Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The homoeopathic school contends that cancer is not a local, but a systemic condition, and there are certain general symptoms which suggest the presence of, or tendency toward the disease. In addition to these, it has been discovered by electronic physicians that the blood of the cancer patient has a changed polarity. Here, then, we have the means for making an early diagnosis.


The great reason why homoeopathy fails to make rapid converts is that one has to study drug therapy and symptomatology instead of reading the advertisements in the medical journals. I wish I had all the money I have spent on brightly colored tablets which were to reduce the tension of my arterio-sclerotic patients to normal within two weeks.


In the illiterate alone can we forgive the ridiculous confounding of “homoeopathic” and “small”, because to them the very essential distinction between health and disease, between drug and nutriment and finally between the laws and conditions of dead in contradistinction to living nature are wholly unknown, and they are therefore in this respect anything but responsible.


It is of the utmost importance that our materia medica should always retain this quality of “purity”, this freedom from fiction and from hypothesis. Very justly, therefore, of the leaders of our school denounce and discourage all attempts to incorporate into the materia medica speculations upon the modus operandi of remedies, and inferences concerning the diseases which they may be likely to cure.


The pathetic side of it is that we are supposed to be wizards and establish “harmony within” pronto. So many of these cases result in disaster that it is no wonder we high potency men dread to see them appear. The handling of these cases is nearly always a problem. If it is a real emergency, a palliative remedy is justified. If time can be taken the only thing to do is to wait until the turmoil subsides.


The mentality is like that of an individual who has lost all that is dear to him and has little ambition to survive, whose life becomes a patient duty, merely to be borne, until release occurs. Hence the absence of fear or of aversion to illness; indeed, many wish for this in the hope of passing out, and make no fight for recovery.


Cretinism is an infection beginning in infancy, characterized by retarded and imperfect physical development, due to deficiency of the thyroid gland, a feeble-mindedness, ranging from stupidity of imbecility, a direct effect of insufficient endocrine supplied to the brain cells. Such children present the peasants face with the broad nose, a tough skin, coarse straight hair and an enlarged lower lip drooping with salivation.


In studying the materia medica, special attention should be paid to what are termed characteristic symptoms. Characteristic symptoms are those which distinguish each drug from all others. Taking two or more drugs, capable of producing nearly the same general effects, you will find among them some dissimilar feature which serves to distinguish each one; this dissimilar feature is its characteristic.


No repertory is necessary in prescribing this homoeopathic sulphur, as here it is prescribed not in accordance with the homoeopathic symptoms presented by the patient, but for the pathologic condition for the glycosuria, just as iodine is prescribed by the allopath for a thyroid condition, or digitalis for a cardiac condition.


Homoeopathy does not, and will not, lend itself to the spectacular, hence does not appeal to the ignorant. And, as has been stated, 90 percent of the people are ignorant, it is going to be a man sized job to educate them. Especially is this so when our own members openly declare they are “tired of hearing about pure homoeopathy”, while others think the doctors could be educated in a proper environ


Cimicifuga is a great womans friend; it is as full of hysteria as Ignatia and as full of rheumatism as Bryonia or Colchicum. It is one of our most valued remedies in diseases of females. In retarded menstruation when there is oppressive, heavy headache, melancholy and palpitation, it will act well and is similar to Pulsatilla and Senecio.


The slight or smell of food induces in the hungry an outpouring of saliva. What is its purpose? To act as a lubricant and enable one to swallow the food more quickly, say ignorance, laziness and impatience. Not so. Lubrication may be a part of its duty but its more essential use is to digest starch and in order to attain that end it must be thoroughly mixed with the food.


blowing wind instruments, on: Rhus tox. children, scrophulous: Calc. carb., Sil. chill, after: Eup. per. climaxis, at: Bell., Bry., Ham., Nux vom., Puls., Sep. coffee, agg.: Nux vom. cough, with: Caps., Lach. crying, after: Nit. ac. drunkards, in: Hyos., Nux vom. ear noises, with: Bell., Chin., Graph., Nux vom. eating, after: Arg., Kali carb., Zinc. amel.: Tarax. fever, during: Bry., Carbo veg., Erig., Phos. ac. amel.: Crot. hor., Lach. typhoid: Ars., Carbo veg., Phos. flushes, after: Ferr. headache, with: Cham., Chin., Crot. hor., Dig., Kreos., Mag. carb., Mill., Nux vom., Rhus tox. after: Amm. carb., Bell., Sep. haemoptysis, with: Ham. heated, if: Thyroid. haemorrhoids, suppressed: Sulph. itching, after: Amm-mur. with: Arg., Arn., Bell., Carbo veg., Kali bich., Lach., Rhus tox. followed by: Hydras. lifting, agg.: Rhus tox. measles, agg.: Bry., Puls., Sabad. menses, before: Ip., Nux vom. during: Nat. carb., Verat. profuse: Calc. carb., Croc., Sabina. scanty: Bry., Graph., Puls., Sec. corn., Sep. intermittent: Nat. carb. motion, agg.: Carbo veg., Rhus tox. old people, in: Chin., Ferr. phos., Verat. ozaena, in: Sang. periodic: Chin., Croc. persistent: Ferr., Led., Mill., Tril. plethora, in: Abrot. salivation, with: Hyos. sitting, while: Carbo an., Sulph. ac. 338. sleep, during: Bell., Merc. cor. smell, lost: Ip. sneezing, on: Amm. carb., Mag. carb., Sabad. spasms, with: Mosch. standing, agg.: Sulph. ac. sweat on forehead, with: Crot. hor. vertigo: with: Bell., Lach. vomiting, with: Sars. walking in open air, on: Lyc., Nat. carb. warm becoming, on: Carbo veg. washing feet, on: Carbo veg. weakened by: Chin., Ferr., Sec. corn., Verat.


Remedies sometimes prove diagnostic by their action. Cases of spurious pregnancy are sometimes very difficult to diagnose, and have deceived some of the very best gynaecologists. I was once deceived thus myself, about eight or ten years ago, in a case where there were almost all the symptoms of pregnancy, and in which I was afterwards informed the same mistake had been made some years before by the patients usual physician.


Congestion of blood; headache from cold; catarrh and coryza; congestive and nervous; frontal, right supraorbital and right eye involved; temples aching, boring, excruciating from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m., stupefying, tearing, stabbing, hammering with much chilliness, wants much heat; coryza, yellow, foetid, profuse discharge; eyes sore, very painful–right eye; thirst for cold water.


The history of the case would indicate syphilis as the probable cause. Recently he has complained of a tickling sensation in the larynx and pharynx which, at times, causes a physical exertion, talking and laughing always brings on a wheezing cough which continues for some minutes and brings up a slight amount of tough mucus with some relief.