Causes; A current of air; anger; contradiction; chill; abuse of coffee; cold; abuse of drugs; heat of sun; high living; intellectual labour; malaria. Onanism; abuse of quinine; sexual excesses; abuse of spirituous liquors; prolonged watching; variable weather; tea; brainfag; haemorrhoids.

Extension: Ears, nose, occiput, down back of neck.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; morning on first opening the eyes; morning on waking; afternoon; evening; night; cold air; from draft of air; from anger; from loss of animal fluid; on ascending steps; from too eager attention; binding up the the hair; after breakfast; on closing eyes; from coffee; from becoming cold; from taking cold; while constipated; from having a coryza suppressed; on coughing; after abuse of drugs; before eating; during eating; after eating; after excitement of emotions; fasting; footsteps; after fright; from becoming heated by fire or stove; after intoxication; from jar; lifting; light; looking fixedly at anything; while lying; lying on back; while lying on side; before menses; during menses; mental exertion; motion; on moving head; moving eyes; music; after abuse of narcotics; noise; strong odors; every day; every other day; suppressed perspiration; reading; stooping; running; sexual excesses; excessive pollutions; onanism; shaking head; after sleep; from loss of sleep; night watching; sneezing; spirituous liquors; stepping heavily; pressing at stool; exposure to sun; while talking; smoking; tobacco; vexation; after vomiting; while walking; while walking in open air, after walking in open air; cold weather; damp cold weather; windy, stormy weather; exposure to cold wind; wine.

Amelioration: Morning on rising; evening in bed, from binding head, on closing eyes, while leaning against something; while lying; lying on back; lying on right side; lying on left side; lying on painful side; lying on painless side; external pressure; stooping; warm room; wrapping up head.

Attending Symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting. Sensation of heat in cheeks.

A chilly feeling over the body, or only in hands.

Vomiting of bitter and sour phlegm, giddiness, flushed face.

Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Menses too soon and too copious.

Bitter eructations. Hardness of abdomen.

Face looks pale and haggard. Lachrymation.

Cannot sleep after 3 A.M.; ideas crowd upon so as to keep him awake for hours.

Fetid sweat of one half of the head and face which is cold with anxiety and dread of uncovering the head.

No desire to do any kind of work.

Sweat relieves the pain.

Visual disturbance.

Vertigo. Irritable vehement disposition. Appearance of bright light before vision with lachrymation; dimness of light.

Stoppage of nose.

Palpitation of heart.

Fatigue, lassitude, great need to lie down.

Symptoms: Headache bruised, aching, tearing, extending into nape with sweat.

Headache excited or aggravated by reflection or mental exertion.

Headache in morning immediately after rising with pressing downward from both sides as if skull were forced asunder.

Pain in upper part of head as if it would be forced asunder.

Headache in morning in bed as if head had been beaten with an axe.

Headache worse when in bed, worse by bending head forward.

Scalp sensitive to touch or to wind, better on being warmly covered.

Rush of blood to head, brain feels too large for cranium.

Pressure boring pains in head commencing in morning, worse after eating, with nausea and sour vomiting towards evening and after lying down.

Brain seems to shake when walking or running in open air.

Headache as if brain were bruised or beaten.

Headache as if brain were cleft.

Headache at the time of menses, as from a suppurating ulcer in brain.

Headache, bruised, sensation in brain generally on right side.

Headache in middle of brain on walking in morning.

Headache in morning in bed in middle of brain, felt before opening eyes, as if skull would burst, as if head had been beaten with an axe.

Pain especially in temples with a sensation as if brain were loose with wobbling on motion, as if it struck sides of head.

Pressing pain as if a nail were being driven deeply into side of brain.

Sensation as if a nail were being driven into brain.

Violent jerking or dull stitches in left side of brain from orbit to parietal bone or occiput.

Headache, burning sensation in brain, generally in right side.

Scalp on top of head feels burning when touched.

Burning in forehead.

Head symptoms worse from coffee.

Headache, sick; brought on by wine, coffee, close mental application, sedentary habits, commences in morning, increases during day, growing milder in evening.

Headache with haemorrhoids and constipation.

Headache when coughing or stooping.

Heaviness and pressure in head after dinner, especially after moving eyes.

Headache from irregular habits or dissipation.

Tearing, jerking, burning or pinching pains in head.

Head symptoms worse after eating.

Headache after eating or drinking wine.

Headache stunning and stupefying in morning, after eating and in sunshine.

Deep headache in brain over left eye.

Tension in forehead as if it was pressed in at night and in morning, worse on exposing head to cold air.

Headache accompanied by irritability.

Head feels as large as church.

Head feels too large.

Head feels much larger than body.

Headache when lying on back.

Headache, amelioration when lying on painful side; lying down.

Headache on sitting up from lying.

Intense aching over left eye a week before and also during menses, water-brash with nausea, constipation, leucorrhoea.

Throbbing pain over right eye with vomiting of bile after menses.

Headache intermittent in one half as if a nail were forced downward deeper and deeper into parietal bone.

Headache relieved when walking in open air.

Headache from exposure to sun, as from work under gas light.

Headache from suppression of eruption.

Headache relieved by warm applications.

Warmth relieves headache.

Headache from variable weather.

Headache from lemonade or wine.

Headache from tea or coffee.


Type: Anaemic. Catarrhal. Nervous, Neuralgic. Uterine. Gastric, Rheumatic. Arthritic. Congestive.

Location: Forehead. Over eyes, Over left eye. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex. Deep in brain.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, bursting, drawing, jerking, pressing, pressing asunder, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing.

Causes: Chill; cold and dampness; cold; heat; overheating; abuse of spirituous liquors; strain; lifting; prolonged watching; variable weather; constipation; hair cut; ironing; suppressed perspiration; sleeping in damp room; rheumatism.

Extension: Face, forehead, neck, down back of neck, shoulders, teeth.

Aggravation: Day time; morning; morning in bed morning on first motion; morning on rising; morning on; awaking; morning on first opening eyes; forenoon; afternoon; evening from cold air; open air; from anger; on ascending steps; while bending head backward; from coffee; from becoming cold; from taking cold; combing the hair; while constipated; after contradiction; suppressed coryza; on coughing; from drinking; after eating; after excitement of emotions; from becoming heated; after intoxication; from ironing; from any jar; lifting; light; lying on back; before menses; during menses; suppressed menses; after mental exertion; motion; motion of head; motion of eyes; motion of eyelids; noise; after nursing infant; suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; reading; lying down; standing position; erect position; running; shaking head; sitting; after sleep; stepping heavily; pressing at stool; stooping summer season; exposure to sun; suppressed eruption; while talking; thunder storms; touch; vexation; while walking in open air; while walking rapidly; warm room; from washing head; changes of weather; cold weather; dry cold weather; getting wet; exposure to wind; exposure to cold wind; wrapping up head.

Amelioration; Evening; binding head; closing eyes; cold application, eructations; lying with head high; while lying, lying on back; lying on painful side; external pressure; washing head with cold water; wrapping up head.

Attending Symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting. Loss of memory. Inability to collect the thoughts. Very irritable. Vexed, vehement. Retching and bilious vomiting. Vertigo. Tongue thickly coated. Violent thirst; dry feeling in mouth. Constipation. Diarrhoea in the morning. Red bloated face. Desire to lie down.

Symptoms: Pressing pain above left eye, followed by dull pressive pain in occipital protuberance, thence spreading over whole body; on quick motion and after eating; pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation within head.

Pain in upper part of head as if would be forced asunder.

Sensation in bed as if patient sinking deep down.

Fullness and heaviness in forehead as if brain would press outward with epistaxis, red bloated face, worse opening or moving eyes, worse when stooping and from motion, better when closing eyes.

Head feels as it it would burst with fullness of brain.

Burning in forehead.

Congestive headache as if forehead would burst open with epistaxis.

N C Das
N C Das