Headache as if scalp would burst on coughing or moving head or walking.

Rheumatic pains in cold raw wet weather.

Coldness on vertex.

Headache commences in morning not on awaking but on opening eyes.

Confusion and aching as after nights dissipation.

Sensation of expansion or compression in brain.

Confusion in head with drawing in occiput extending into neck before going to sleep.

Gastric, rheumatic, congestive headaches with vertigo, heaviness of head, pressure and rush of blood to head.

Headache with constipation, dull pain in forehead and peculiar pressure sensation in temples.

Headache when stooping as though all contents of head would issue from forehead.

Coughing with headache.

Painful stitches when coughing.

Pressure, slight nausea, followed immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium.

Throbbing from forehead to occiput.

Headache accompanied by fretfulness.

Pressive frontal headache very much increased by stooping.

Heat of head with dark red face, with coldness of rest of body, with thirst and pain in limbs when moving.

Pain like a heaviness which pressed upon sore spot, in morning when lying on back, extending to shoulders.

Scalp very sensitive to touch, even of hat.

Pain beginning in occiput or finally become seated there associated with dryness of mouth, thirst and coated tongue.

Headache after washing in cold water when face is perspiring, increased by opening eyes.

Headache from variable weather.

N C Das
N C Das