Experimental Proving Of Histamine Hydrochloride

Burning pain in testicle with simultaneous burning occipital pain; upon increase of testicular pain, occipital pain decreasing and vice – versa.

Pain jumping from one testicle to the other.

Pain in left ovarian region.

Pain in left ovarian region propagating to hypochondrium and left lower limb.

Menstruation diminished in quantity.

Menstruation late.

Early Menstruation.

Fetid Menstruation.

Leucorrhoea with smell like from burned blood.

Concomitants: General weariness. Weakness in lower limbs when walking. Myalgiae and arthralgiae. Pain in right hypochondrium. Pain in stomach. Headache. Dizziness with insecure walking. Stitching pain in ear. Stitching pain in throat. Stitches in precordial region. Difficulty to breathe.

Itching in various parts.


Sleepiness during daytime.

Insomnia till 2 or 3 a.m.

Insomnia till 2 a.m. with lack of air and pain at left nipple.

Insomnia, mind full of thoughts.

Disturbed sleep, waking various times a night.

Waking with arms completely numbed, turned upwards.

Sleeping in rigid position, waking benumbed on account of having kept the same position for a long time.

Sleeping on the back, with elbows resting against sides, hands upwards, forearms, little and ring fingers benumbed.

Dreaming with insects.


Generalised tremor, especially in hands and knees, followed by much heat and for some seconds by cold, as when struck by cold current; then generalised perspirations set in, and afterwards both ears are obstructed.

Generalised shiverings alternating with heat in face.

Shiverings all over the body.

Chills followed by heat in hands and on head.

Shiverings with simultaneous sensation of electricity from elbow down to right hand.

Generalised heat with perspiration and weakness, dizziness, and lack of air.

Waves of heat ascending to and ending at face.

Waves of heat from chest to head.

Heat in the face.

Heat in the face with cold body, desires to hold something cool on the head.

Intensive heat on face and forehead, without perspiration; afterwards copious sweating without a sensation of heat.

Hot, dry skin, without shiverings.

Concomitants: Prostration. Weariness. Lack of appetite. Belchings tasting like eggs. Vomiting. Diarrhoea. Dryness of conjunctivae. Pain when moving eyes. Ears obstructed. Nasal obstruction and itching. Coryza. Headache. Odontalgia. Lacunar amigdalitis. Lack of air. Cough.


Itching without eruption appearing successive or simultaneously at different parts of the body.

Itching with oedema in the place of scratching.

Small zones of burning, of cutaneous hyperesthesia with sensation of burning, pricking and burning picking.

Fugitive burning circles on skin, jumping rapidly from one part of the body to another.

Sensation of being touched by a small cold surface.

Sensation of thousands of needles stinging the skin, after a bath.

Contact – eczema on fingers.

Maculo – erythematous eruption, itching, in upper part of sternal region.

Erythema like that produced by sunburn.

Localized oedematous infiltration by exposure to sun.

Generalised eruption of pink papules of the size of small beans, not very itching.

Concomitants: Oppression on chest with difficulty to breathe. Insomnia. Numbness in different parts of limbs. Myalgiae and arthralgiae. Pain in ears. Ears obstructed. Headache. cough with tickling in throat. Dizziness. Jerks of periorbital muscles. Burning pricking in nose. Sensation of wet nose. Sneezings.

Modalities: Better by scratching; worse by water; bath.

Jacob Gringauz