Chancres, small on edge of right labia, not venereal.

Breasts, short, shooting pains passing outwards; breasts cold as ice to touch, especially nipples during menses, rest of body warm; oozing, icy nipples, nipples sore, sensitive and inflamed, soreness of nipples; a gummy secretion, drying on orifice, when picked off nipple bleed freely. Breasts and nipples very tender to touch, also inflamed, large, but not painful, swelling of left breast. Breasts sore and very sensitive at non-menstrual period.

Offensive perspiration around genitals.

Retained placenta.


Hoarse, especially while reading or from continued use of voice, with occasional loss of voice, hawking up of mucus; hoarseness during day with soreness and elongation of uvula.

Spasm of glottis with clucking in larynx, air expelled with difficulty, inhaled with ease; choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis, larynx stopped so that air could not enter, only > by lying on face and protruding tongue (acet. ac.), (Asthma, Dr. Miller, Glasgow).

DRYNESS of larynx causes spasms and cough on falling asleep. DRYNESS, soreness and choking, with pain during deglutition.

Soreness in larynx as if ulcerated, larynx sore on coughing, tearing sensation as if lining of larynx had been torn off (CEPA, as if cough would tear or split larynx).

Sensation as of something foreign in larynx with dyspnoea, constriction and frequent painful swallowing; sensation of a lump in larynx with very painful deglutition.

Tenacious mucus in larynx, bronchial catarrh spreading to larynx with swelling of tonsils and glands of throat, and extending into ears with transient deafness.


Air hunger. Desires to take a deep breath, wakes gasping for breath, difficulty in breathing with momentary faintness; very marked stuffed feeling in chest made her gasp for breath, has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air.

Great oppression of breathing daily at 5 p.m.; sensation of constriction, faint suffocative feeling when sitting up in bed, as if thorax were full. Suffocation and short of breath on least exertion. Smothering sensation, > by eating.

After a deep inspiration singular piping and croaking in bronchi, coarse rales.

Breath hot, feels so even when breathing through nose.



Cough from tickling under upper part of sternum, incessant, dry, < at night, just as she is falling asleep, dry hacking cough, cough deep and hollow like a coughing in a barrel, dry cough with rattling in chest, cough at night causing retching, asthmatic cough causes her to sit up most of night, yellow sputum. Cough < at night, from sweets, lying down, warm room, when tired and nervous, on falling asleep, on entering warm room, after eating.

Cough > LYING ON ABDOMEN, (Amm. carb., Bar. carb., Calc. carb., Caust., Eup. per., Phos.), resting on hands and knees (cina, Eup. per., Pareira brava), lying on face.

During cough darting pains through scapulae; weak, sinking sensation under sternum; INTENSE PAIN IN CHEST; terribly painful as if larynx would be torn to pieces; as if mucous membrane of larynx would be torn off; flabby feeling in bronchial tubes, as if lining membrane were a loose fold of tissue; aching across kidneys, painful shock at base of each lung; rattling in chest; cold pain in right lung and liver.

Great rattling of mucus which appears to be low down in chest, cannot cough deep enough to reach mucus (Caust.) unless he lies on face; rattling, wheezing, whistling when lying on back or either side when coughing.

Expectoration, yellow white; albuminous; little green bitter balls; ropy, difficult to raise; tenacious mucus; greenish yellow, viscid; as if flecked with tiny dark specks; greyish yellow, gelatinous mucus without taste; greyish mucus, mixed with blood.

Dr. H.C. Allen relates the following interesting case: “During a maneuver in the army in 1885, Dr. V. got wet by a heavy rain coming into the tent during a whole night. From this he got a hacking cough, on rising in the morning and in the open air. It sounded as if he was calling someone, and people would turn and look at him with angry eyes. His throat was thoroughly examined by a specialist, but nothing was found. In 1901, after 16 years of coughing, he consulted Dr. Ide, one of the greatest homoeopathic physicians. He ordered the doctor to take one dose of Medorrhinum, and await the result. On reaching home he took the dose, and next morning had no cough, nor did he cough afterwards, even in the open air. As an officer he had had a gonorrhoea, of which he could not rid himself. From this he always had an unpleasant feeling and burning pain. This all vanished like magic”.


oppression of chest, < left side; as if chest painfully contracted, < coughing; anguish in chest, driving to distraction, > walking in open air (Bac., Kali phos.); anxiety and sadness centered in chest, < company, < music, < morning and evening; constricted sensation in bottom of both lungs.

MANY PAINS IN CHEST. Very painful pneumonias (Dr. P.E. Krichbaum). Darting pains through lungs make her start; sharp pain in bottom of left lung. Pain in upper part of right lung when using arm; very sharp, stitching pains in bottom of right lung, also over surface of lungs; stitching pains in bottom of right lung, also over surface of lungs; left lung very painful, feels drawn to left side; rheumatic, sharp pains in chest on exposure to damp, cold air; stitching pains in chest; aching in left lung under scapula, indescribable, as if it was drawn up in hand and then let loose, < after walking; pain in left upper chest through to shoulder; sore spot in left lung; lung feels as if beaten or bruised; chest sore to touch.

Burning over chest, piece of ice cools it for an instant, then it is hotter than ever; feels as if her breath was fanning a blistered sore in lung; as if there was a cavity across lower sternum filled with burning air, which dilated in puffs in all directions: heat like a furnace in chest; sensation as of a red hot bolt extending through to lower part of back, left lung becomes excessively hot when walking in sun, severe burning at base of tongue extending down bronchi, as if a he had inhaled hot -steam; left side of chest, from top of lung to waist, as hot as fire.

Sensation of coldness in chest and mammae, cold pain in right lung and liver on coughing, right lung becomes cold when walking in sun.

Sensation of a cavity in chest.

Fatigue in left lung after talking, as if collapsed or paralyzed.

Takes cold from slightest exposure, begins in head and goes down to lungs, raw feeling extending from throat to lungs as if mucous membranes was scraped with a knife, < morning, sensations as if lungs were stuffed with cotton, < by breathing cold air.


Palpitation from slightest exertion, heavy heart throbbings, fluttering about heart.

Heart feels very hot with heat in chest, beats very fast and felt large, accompanied with a bursting sensation; burning in heart went through to back and down left arm.

Feeling as of a cavity where heart ought to be.

Pain in heart, stitching pain in apex comes and goes quickly, < motion, intense pain in heart radiating to different parts of left chest, < from least movement, dull pain in heart with pain in left arm and sensation as if hand was swollen, pain from sore spot below left scapula to heart with violent palpitation.


Pain and soreness through chest and mammae, great soreness to pressure of lower left chest, front and back, < when moving left shoulder blade.

Sensation of an abscess at anterior boundary of left axilla, hard and sensitive to touch, drawing pains in every direction, < motion of arm, great heat extending through to back of shoulder.


Drawing in cords of neck causing desire to throw head back, swelling of cord of neck, with aching pain in base of brain, spasms of neck muscles, notably steno-mastoid, drawing chin firmly down to chest.

Enlarged cervical glands, glands sensitive to touch and painful when moving head.

Pain in neck and between scapulae running to either shoulder and down to lumbar region, pain across from left to right shoulder, excruciating pain in cervical and dorsal spine extending to shoulders, agonizing pain across and through both shoulders which caused unconsciousness lasting for hours.

GREAT HEAT in upper part of spine, burning under right scapula, burning, crawling under left scapula, burning glow in cerebellum and down spine, intense burning heat from back of neck extending down spine with a contractive stiffness extending into head and seeming to thicken the scalp, heat in medulla and spine.

Contractive pain across scapulae, passing down spine, drawing shoulders back tight, as if bones would be crushed, < moving shoulders, neck or arms.

Pain in back between shoulders.

Cutting under left scapula. Chilliness between scapulae extending to sides and back of arms, < morning and afternoon, malarial, dumb chills.

Margaret Burgess Webster