DR. H.C. Allens Medorrhinum in his Materia Medica of the Nosodes has been followed closely with additional data and verified and clinical symptoms as published from time to time in the Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association by Drs. Baker, Boger, George H. Clark, Close, Farrington, Hays, J.W. and P.E. Krichbaum, Payne, Pulford, Sloan, Underhill, Waffensmith, Woodebury, Yingling and others.


Bilious diarrhoea, verging on dysentery, with mucous stools. Most intense pain in upper abdomen coming on at stool, which is thin and hot but not copious; after stool profound weakness and mild cramp in left calf.

Profuse bloody discharges from rectum, sometimes in large, clotted masses, followed by shivering.

Diarrhoea. Green watery, slimy, yellow; curdled like boiled potato chopped up with greens; thin, cream colored; watery; smelling like rotten eggs; stools pass involuntarily; penetrating, pungent odor to stool.

Cholera infantum, with opisthotonos, vomiting and watery diarrhoea, profuse discharge of blood and pus. Cholera infantum in extremis (Drs. Swan and Hussy). Stool soft and mushy, forcible expulsion, hurried desire. Child of 15 months brought on pillow to clinic, apparently dead, eyes glassy, set, could not find pulse, greenish, yellow, thin, horribly offensive stool running from anus.

Constipation with cramping pains and ineffectual urging to stool, worse evening, company and travelling on the train; stools tenacious, clay-like, sluggish, cannot be forced from a sense of prolapsus of rectum; constriction and inertia of bowels with ball-like stools; round balls and hard lumpy stool. Can only pass stool by leaning far back, very painful, as from a lump on posterior surface of sphincter, so painful causes tears. Leans far back to force stool, then shivers.

Tension in rectal muscles, too restless to sit, walks about for relief distress in abdomen; anxious restlessness, similar to Ars.

Inactivity of rectum.

Babies with fiery red rash about genitals and buttocks, often with marked constipation and dry, hard stools. (Dr. H.B. Baker).

Fiery red, itching anus. Oozing of moisture from anus, foetid like fish brine (Calc.carb.). Pin worms.

Rectal tenesmus during urination, sharp needle-like pains in rectum; piles.

Severe cases of constipation when everything else has failed (Dr. A. Pulford).

Constipation, had not had a normal movement for 20 years, with colicky pain worse sun up to sun down (Dr. P.E. Krichbaum).

Sycosis of rectum thin, ichorous discharge producing itching and burning, preventing sleep; blisters formed from contact of skin with discharge.

Relapsing infantile diarrhoea; father had had gonorrhoea.


Intense renal colic (The giving of Polygonum sag. 2x for nephritic colic is one of the bright spots in my work, three doses only are necessary generally. Dr. C.M. Boger); severe pain in ureters with sensation as of passing of calculus; during kidney attack great craving for ice; renal colic better in knee chest position; pain in renal region, better by profuse urination (Lyc., Tarent.), (worse by urination, Syph.).

Bubbling sensation in right kidney, causing faintness; deathly feeling in kidneys with great mental depression; prostration after urination.

Formication in region of kidneys.

Parenchymatic inflammation of kidneys; albuminous urine with hyaline casts, when patient is waxy and feet and ankles oedematous and sore on least pressure; soles of feet so tender he cannot walk on them, and skin of soles is bluish and hot.

Inflammation of bladder, prostate gland, kidneys; child with severe cystitis, urine light colored, filled with mucus, extreme pain in urethra, end of penis inflamed.

Scanty; high colored; copious, pale urine; strong smelling; pungent smelling; ammoniacal; copious mucus in urine, urine covered with a thick, greasy pellicle. (Par., Psor.); urine scalding.

Frequent urging to urinate; almost constant desire to urinate; if there be any delay an intensely nervous sensation, with either burning or chilliness all over body; urgent desire to urinate; cannot wait a minute; worse during menstruation; dribbling urine; stream forks (MERC. COR., THUJA), the forks cross each other and pass in expanding sheets forming ribbon spray; in urinating very slow stream with sharp, cutting pains transversely across root of penis; flow intermittent, feeble flow.

Painful tenesmus in bladder; worse AFTER LAST DROPS; worse thinking of pain; must get up four or five times at night, beginning after he gets warm in bed; almost unbearable pain at conclusion of urination (Berb., Equis., Sars., Thuja); sensation as if bladder had not emptied, last drop burns and produces great prostatic soreness; burning on urination; rectal tenesmus during urination.

Chilliness with full bladder.

After urination great coldness and shivering, syncope, prostration.

POLYURIA, diabetes.

Nocturnal enuresis, large quantity pungent smelling urine.


Nocturnal emissions and impotency in young men who have had gonorrhoea, especially if treated by injections. Prolonged gleety discharge with rheumatic symptoms and declining health. For gonorrhoeal rheumatism it is a most important remedy, it controls rheumatic symptoms and restores the discharge (Dr. J.T. Kent).

Nocturnal emissions followed by great weakness and miserable feeling all day. Sexual desire increased.

Gleety discharge, scanty, yellowish, gumming up the orifice, or profuse yellowish, purulent, most copious in the morning. Intercurrent in chronic gonorrhoea.

Pain in left spermatic cord, left sciatic nerve, lumbago from every exposure to a draft, with history of gonorrhoea. Induration of testes and pain in spermatic cords; soreness, swelling and dragging of testes.

Burning in meatus during urination and a feeling of soreness through whole urethra, also a feeling after urinating as if something more remained.

Sycotic warts cured by one dose after nine months of careful treatment had failed. Sycotic gonorrhoea, followed by a second attack with chancroids. Ulcers all over prepuce and as they improved the warts began to grow all over glans, back of corona, inside prepuce and frenum, enormous seed warts, the head of penis was two or three times natural size, the warts were very moist and secreted a yellowish stinking fluid, they bled very easily, the odor was very perceptible in a room with him, but his general health was much improved. Dr. W.P. Wesselhoeft advised Med., gave CM. In one week he was better, discharge and odor gone; in two weeks warts reduced to one-third size, and in six weeks entirely gone (Dr. H.C. Allen).

Chancre like ulcer on prepuce (had had neither syphilis nor gonorrhoea).


Great sexual after menses.

Sterility of many years, profuse leucorrhoea causing itching, became pregnant a few weeks after Med. (Dr. C.M. Boger).

Ovarian region, chronic pain, enlarged ovaries. Pain in left ovary with sensation as if a sac were distended and would burst, sensation as if something were pulling it down, causing it to be sore, pain when walked passed to left groin, as if leg pushed something; great amount of heat. Left ovary enlarged, intense heat and severe aching pain, could not bear pressure, though it seemed as though she must press it; burning heat. Great pain in both ovaries extending downward into both groins, could not walk nor stand long, better by lying flat on face. Bearing down sensation in left ovary. Constant pain in ovaries during intermenstrual period. Tense pains in right ovary, passing diagonally in right ovary, followed by a bubbling sensation.

Cutting like knives in whole pelvic region, much soreness and tenderness to pressure, the slightest pressure causing her to suffer for hours; intense, excruciating, neuralgic pain extending downward through ovarian region to uterus; dull pain in pelvis if back is not supported.

Uterus, ulceration of neck of uterus, covered with stringy pus, distinct soreness and nervous pain in lower part of uterus on left side, worse walking or moving left leg. Chronic intrauterine inflammation. Burning, drawing sensation in uterus after driving, standing on feet, or when weary.

Pulling and pain in sacrum and pubic region as if menses were coming on.

DYSMENORRHOEA, severe pains in uterus during menses, burning in sacrum and hips during menses. Intense menstrual pain, varicose veins, worse during menses. Membranous dysmenorrhoea with terrible pain of grinding character. Menstrual colic causing drawing up of knees, bearing down labor-like pains, with pressing feet against support as in labor. Convulsions at every menstrual period, coming on in early morning.

Menstrual flow, profuse, dark clotted, or bright red with faintness and some pain, very dark, stains difficult to wash out, spoiled fish odor, profuse but painless, flows in gushes, worse on moving or even raising arms.

Leucorrhoea, profuse, yellowish, thin, acrid, producing severe PRURITUS. ITCHING INTOLERABLE, worse by rubbing (Coff.), better bathing frequently with tepid water, odor of decayed fish, yellow, profuse, running down clothes to feet, stiffening lines; stains indelibly; albuminous, white of egg consistency, OBSTINATE LEUCORRHOEA; child, leucorrhoea with soreness around vulva and anus.

ITCHING of vagina and labia, worse thinking of it.

Uterus subinvoluted, sensitive to slightest pressure, six cases (Dr. J.H. Allen). Painful hypertrophy of uterus, burning, drawing sensation in uterus after driving, standing, or when weary.

Margaret Burgess Webster