The articles of this book are translations from the articles published originally in the French language in L’Homoeopathie Moderne No.8, 1935, No. 13, 1993 and 6th November 1934.
The article on Sycosis and Warts was first published in English in Hahnemannian Gleanings, No. 11, 1970.
I have nothing to say about the articles as they are written by one of the most eminent homoeopaths of France, who was during his life time the Editor of L’Homoeopathie Moderne. As the editor of the said journal he very kindly gave me the permission to translate and publish the articles published in his journal.
One thing I must say here. The French Homoeopaths are all M.Ds. of French Universities, where Homoeopathy is not taught. The French Government have not yet introduced Homoeopathy in the courses of any university of France. The French Government have only introduced the Homoeopathic Pharmacology in their general Codex and have set down some regulations for the preparation of the Homoeopathic medicines. Our Government should have done this before introducing Homoeopathy in the Universities of India so that the homoeopathic practitioners can get genuine homoeopathic medicines tested by a competent laboratory. The French Homoeopaths are not conservatives. They are against the crystallisation of the teachings of Hahnemann. The always judge the teachings of our Master from the point of view of the development of modern science.
I hope this book will be useful to the profession.
Chandannagar Raj Kumar Mukerji
Dist. Houghli. W.B.