALCAREA RENALIS PHOSPHORICA. This remedy is one of the practically unknown remedies,which has had no proving, excepts clinical fragment by Dr.Brendenoll, of Erwitte. He states that following a suppressed eruption be had among many other troubles renal colic of marked intensity, with passage of uric acid calculi.