
2. It is characterised by an attack of the weak reticulo- endothelial having bad reaction against chronic infections in hydrogenoid patients whose water metabolism is perhaps under the influence of the want of heavy waters. The lethargy of reticulo- endothelial system is characterised by slow torpid reaction of the local defense with vegetability of tissues and dragging suppurations.

3. Really speaking there is no allergic phenomena like that of secondary antigens. The tuberculin does not play any part in sycosis, neither any microbian affection of that group. Malaria may be considered as a cause when the patient does not react and when his spleen, the most important element of reticulo- endothelial system has become weak.

4. The works on the water metabolism, of lipoids of cholesterol may bring valuable biological help to build up the physiopathological foundation of sycosis.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.