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Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on awaking. Noon. Afternoon. Evening. Night. Coition. Taking cold. During eating. Lifting. Looking upward. Lying on side. Lying on painful side. Before menses. At the commencement of menses. During menses. Mental Exertion. Motion. Moving head. Abuse of narcotics. Noise. Strong odors. Riding in carriage, lying. During sleep. In a small spot. Summer. Turning body. Turning head.


Description: Frontal headache, worse by nose bleed; severe, dull, heavy pain on top of head during profuse menses, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched; on stooping sharp pain through head from back to front; headache with hot, red face and vomiting of food.

Headache of children or of pale debilitated persons.

Ill effects of sun-heat.

Throbbing sensation.

Headache better cold applications.

Head sore to touch, cold, noise, jar.

General dull headache worse at 5 p.m.

Hammering pain in forehead and temples, fears apoplexy, worse right, formerly worse left.

Supra-orbital neuralgia of right side worse morning.

Aggravation: Frontal headache followed and relieved by noise bleed.

Scarcely endurable dull heavy pain at vertex during menses which are profuse.

Top of head sensitive to cold air, noise and any jar.

On stooping sharp pain through head from back to front.

Pinching in temporal region from within outward.

Blind headache with bearing down in uterus and ovarian pains.

Headache with hot red face and vomiting of food with nervousness at night, with general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched.

Violent throbbing upto occiput.


Type: Gastric. Nervous.

Pain: Burning.

Location: Forehead. Occiput. Temples. Vertex.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning on waking. Afternoon. Evening. Coffee. From becoming heated. Every day. Earlier each day. Stooping, washing in cold water. Sitting up in bed.

Amelioration: Sitting down. Combing hair.

Description: Headache every day earlier, gradually increasing in posterior upper and inner part of head, worse coffee, washing in cold water.

Headache with cracking in left ear.

Brain feels too heavy and large.

Sensation as if a bubble burst in forehead.

Pain in left supra-orbital region when going to bed with dizziness; blackness before eyes, better sitting down; forepart of the head-aches with the cough.

Pain from neck up to back of head.

Sensation running up into head from body like lightning.

Headache worse, sitting up in bed better after combing hair.


Type: Rheumatic. Nervous. Menstrual. Catarrhal. Periodical.

Pain: Boring. Digging. Burning. Bursting. Crushing. Drawing. Dull. Lancinating. Nail-like. Pressing. Sore, bruised. Tearing. Pulsating, throbbing. Beating.

Location: Bones. Brain. Forehead. Over right eye. Occiput. One side of head, right side of head. Left side of head. Temple. Vertex.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on awaking. Noon. Afternoon. Evening. Night. Coition. Taking cold. During eating. Lifting. Looking upward. Lying on side. Lying on painful side. Before menses. At the commencement of menses. During menses. Mental Exertion. Motion. Moving head. Abuse of narcotics. Noise. Strong odors. Riding in carriage, lying. During sleep. In a small spot. Summer. Turning body. Turning head.

Amelioration: After sleep.

Attending Symptoms: Dark red cheeks. Oppression and anguish. Nausea and sour vomiting. Anaemia. Disordered menstruation. Spinal irritation. Suppressed herpetic eruption. Inclination to vomit. Burning on vertex. Constipation. Syncope. Cold perspiration, stiffness at the nape of the neck, suppressed menstruation.

Description: Pain as if head were numb and pithy, as if constricted, especially in occiput, extending to nape of neck with pains on looking up. As if neck were broken.

During amenorrhoea frequent congestion to head and chest, dark red cheeks, oppression and anguish when lying down. Weakness of head down to neck, worse mornings, after waking, with nausea and vomiting.

Periodical uni-lateral headache especially in fat anaemic women who suffer from spinal irritation and disorders of menstruation.

Suppressed herpetic eruptions.

Headache in morning on awaking, mostly one side with inclination to vomit.

Rheumatic pains on one side of head extending to teeth and neck.

N C Das
N C Das