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The symptoms of Sanguinaria point to its use in catarrh. Here the Sanguinaria nitrate seems to be especially useful. Its profuse lachrymation, discharge from nose and from the posterior nares, tinged with blood, make it a remedy in influenza. It has ulcerative ozaena with epistaxis and in such cases is invaluable. The stinging, tickling and swelling of the parts indicate this remedy.


In this record a cross record index of remedy and parts affected if you keep your journals. If you are among those unfortunate ones who lose or misplace journals, either cut and paste the articles on the remedies or write or type them in full or part. Then make the cross index of the part affected. This will not require much labor and the time spent will repay itself many times over.


The homoeopaths of Ohio need a renewed introduction to homoeopathy, and Dr. Rowland has given them a good start. It was a severe arraingement of the members, when our only colored representative present arose to remark that “that was the first and only homoeopathic paper he had heard since he graduated.


Hahnemann began his investigations with a definite object in view, and after thorough, patient, intelligent, systematic study and comparison, after many tedious, prolonged, and self- sacrificing ordeals, at last succeeded in reducing the fragmentary observations of his predecessors to order, and thus by inductive philosophy was enabled to work out and announce to the world the existence of an heretofore unsuspected universal law of cure-not an occasional means of cure as was anticipated by Stahl and others, but a universal natural law of cure.


Cattle feeding in the open pastures of fresh food give a milk of higher nutritive and vitamin content than those kept indoors and fed on grain, hay and dry foods, showing the importance of tracing our food supplies to their primal source and making certain that the source is adequate and natural.


As a first argument in evidence of the verity of our Hahnemannian position, let me state that we know very little of the pathological conditions of the great majority of affections we are called upon to treat. What is the pathology of rheumatism, and in what possible way can the pathological condition of the case explain why Bryonia is indicated where the patient is worse from movement and Rhus tox.


DR. H.C. Allens Medorrhinum in his Materia Medica of the Nosodes has been followed closely with additional data and verified and clinical symptoms as published from time to time in the Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association by Drs. Baker, Boger, George H. Clark, Close, Farrington, Hays, J.W. and P.E. Krichbaum, Payne, Pulford, Sloan, Underhill, Waffensmith, Woodebury, Yingling and others.


In short, pellagra is a most malignant and, in the advanced stage, a most loathsome disease, now endemic in the south, and we owe it to ourselves and to these unfortunates to make a thorough study of its cause, its prevention and its therapy. Remember that its approach is insidious, its early symptoms general and common in character. Then do not forget to inquire as to diet.


The sole result of his experience in this hospital was the development of a mastoiditis, for which he was treated by the usual operation, and from which he eventually recovered, though not till after his return to Bridgeport. In passing, it may be said that four days after the operation he showed signs of a collapse, so a transfusion was done, the father being the donor.


As long as the physicians of this country sought fame in studying the natural history of their most important medicines, found here in great abundance, they sought to master these precious adjuncts to their materia medica. Those were the days in which young students, about to become doctors, wrote their dissertations upon native plants the days of Bigelow and Barton.


Always be suspicious of a sudden cessation of symptoms without a reaction. If the patient gets better almost instantly with no sign of a reaction, it arouses the suspicion that the action of the remedy is only palliative. Cases in which reaction occurs within a reasonable length of time and not too suddenly are well shown in the neuralgias.


Hahnemann was a representative thinker of the school of vitalism, and up to the announcement of his revolutionary doctrines, occupied high rank among the eminent medical men of his time, and was a highly esteemed contributor to the medical periodicals of the day.


The most pressing question at the present time for the physician to ascertain is whether the treatment of disease is to depend on mere opinion, which varies with each doctor and perishes with the individual, or on laws which, founded on the immutable truth of facts, can never perish, but must endure through all ages.


With all due deference to the illustrious founder of homoeopathy, it seems questionable to us whether a cure always and necessarily depends upon a perceptible aggravation of the symptoms. Indeed, we believe it to be within the experience of every careful observer to meet with cases where relief and nothing but relief has promptly succeeded the administration of the well-selected homoeopathic remedy, relief so speedy that it seemed almost like magic.