Subject to neuralgias, many pains. Any chronic pain which occurs only during day should suggest Medorrhinum.

Intensity of all symptoms.

Sensitive to pain and intense nervous sensibility to all impressions.

Sensitive to cold, yet wants open air.

Sensitive to cold, damp weather and to thunder storms.

Stiff, puffy, sore, rheumatic, lame, bruised.

Numbness. Trembling all over (subjective).


Formication, sensation of crawling and quivering.

Constrictions, tension, pains tighten, then suddenly let go.

Profuse acrid discharges, causing itching.

Fishy odor to discharges (Olan., Sanic., Tell., Thuja). Body has a pungent odor.

Increasing weakness and emaciation.

Children mentally dull and weak, good all night, crying and peevish all day.


When thinking of it, heat, covering, stretching out, leaning head forward, thunder storms, motion, inland, sweets, early morning, 3 a.m. to 4 a.m., in the mountains, in the sun, warmth of bed, entering warm room, from daylight to sunset, damp, cold weather, wind.


Lying on abdomen or in knee-chest position, fresh air, at seashore, damp weather, by leaning far back, sunset.


Baryta carb., Nat. mur., Psor., Thuja.

Follows Rhus tox.

Compatible with Aloe, Sulph., Tub.

Antidoted by Nux vom., Ip.


DR. H.C. Allens Medorrhinum in his Materia Medica of the Nosodes has been followed closely with additional data and verified and clinical symptoms as published from time to time in the Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association by Drs. Baker, Boger, George H. Clark, Close, Farrington, Hays, J.W. and P.E. Krichbaum, Payne, Pulford, Sloan, Underhill, Waffensmith, Woodebury, Yingling and others.


Margaret Burgess Webster