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Camphor is therefore eminently homoeopathic to a certain variety of cholera known as cholera sicca, or dry cholera; so called because the disease runs its course without serous transudation, in other words without vomiting and purging. The expectoration of Pulsatilla, which is thick, green and bland, tastes bitter, while that of Stannum is sweet, and that of kali hydro and Sepia salty.

1. Arsenic has proved a potent antidote to the consequences of taking petrified animal matters.


2. Cholera breaking out at places where putrid animal matter has been allowed to infest the air may require Arsenic.


3. Camphor is therefore eminently homoeopathic to a certain variety of cholera known as cholera sicca, or dry cholera; so called because the disease runs its course without serous transudation, in other words without vomiting and purging.


4. Camphor is nothing if not spasmodic (cholera).


5. Let me therefore emphatically impress upon your mind, that whenever you have good reason to believe, from the history of the case, that the disorder (cholera) originated with the digestive organs, you are wasting your time with camphor.


6. A few globules of Phosphorus will promptly antidote the camphor (inconvenient results from the use of too large and too frequent doses of camphor, and relive the patient).


7. Oleander is one of our best remedies for diarrhoea of undigested food and the best indication for it is involuntary stool when emitting flatus.


8. Aurum is one of our best remedies for bone pains.


9. Haemorrhages after a fall or other injuries; if Arnica failed in such a case I would think of Millefolium.


10. The expectoration of Pulsatilla, which is thick, green and bland, tastes bitter, while that of Stannum is sweet, and that of kali hydro and Sepia salty.


11. The skin symptoms at each full and new noon.

Alumina Lippe.

12. Cough with frequent eructations.

Ambra Grisea. Lippe.

13. I have used the Ceonanthus in a great many cases of jaundice, and have never failed to remove it (ten to fifteen drops of tincture every three hours).

Dr. Gross.

14. I have used it in many cases of painful and persistent chordee during gonorrhoea, ten or fifteen grains taken at bed time not only causes sleep but actually prevents the painful erections.

Chlord: Hale.

15. In dysmenorrhoea of unusual severity, it will give relief when specific remedies fail (5, 10 or 15 grains every hour).

Chlord: Hale,.

16. Cough after pneumonia when it is loose, thick, yellow and fetid. Balsam Per.

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