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In his opinion the time for the treatment was long delayed and the doctors felt the immediate need for vigorous treatment. The patients father had faith in Homoeopathic treatment and his financial conditions also was not so sound and therefore he decided in favour of Homoeopathic treatment. The patient was placed under my care and I prescribed for him the following medicines.


Headache of school children and young ladies, diarrhoea. Dreadful pain on top of head as though the brain were crushed, after long continued grief; for youths who grow very fast and slender. Headache, crushing weight on vertex, from long lasting grief, or exhausted nerves; in occiput and nape usually from behind; worse motion, noise, music, better lying.


Camphor is therefore eminently homoeopathic to a certain variety of cholera known as cholera sicca, or dry cholera; so called because the disease runs its course without serous transudation, in other words without vomiting and purging. The expectoration of Pulsatilla, which is thick, green and bland, tastes bitter, while that of Stannum is sweet, and that of kali hydro and Sepia salty.


Patient is to be isolated. Absolute rest in bed should be enforced. Do not allow the patient to lie on the back all of the time. The paralyzed parts are to be kept warm. All bedding, clothing and utensils used by the patient should be sterilized. All discharges used by the patient should be sterilized. All discharges particularly the nose and throat discharges must be destroyed.


The more excitable and fidgety the patient felt, the more frequently they were called upon to urinate. Tired, weary lackadaisical sensation, with much mental disturbance about trifles. Gloomy at times. typical neurasthenic state. In the beginning sleep was restless, disturbed by dreams of a nondescript character, and fullness in the head, with a feeling of indifference and general broken-up state in the morning.


Similar in many respects to Rhus. Simple paralysis of lower extremities or a beginning paralysis aggr. damp weather or caused by lying on damp ground. These effects from damp cold are to be distinguished from effects of dry cold as in Aconite. Rhus is better adapted to chronic cases. The paralysis of single parts with aggr. at night and during rest, better by motion, further characterize. Rhododendron may simulate from catching cold.