Dr. Brissaud (Nice): WHY ARE THE SIMILARS CURING? A theoretical exposure presented in a very literary way of an original hypothesis of the action of the homoeopathic remedy. The discussions and criticisms were particularly interesting.

Dr. Burford, of London: NEW WORLDS TO CONQUERING HOMOEOPATHY. This address was presented in a masterly manner. This scholarly paper was listened to with the keenest interest by all, and new lights were thrown on the surgical part that was and should be taken by the surgeon in many cases presenting themselves to him.

Dr.Le Tellier, of Paris: A PROUESS OF FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. The cure of a case supposed given up and incurable by eminent allopaths.

Dr. Fortier Bernoville (Paris ): HOMOEOPATHY IN CHILDRENS DISEASES. A quite scholarly presentation of the diseases of children.

She members of the Leagues, among then Rotarians, were invited by the President to the Hotel des Bergues at luncheon to meet the Rotarians of Geneva.

That same day sight-seeing auto cars took all to see the historic and interesting building of Geneva on a tour through the city. Geneva is not only a most interesting city, but an old one.

Dr. Lancelot and Dr.Duhamel (Paris) read a paper on: HOMOEOPATHY AT THE PUBERTY AND AT THE MENOPAUSE. I must respectfully state to those doctors that one cannot emphasize too strongly that the indicated remedy must be given irrespective of age of different periods of life.

Dr. Pahud, of Lausanne, did not red his paper on PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE VALUE OF HIGH DILUTIONS. He was generous enough, much to the sorrow of all present, to give his time to other members of the League, that their papers might be read. He always has had a great desire for the finest things homoeopathy can give and is searching for the best.

Dr. Rouy and Mr.Turenne (Paris): HOW TO DETECT HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. New subjects full of interest, enough so, for further investigations, which were presented with fervor and conviction.

Dr. Madaus (Dresden): PHYTO-ANALYSIS, an interesting study presented by a German author whose work was ignored by French investigation and research workers on the same line.

Dr.Edroms (Bordeaux) paper on ALLOPATHY AND HOMOEOPATHY IN THEIR METHOD, was very much criticised, revealing the homoeopathic doctrine of Dr. Vannier, using many alternating remedies.

Let us hope his enthusiasm many lead him into the truth only found in homoeopathic principles and laws.

DR. Hernandez (Madrid): PHASES OF MY HOMOEOPATHIC LIFE. In a very energetic and forcible way be explained how he was let toward the road to true homoeopathy. While attending the London Homoeopathic Congress some years ago with Dr. Vinyals, he met his confrere from Portugal, who told him how much he was suffering from exophthalmic goitre. Dr. Hernandez proposed at once the leading remedy for this affection. DR.Vinyals at once exclaimed with indignation: “How dare you propose any remedy when you know nothing about the symptoms of this gentleman, as homoeopathy requires a full totality of symptoms to prescribe accurately.” Being Castilian, you many understand how his pride was touched and in the right direction as if converted him completely to homoeopathy.

Since that time he has published Kents Materia Medica in Spanish and a Repertory of his own.

Dr. Nebel (Lausanne): ON THE ISOPATHIC TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT AFFECTIONS, explains, in interesting specimens and micophotographies with lantern sides, about cancer and its development. This was the crowning work of more than 20 years of his won original researches.

For the entertainments, no word can adequately express the pleasure and great enjoyment given to us. We found the Councillor of the State to be most pleasing and able. He delighted his audience with words which were magnetic. He represented the state Council at the banquet given by the State and all who attended went away never to forget the evening. This was an event, as it was the first time in the history of Switzerland that such a high official had presided at a homoeopathic banquet.

As Mr. Paderewski could not be present, he did the next best sending two of his chosen pupils who are now studying with him at his spacious and beautiful villa at Morges. The whole world has been charmed by Paderewskis music, so we were charmed by the grace and loveliness of his music played by his talented pupils.

The next morning, the Congress departed for Ouchy Lausanne leaving from the pier of Jardin Anglaise arriving about noon at Lausanne, where a sumptuous luncheon was served in the spacious fine hotel “Beau Rivage”. The grounds were beautiful and spacious and the magnificent trees added greatly to the landscape. All this could be seen from the dining room where a very generous luncheon was provided. In the name of the Swiss Homoeopathic Society, we were received by Dr.Nebel and Mrs. Nebel.

Dr. John Weir, of England, Dr. Duprat, of Geneva, and others all added to our pleasure and entertainment by their words. We left after luncheon on the steamer, which had been chartered for the day, stopping at Evian, where all were invited to inspect the springs. This accomplished, an elaborated tea was served through the kind invitation of the Evian Water Co. Again looking across the lake one could see the Alps in the distance, the blue and sparkling water of Geneva added a background to this occasion never to be forgotten. We again boarded the spacious steamer which took us back to Geneva.

Both going and coming paper s were read on the steamer.

The paper of Dr.Gagliardi (Rome) on THE REASONS FOR A HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIPTION was substantial and prize worthy, logical from a homoeopathic standpoint on every line. A very promising future has this young man, as he is fearless, knows the truth, has set him free, and thus he speaks in no uncertain words for true homoeopathy.

Mr. Ferreol, of Geneva, is one of the most able veterinary doctors in Europe. He loves the law of Hahnemann and ever strives to practise pure homoeopathy on the animals he is called to see. Fortunate are they who fall under his care. In his paper on THE DETERMINATION OF HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDY IN THE VETERINARY ART he gives a clear and real general survey on the difference between homoeopathic treatment in the care to his teacher, Dr.Pierre Schmidt.

Dr. Vinyals, of Barcelona, a lovely soul, working always with self forgotten, no sacrifice too much or great if he can render service to the laws and doctrines of Hahnemann, whom be loves and honors.

Realizing that there would be no spare time he very graciously distributed a printed pamphlet about the HISTORY OF HOMOEOPATHY IN SPAIN as it stands today.

Dr.Cooper, of London, spoke regarding his paper on the boat coming back from Lausanne, of THE DANGER OF USING ALUMINUM IN COOKING. His friends regretted that there was no more time but the President gave him all the time that possibly could be spared, calling the meeting to an end as the boat was approaching the landing. Discussed officers for the coming year were elected and business transactions finished.

The same evening a symptoms and magnificent banquet was held in the Palais Eynard. It afforded everyone and opportunity to become better acquainted. There were speeches by the President, the Dean, Dr. Burford, and all the vice-presidents, representing many different countries. The writer spoke about the President as he had known him during these passing years as a most earnest and faithful worker, who, with great aid of his wife, has wrought splendid achievement for the advancement of homoeopathy throughout Europe.

Dr.Pierre Schmidt and his wife received from the members of the Congress a very magnificent silver plate, on which was engraved the signatures of all the members attending the Congress. After the speeches, the members of the Congress, their ladies, and guests adjourned upon the terrace and on the spacious ground adjacent to the building, which is located in Jardin des Bastions, where they were treated to an exhibition of the athletic games used in Switzerland, such as wrestling, performances on horizontal bars and the most superb exhibition of flag tossing and waving that one could imagine. Some of these gymnasts hold Olympic honors and records.

The Swiss dancing given by the men and women was unique and beautiful. The famous great Swiss horns, which are seldom seen today, brought forth great and lovely musical sounds which charmed all who heard them. The writer remembers so well heating one of these Alpine horns calling down the herds of cattle and goats from many a mountain side to their abiding places as the shades of evening gathered.

One of the finest group of yodlers in Switzerland thrilled us, giving great joy and pleasure. A member of the Geneva Rotary Club took charge of this for Dr. Pierre Schmidt, who is also a Rotarian. It simply was marvellous and greatly appreciated by everyone.

Dr. and Mrs. Pierre Schmidt received the congratulations of everybody in their usual modest way, saying, “If you are pleased we are happy to have done it for the cause of homoeopathy”, and thus ended a lovely evening in the Geneva park of Switzerland, which no words can picture, as trees and strawberries have come from all four corners of the world, and birds swaying on many a branch and the fragrance of flowers makes one imagine he might be in some oriental garden.

Alonzo Eugene Austin