
Thuja always remains the ground remedy of sycosis when it is not complicated with other miasms. At present Medorrhinum is added to it. Teste makes a very interesting suggestion on Castoreum. He says that the castor of America lives on Thuja leaves. Therefore, Castoreum coming from America may have an action different to that of the Castoreum of other countries.

Biological Value of Sycosis:

Two nosologic entities, the sycosis and the Psora, considered by the Homoeopathic schools and brought to the rank of a diathesic disease, the sycosis is that which modifies the most the biological personality of some individuals.

According to a biologist, sycosis should be studied as a particular trouble of the biological personality under the influence of the attacks of microbes or toxins, continued or alternated. The recent studies of Charles Nicolle explains the apparent negative reaction of sycosis. The aim of this article is to show the organic modifications.

Among the allopaths to whom sycosis is unknown, the doctor and biologist who have felt well the real entity of that affection isolated by the latent of Hahnemann, is without knowing it –Prof. Mauriac. For this reason and in spite of his attacks, we may believe it a priori favourable to Homoeopathy.

P. Mauriac had in case the great advantage of being useful to the doctrine while judging with severity an anticlinical book of a pseudo-chief of School. The latter inspite of his didactic qualities, has never been able to show with some possibilities, the limits of the method.

I have the honour to cite herein extenso and integrally P. Mauriac. “The influences of all disease from which we suffer accumulate. It is true and one may say that it is we who should wipe them out, and degrade them by appropriate treatment. But finally we substitute the morbid element by therapeutic element: If in a syphilitic whom we cram with Mercury and Arsenic and thus efface the stamp of the treponema, we impregnate his organism by toxins that certainly modifies his Physico-chemical constitution. This is also the result of all medications and vaccinations in particular. A vaccine is a modified disease, and its usefulness is the best proof that it modifies our personality: We only see its immediate results and which is limited face to face with the susceptibility to small pox, of typhoid fever, etc. But we do not know the distant effects, we do not know what repercussions we may have after a long time on the physico-chemistry of a living body. All the forced vaccination, all sorts of serotherapies, no doubt modify the ability of the biological personality. And if we can not say what would be their effects on the human race, we may at least affirm that the new specifics of therapeutic origin modify the individual personality and perhaps the human biology. And to those who will remain sceptics on the persistence of such influence, let us tell them once more than cm3 of serum injected subcutaneously is enough to mark the individual and to make him sensitive to a second injection given 10 years afterwards. By this example of anaphylaxis yet us try to judge what accumulations of specific acquired, builds up our actual personality.”

The influence of the milieu have always the tendency to integrate themselves in the organic specificity of the individual, more or less modifying it. Progressively when this assimilation will not be effected, there will born a new vibratory disposition, moving from adaptation to intolerance.

The biological personality of a sycotic is characterised by a physio-pathological syndrome which seems to be consequence of continued torpid state. That state will manifest itself by some constructive reactions in stages and in time. On the level or tissues it will be the hyperplastic syndrome with growing tumours, benign of malignant. It we refer to our works done in collaboration with Charles Mondaine on cancer, we will find some reasons of some humoral modifications of the equilibrium opening the door to the anarchic exaggeration of hyperplastic processus. This processus instead of being static may be fluent; then there is chronic catarrh of the mucosa. The emunctories help but the secretions have not the exploding character that are found on a Psoric ground, the allergic affections which are so frequent and violent in tuberculinics.

From the physio-morphological point of view the persons who have a tendency to arrive at a sycotic state will be hydrogenoid type, and atoni-plastic of Dr. Allendy, the asthenic short-limbed of Pende. These persons have a natural tendency to have atony of their reticulo-endothelial system. It is not uninteresting for understanding well sycosis, to know the scope of this system.

The reticulo-endothelial system, which retains the voluminous molecules of chemical colorings, apparently behave like the membrane cells of which the networks are larger than those of the other cells. The functional importance of the sponge system seems primordial in the production of antibodies. It represents active participation of the organism in the defense mechanism against infection.

Its morphological delimitation was done experimentally. Ribbert has shown that if animals are injected with lithinised carmine, the grains of the colourings, instead of being immediately eliminated by emunctories are electively lodged for some time by a series of cell, set up a function of special defense in the organism. L. Aschoff has grouped and morphologically defined the reticulo-endothelial system which comprises:

(a) The reticular cells of the splenic pulp, of follicles and of lymphatic chords, of ganglions and other lymphoid tissues.

(b) Then endothelial cells of sinuses and lymphatic glands of the venous sinuses of the spleen, hepatic capillaries (Kupfer’s cells), capillaries of bone marrows, of cortico-suprarenal (Thuja) and of the hypophyses.

(c) The histocytes or mobile cells of conjunctive tissues, embryonary cells of the skin (Thuja).

(d) The spherocytes and the monocytes, the derivatives of the preceding cells.

What is true for the colourings, is also true for the antigens with the reserve that when it is the question of early toxins, the latter having moreover a special tropism for some visceral and nerve cells. This antigenic capacity is still revealed but in a reduced form in the fibrocytes and in endothelial cells of blood and lymphatic vessels, in the interstitial elements of cells, genital glands and their annexes (Thuja). In the blood as shown by Kioyono by supravital colourings by toludine blue. It is only the big mononuclear macrophages, on the function of which Metchnikoff had clear signs and the transitional forms of Ehrlich that behave like some reticulo-endothelial tissues. And as it was shown by the researches of Schilling and Ferrata, they themselves derive some monocytes having their origin in the reticulo-endothelial. The functional vasculation of Silica perhaps directs this mechanism. From this system, scattered in the organism, but autonomous in its function and from its mesenchymatous origin, we may have the idea that the toxin depolymerised and which penetrated the interior of the cells, is thrown in the humor being imbibed by globulins or by a proteino- lipoidic mixture. Thus the specific humoral antibody, antitoxin or the evidence is constituted.

The reaction of sycotic is slow and massive; it is like that of the patient of Thuja, whose acute is Silicea. They are atonics whose reticulo-endothelial system has become weak.

The exuberant form of sycosis is seen in the chronic state of gonorrhoea of which we know the symptoms of Thuja: the tropism of the reticulo-endothelial system, chronic affections with hyperkeratosis, unending secretions of mucosa and articulo- neurotic phenomena.

Grauvogle says that gonorrhoeal poison causes in the organism some special damages in the hydrogenoids. Today we may call it “Atony of the reticulo-endothelial system”. The old observation fits in the new biological observation. As is told by Lathoud “when someone has this constitution, his ground is marvelously suitable for the gonorrhoeal infection and once he contacts this infection, he is more prone to develop sycotic condition than any one else.”

Besides in such hydrogenoid subjects, the sycosis will have particularly devastating effect. For them Jenerian vaccination is very dangerous and may have very deep traces against which Thuja may be placed by the side of Silicea and Kali muriaticum. When one finds an individual suffering from remote effects of vaccination, one may say that the subject is of hydrogenoid constitution.

Kent writes “Thuja is an extremely powerful remedy to fight against the bad consequences of vaccination, of small-pox or whatever intoxication of animal origin, such as the consequences of serpent bite.”

In conclusion we should say if the sycosis has not yet been completely explained in the totality of its biological mechanism many important facts have already been known:

1. The sycosis is not a point of view but an organised diathesis, brought out of the chaos of clinical observation by the talent of Hahnemann.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.