In his opinion the time for the treatment was long delayed and the doctors felt the immediate need for vigorous treatment. The patients father had faith in Homoeopathic treatment and his financial conditions also was not so sound and therefore he decided in favour of Homoeopathic treatment. The patient was placed under my care and I prescribed for him the following medicines.


Bisto, baby, 26 months old, was brought to Howrah for treatment of Diphtheria with the following symptoms.

(1) Glands about the neck are very much enlarged.

(2) High temperature, worse nights.

(3) Offensive odour from mouth.

(4) Salivation, fetid.

(5) Scanty urination, urine at long intervals.

(6) Cough most, yellow expectoration.

(7) Sweat.

(8) Drinks water or milk and does nor cry at that time.

(9) All symptoms are worse at night. the child is restless, cries all night, does not sleep. He is to be carried in lap.

(10) Grinding of teeth (an old symptoms).

(11) Face anxious, expressive of pain.

(12) Eruptions of small boils on head and body.

(13) Weakness.

(14) Constipation.

(15) Tonsils enlarged, ulcerated.

(16) Black complexion, irritable temper.

The patient came from Bhanderhati P. (Hoogly District). There an allopathic M.B. examined him and diagnosed Diphtheria and gave him one Diphtheria injection and sent him to town for better treatment. The child was examined at Howrah by one Dr. Samanta M.B.of Panchanontola Road and then for confirmation of diagnosis the best allopathic physician of Howrah. Dr. G.B. Sarkar, L.M.S. (Sibpore, Howrah) was consulted. Dr. Sarkar examined the patient and confirmed the previous diagnosis.

In his opinion the time for the treatment was long delayed and the doctors felt the immediate need for vigorous treatment. The patients father had faith in Homoeopathic treatment and his financial conditions also was not so sound and therefore he decided in favour of Homoeopathic treatment. The patient was placed under my care and I prescribed for him the following medicines.

Diphtherinum 200 a single dose.

Kali Mur 6x. 1qr. Size, 3 tablets for each dose.

Fer. Phos 6x 1qr. Size, 3 tablets for each dose.

Natrum mur 6x 1qr. size, 3 tablets for each dose.

Kali Mur. Fer. Phos (3+3) 6 tablets every 15 minutes in alternation with Nat. Mur (three tables).

The patient was taken back to the village. Within 12 hours the following improvement was noticed.

Some sleep at night, on other nights he could not get any sleep. Crying not much. Offensive odour disappeared, free flow of urine and frequent urination. Within 24 hours the child felt considerable comfort. He was cured within 10 days. No after- effect of diphtheria is yet noticeable.

N C Das
N C Das