Nocturnal headache.


Type: Neuralgic. Catarrhal. Rheumatic.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Above eyes. One side of head. Temples. Vertex. Occiput.

Character of pain; Bursting, drawing, dull, pressing, tearing, pulsating, beating, shooting.

Extension: Occiput to forehead.

Aggravation: Morning; morning on rising; morning on waking; forenoon; noon; afternoon; evening; open air: ascending steps; from becoming heated; mental exertion; motion; touch; open air.

Amelioration: Cold application; pressure; profuse urination; washing head with cold water.

Symptoms: Beginning in occiput, going over forehead; comes on at sunrise gets worse towards noon and declines as sun sets.

Neuralgia, every afternoon and night, begins back of neck and runs up, affects also face, worse right side, open air.

Pain in forehead comes on in morning on waking.

Pulsating headache as if a pulse were beating in the forehead.


Type: Nervous. Neuralgic.

Location: Left side of head. Forehead. Temples. Bones. Brain. Between left eye and frontal eminence.

Character of pain: Dull, pressing, bursting, cutting, darting, stabbing, drawing, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing, crushing.

Aggravation: Morning; noon; evening; evening in bed; excitement of emotion; pressure of hat; mental exertion; motion; external pressure; reading; late hours; loss of sleep; standing; touch; contact; every day at noon; mental agitation; nursing the sick; in business men.

Amelioration; Binding head; lying with head high; external pressure; wrapping up head; fresh air.

Symptoms: Dull paroxysmal neuralgia over left side, gradually increasing and ceasing suddenly.

Scalp very tender to touch.

Head feels empty, hollow.

Pain between left eye and frontal eminence.

Painful sensation of emptiness in the head; pressing burning pains in the skull, principally in the temporal bones.

Renewed every day at noon with soreness of the external head, worse pressure, contact, better in fresh air.

Left sided headache as if in the brain substance, at first only slight drawing but gradually becoming more violent at its culmination, ceasing suddenly.

Headache, worse mental agitation, nursing the sick.

Frontal headache of business men.

Headache increasing gradually and ceasing suddenly, at acme as if a nerve being torn, usually left side.

Headache of businessmen.


Type: Congestive. Migraine. Nervous. Periodical. Epileptiform. Gastric.

Location: Brain. Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. One side of head. Temple.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, busting, cutting, darting, stabbing, drawing, dull, pressing, stitching, aching, screwing, throbbing.

Extension: Eyes, jaws, vertex, forehead.

Aggravation: Morning; morning on rising; morning on waking; noon; 4 p.m.; night; open air; anger; clothing about the neck; coffee; coition; excitement of emotions; fright; from becoming heated; light; before menses; during menses; mental exertion; mercury; motion; noise; strong odors; strong and agreeable odors; after sleep; straining eyes; talking; writing; dancing.

Amelioration: Pressure; tight bandaging; cold air; open air; bending head backward; binding head; after dinner; after eating; external pressure; hard pressure; spirituous liquors; wrapping up head.

Attending Symptoms: Bilious vomiting.

Coldness and trembling.

Vomiting of bile or sour fluid.

Throbbing carotids.



Dimness before the eyes.

Ringing in ears.

Sense of relaxation in stomach.

Loss of appetite.


Symptoms: Headache, congestive with fullness and heaviness; with sense of expansion; habitual, gastric or of literary men; from dancing.

Hemicrania, pressive, screwing in frontal eminence or temple; ending in bilious vomiting; worse from any exhaustive mental labour; better by pressure, tight bandaging.

Headache with coldness and trembling.

Emotional disturbance cause appearance of hemicranial attacks.

Sense of expansion.

Headache from mental exertion, dancing.

Aching in frontal eminence with enlarged feeling in the corresponding eye.

Hemicrania, bones of head feels as if separated.

Pressing, boring pains in small spots, in bones; in left temple.

Hemicrania, epileptiform; periodic; boring pain worse left frontal eminence; better tight band.

Headache from mental emotion, or strain, loss of friend, loss of sleep, sometimes pain so severe he loses senses; paroxysms frequently culminate in vomiting of bile or sour fluid.

Occipital headache.

Occipital headache decrease, frontal headache increasing.

Occipital headache with throbbing carotids, must loosen cravat, head feels much enlarged.

Sensation of constriction over scalp as if something tightly drawn over skull.

Headache worse in open air.

Aching in one side of head with enlarged feeling in the corresponding eye.

Pressing pain in the forehead on getting awake in the morning, gradually extending from the supraorbital ridge upwards to the coronal suture, with heaviness in head and vertigo which does not turn in a circle but inclines the patient to reel to one or the other side.

Dimness before the eyes, ringing in ears, sense of relaxation in stomach, better eating, drinking, worse coffee, or the pain is half-sided, in one of the frontal protuberances or close to the side of the glabella near the supra-orbital ridge or in one of the temples, sometimes extending down into the bones of face.

The pain is of a pressive, screwing throbbing nature, and is always preceded by general indisposition.

Chilliness, loss of appetite, growing dim before eyes.

At its height it is attended with trembling of the body and deadly nausea which ends in vomiting.

Migraine, headache with sensation as if head was enormously large; vertigo with debility and trembling from nervous weakness; staggering as if drunk; dim sight; ringing in nears, better after dinner, from wine; worse from coffee, sensation as if the bones of the scalp separated and as if the body especially the face and head expanded; better pressure, tight bandaging; worse mental labour.

Pressing, digging pain especially in forehead with chilliness often ending in vomiting of bile or sour fluids.

Disposition of pain to change locality.

Rapid increase and decrease of pain.

Morning headache when awaking.


Type: Rheumatic. Hysterical. Periodical. Nervous.

Location: Bones. Forehead. Left forehead. Over eyes. Over right eye. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples.

Character of pain: Drawing, tearing, lancinating, beating, pulsating, throbbing, stupefying, stitching, burning, aching, boring, digging, busting, crushing, plug-like, peg-like, pressing, shooting, sore, bruised.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; forenoon; noon; evening; 6 P.M.; 7 P.M. night; before midnight; after midnight; cold air; draft of air; open air; anger; ascending steps; bathing; cold bathing; sea-bathing; bear; binding head; from becoming cold; from taking cold; contradiction; coughing; living in damp house; on descending; during eating; after eating; excitement of emotions; from becoming heated by fire or stove; mechanical injuries; jar; lifting; lying; lying on painful side; moving eyes; moving eyelids; from suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; on entering a crowded room; sitting; after sleep; late hours; loss of sleep; after a siesta; spirituous liquors; standing; stepping heavily; stooping; straining eyes; talking; vexation; walking; walking in open air; after walking; from washing head; changes of weather; cloudy weather; cold weather; stormy windy weather; getting wet; getting wet while sweating; wetting feet; exposure to cold wind; riding in cold wind; wine; wrapping up head; writing; on side lain on; bending head forward.

Amelioration: On going to bed; while bending head backward; on closing eyes; after eating; lying down; motion; external pressure; raising head; standing position; sitting; while walking; walking in open air; warm room; warmth; heat.

Attending Symptoms: Painfulness of the teeth and gums.

Desire to be quiet and lie down.



Face glistening and red.


Moving about head is as painful to touch as a boil.

Absence of mind.


Difficult comprehension.

General unhappiness of temper.

Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed.


Sad, depressed, discouraged.

Impatient and vexed at every trifle; does not endure being talked to.

Symptoms: Rheumatic headaches from bathing.

Stupefying headache with buzzing; formication and throbbing, face glistening and red, restless, moving about.

Brain feels loose when stepping or shaking the head.

Headache, must lie down, returns from the least chagrin.

Tearing and stitching pains extending to the ears, root of nose, malar bones and jaws, with painfulness of teeth and gums.

Burning or beating pains.

N C Das
N C Das