In closing, allow me to say I trust that this brief account of the most brilliant and pleasing Congress to all those who attended may inspire more Americans to attend the League meetings.

Dr.Pierre Schmidt and Mrs. Schmidt have demonstrated again their rare ability, as the meetings took place at the appointed hour, and there was not a false step from beginning to end.

Dr.Pierre Schmidt, all through the passing days of the early summer, tried to plan every detail in such a masterly may what nothing might be forgotten to give joy and entertainment. He was so clever that he never once forgot that all work and no play would make Jack a dull boy, so we were entertained by sweet music, tables full of choice things, boat ride views from one point of the Alps overlooking many of the white peaks that form great glaciers, great rivers of ice and snow which seemed like hallways coming from the immortal good. Then he brought us back to listen to excellent papers, so full of thoughts, and between those papers Dr.Pierre Schmidt would tell us about the amazing things he had found among the old books, as he has one of the finest homoeopathic libraries in the world.

May this meeting be like a great light, a burning torch, as inspiration to all the world to strive and work for better things which it seems today are not so readily found.


Alonzo Eugene Austin