Aggravation: Morning. Waking at 4 a.m. Mental exertion. After eating or overeating. Touch, noise, anger, spices, narcotics, dry weather, in cold air. Alcohol. Debauchery. Open air. Motion, Night; after midnight 3 or 4 a.m. By cold. Cold water. By getting wet. Cold food. Cold water. Wine. Touch. Pollutions. On waking at night. Music. Drunkards. Lying on back. Talking (cough) uncovering. Odors.

Amelioration: In evening. While at rest. Lying down. In damp, wet weather. Warm room, warm covering (Headache) open air (flatulence and asthma). Rest. Pressure. Rubbing. After stool. After sleep. Warmth. Hot things. After discharging wind (Carb-veg). Wrapping up warm and dry. Warm drinks (cough).

Compare: Bell., Bry., Puls., Sulph.

Potency: 30th., 200th., 1000th.



1. Nightly shooting, stitching tearing pains, cannot rest in any position.

2. Flesh feels beaten or torn loose.

3. Trembling.

4. Slow answers, low delirium.

5. Nose bleed at night.

6. Dry cracked crusty lips.

7. Bloody saliva runs during sleep.

8. Tongue red at tip in the shape of a triangle. Tongue dry and brown. Sordes on teeth.

9. Palms dry hot cracked and sore.

10. Pains down back of thighs. Tearing down thighs.

11. Laborious dreams.

12. Restlessness with continual change of position worse after midnight.

13. Dry mouth with great thirst.

14. Pulse slow and irregular.

15. Bowels loose.

16. Aggravation by rest and amelioration by continued motion.

Aggravation in wet damp weather; cold. Better from warmth, heat.

17. Soreness of muscles worse rest better by exercise.

18. Delirium with fear of being poisoned.

19. Desire for milk, aversion to meat.

20. Cold fresh air is not tolerated.

Mind: Incoherent talking.

Answers hastily or reluctantly, thought seems difficult.

Answers correctly but slowly.

Cannot hold mind on one subject long enough to answer.

Low, mild delirium thinks he is roaring over fields, or hard at work.

Fears he will be poisoned.

Anxiety, timidity, worse at twilight, restless change of place.

Wants to go from bed to bed.

Forgetful. Absence of mind.

Difficult comprehension.

Cannot remember the most recent events.

Stupefaction with tingling in head.

Anxiety, apprehensions, fear (at night).

Intense fear at night.

Delirium worse at night.

Delirium, talks much to himself.

Restlessness in bed with continual change of position.

Mild delirium with insensibility.

Great anxiety towards evening.

Fear that he will die.

Inclination to weep, especially in evening, with desire to be alone.

Delirium, with stupefaction of mind.

Head: Headache worse from opening and moving the eyes.

Stupefaction, with tingling in the head and pain in the limbs ameliorated on motion.

Giddiness, as if intoxicated.

Fullness and heaviness in the head.

Beating in brain with bright redness of face.

Burning in forehead.

When stepping, sensation as if the brain were loose, also when shaking the head.

Scalp sensitive; worse on the side on which he does not lie.

Headache while walking, from cold, relieved by heat, and when moving about.

Eyes: Great photophobia, profuse acrid lachrymation in morning and in open air; the cheek under the eye is dotted with red pimples.

Heaviness of the eyelids.

Eyes full of water.

Ears: Hardness of hearing, especially of the human voice.

Nose: Epistaxis after midnight, it relieves.

Epistaxis of coagulated blood worse at night and when stooping, at stool and from exertion.

Tip of nose red and sensitive.

Puffiness of nose.

Fever blisters and crusts under nose.

Discharge from nose: thick yellow mucus; green offensive pus.

Dryness of nose.

Face: Face pale, sunken, with blue rings under the eyes, and pointed nose.

Face red with burning heat.

Commissures of lips sore and ulcerated.

Desquamation of the skin of the face.

Cold sweat on face.

Constant desire to yawn until it seems as though the jaw would break.

Lips dry and brownish.

Lips dry and covered with brown crusts.

Lower lip and tongue blackish.

Lips dry and parched; covered with reddish-brown crusts; lips bleed.

Mouth: Tongue: sensation of dryness on tongue, as if covered with a skin, when not dry.

Dry tongue, red all over, at any rate dry red triangle on tip, with desire for drink.

The tongue is red at the tip, in the shape of a triangle.

Tongue is sore, raw and bleeding.

Burning of all the tissues in the mouth. Tongue dry, red and cracked.

Red tongue. Blisters on tongue.

Taste is putrid and metallic.

Teeth covered with blood.

Mouth raw and bleeding.

Mouth is dry; bloody saliva.

Mouth dry with much thirst.

Saliva bloody, runs out of mouth during sleep.

Much tough mucus in mouth and throat.

Putrid breath.

Tongue white; often on one side.

Sensation as if tongue covered with a skin.

Stomach: Desire for sweets, oysters, beer.

Aversion to meat.

Unquenchable thirst, wants cold drinks.

Worse at night; from dryness of mouth.

Soreness of abdomen.

Sensation as if something was torn off in abdomen.

Distention of abdomen with colic.

Stool: Bowels are loose, worse at night, involuntary during sleep.

Diarrhoea with borborygmi.

Very offensive flatus.

Nocturnal diarrhoea with severe colic which disappears after stool or when lying on abdomen.

Tearing down thighs during stool.

Painless, undigested.

Like washings of meat.

Urine: Hot, white, muddy. Divided stream. Retention; diminished.

Cough: Severe cough, with tough bloody expectoration; uncovering even a hand.

Pulse: Accelerated, weak, faint and soft. Irregular.

Limbs: Desire for frequent and constant movement giving temporary relief.

Prostration with sensation as if bruised and constant desire to sit or lie down.

Dry burning heat, excessive headache, with tension and rigidity of nape of neck worse evenings and upon motion.

Wandering pains in nape of neck and kidneys, with weariness and languor of limbs at the most acute stage of first period.

Chills, vertigo, with closing of eyelids.

Altered colour of face; dryness of throat, vomiting of food, yawning.

Hard, dull and heavy pressure upon eyes.

Painful sensitiveness to light and noise.

Extreme weariness with prostration, preventing the least motion.

Pain in all limbs.

Dry heat or sweat, during which patient desires to be covered.

Automatic muscular movements in hands and feet.

Miliary eruption.

Great exhaustion.

Severe rheumatic pains in the limbs, worse in rest and better by moving and changing position.

Constant restlessness, tossing about.

Stiff neck.

Pains in small of back better lying on something hard.

Twitching in limbs.

Cramps in legs and feet.

Tearing pains in limbs, during rest.

Numbness in extremities.

Parts on which one lies go to sleep.

Generalities: Troubles resulting from a sudden and a thorough drenching by a shower of rain; by getting wet in any way.

Heaviness of parts.

Lying on the back during sleep.

Irresistible desire to move or change position every little while, followed by great relief for a short time.

Complaints come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring.

Patient sensitive to cold air, complaints worse from cold, better from warmth.

Aching pains, bruised feelings over the body.

Restlessness throughout the limbs.

Abdomen very sore to touch; cannot bear any pressure; sensitive to clothing.

Weariness and heaviness of lower extremities.

Profound coma.

Comatose slumbering, with snoring, murmuring, picking at bed clothes.

Great debility, soreness and stiffness. Worse at the beginning to move, better from continued motion but soon fatigued, requiring rest again.

Restlessness, must change position.

Great sensitiveness to open air.

Sleep: Dreams of exertion, rowing, swimming, Etc.

Inability to remain lying on side at night.

Weeping while asleep.

Sleep with open mouth and short breathing.

Sleeplessness especially before midnight.

“T. from rheumatic exposure, summer bathing. Continual motion only relieves. Constant restlessness, cannot sit quiet. Craving for milk, cold water. Triangular red tip of tongue. Sweat over whole body except face or vice versa. Sweat does not relieve pains. Head and hand hot, rest of body chilly, or vice versa. Heat on left side and coldness of right side of body. Yawning, stretching and aching in limbs, increase of saliva in mouth, burning in eyes and painful weariness of the limbs, fever caused by living in damp rooms, sleeping in damp beds. Fever in damp wet weather.”.

“T. diarrhoea, tongue dry as a board, and red at tip in the shape of a triangle. Delirium and stupor with low form of muttering. Patient cannot lie still, must toss or change position which relieves temporarily.”.

“Typhoid, patient of mild temperament; mild delirium; disposition to jump out of bed or to try to escape; No violent anger; delirium with physical and mental restlessness; constant desire to move. Sometimes in the beginning of typhoid patient wants to lie perfectly quiet (exceptionally). This is due to great weakness; he feels perfectly prostrated. Indifferent to everything.

Hallucinations, he fears that he will be poisoned. Stupor, answers very slowly as if reluctantly or else in a petulant way; but he is not violent. Severe headache, flushing of the face; Epistaxis relieving the headache and the blood is dark in colour. Restless sleep with dreams of great exertion. Pneumonia, cough, difficult breathing, rust-coloured sputum. Tongue dark brown, dry and cracked. Cracks of tongue bleed. Tongue and mouth covered with brownish tenacious mucus; tongue taking imprint of teeth.

N C Das
N C Das