Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Congestion of blood; headache from cold; catarrh and coryza; congestive and nervous; frontal, right supraorbital and right eye involved; temples aching, boring, excruciating from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m., stupefying, tearing, stabbing, hammering with much chilliness, wants much heat; coryza, yellow, foetid, profuse discharge; eyes sore, very painful–right eye; thirst for cold water.

The 3x trituration was given two men. Effect after two weeks; prolonged twelve weeks.

MIND: Desire for solitude, melancholia, confusion, depressed, anxious, apathetic, discontented, dissatisfied, cross, irritable, taciturn, despondent, sadness.

HEAD: Congestion of blood; headache from cold; catarrh and coryza; congestive and nervous; frontal, right supraorbital and right eye involved; temples aching, boring, excruciating from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m., stupefying, tearing, stabbing, hammering with much chilliness, wants much heat; coryza, yellow, foetid, profuse discharge; eyes sore, very painful–right eye; thirst for cold water.

EYES: Above. Right eye painful, letters seem flying.

NOSE: Above. Coryza, fluent with headache, yellow, thick, viscid, profuse discharge, sense of smell diminished.

MOUTH: Ptyalism, foetid, offensive.

THROAT: Hawking tenacious, viscid mucus.

STOMACH: Anorexia, indigestion.

ABDOMEN: Constipation. Dry, knotty stools, colic.

URINARY SYSTEM: Dark, yellowish urine, with burning pain, quantity diminished.

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS: Aversion to coition, desire diminished power decreased (clinical).

SKIN: Eczema gone (clinical), skin dry, chronic, much pruritus, showing bee hive like condition after scabs–like psoriasis dropping.


GENERALITIES: Weakness, marasmus.

MODALITIES: Better dry, strong heat, cold water.


V G Divanji