Increased sensitiveness to odor; sense of smell is very acute so that the patient faints always from smell of flowers. Bloated face.
Puffiness under eyes.
Blue rings around the eyes.
Pale hippocratic countenance.
Weakness of nervous system.
Susceptibility to external impressions, can neither bear sound, light nor odors.
Sensation of coldness in cerebellum and sensation of stiffness in brain.
Hot Vertex.
Brain fag with coldness of occiput.
Sensation of emptiness of head with vertigo.
Floating spots before vision.
Sensation of coldness of head.
Sensation as if skin of forehead were too tight and tension of face as if the skin were not large enough.
Nervous people or persons who have exhausted their strength by sexual excesses or by too close application to study.
Drowsiness and inability to perform intellectual labour.
Sensation as if brain were loose in the cranium.
Forehead or occiput is swollen; touching the swollen parts causes pain.
Red face.
Symptoms: Intense pain in eyes and whole head; worse left eye, in forenoon, from stooping, better while eating, lying down and after sleeping; bloated face, puffiness under eyes, blue rings around the eyes, pale, hippocratic countenance.
Pulsating throbbing headache; throbbing headache worse from music, brainfag from mental overwork and constant strain of eyes, sudden shooting pains in head especially vertex, worse walking fast, when lying down, better open air, crampy pain on whole left side of head.
Weight and throbbing on walking in forehead, worse stooping, better cold washing.
Accumulation of much saliva during headache, worse by thinking, warmth and excitement, better by repose, cold, open air, cold washing.
Headache attended with increased sensitiveness to odors, the sense of smell is very acute so that the patient faints away from the smell of the flower.
There may be pulsating, throbbing headache, worse from music.
Neuralgia,parts must be kept warm.
Burning pains.
Brain fag with coldness of occiput.
Stupefying headache, morning when moving, and worse on stooping, ceasing, for a short time after eating, better when lying down and in cold air.
Attack of headache with nausea and vomiting and throbbing jerking pains.
Nocturnal headache preceded by nausea.
Headache caused by vexation.
Headache with increased mental power.
Headache above left eye with floating spots before vision.
Jerks in head especially during stool.
Shocks in occiput brought on by overwork or worry.
Washer-womans headache.
Splitting headache from cough.
Neuralgia of head when it must be kept warmly wrapped night and day.
Sensation as if pulled by the hair.
Type: Nervous.
Location: Bones. Brain. Forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Over left eye. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex.
Character of pain: Boring, bursting, burning, crushing, beating, pressing, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing, cramp-like, lancinating, hammering, jerking, drawing, dull.
Causes: Anger; contractions; loss of animal fluids; emotional excitement; fright; grief; sexual excesses; onanism; strain; lifting; neurasthenia.
Extension: Forward, sides of head.