Secale. [Sec]
This remedy corresponds to ***passive, painless, dark, offensive haemorrhages in thin scrawny women with formication and tingling in the limbs, surface of body cold and desire to be uncovered. It is characterized by slow oozing, dark, thin and persistent and worse from motion. **Carbo vegetabilis has continuous passive haemorrhages; the skin is cold and bluish, pulse rapid and weak; the patient wants to be fanned, burning pains across sacrum and lower spine; persistent nosebleed with sunken face. Death seems near and its close proximity indicates **Carbo. **Arsenicum. Persistent haemorrhages of low types, burning pains and irritability, a very useful remedy in habitual epistaxis, also **China. **Lachesis. Epistaxis at the menopause.
Trillium. [Tril]
There is no better remedy in active and passive haemorrhages than **Trillium. Drs. Hale and Burt believes that it excels **Sabina, Secale and Hamamelis. Cartier advises its use in nosebleed. It is especially suitable for bright red or dark and clotted flow in women who flow after every labor. There is a faint feeling at the epigastrium, coldness of the extremities and feeble pulse. Acute haemorrhages, haemorrhages from fibroids or after violent exertions. The tincture on cotton applied to the part is most useful to arrest bleeding from the teeth, or for epistaxis, especially epistaxis in growing children. The characteristic in uterine haemorrhages is a sensations as if the thighs would separate, relieved by a tight bandage around the body. **Cinnamomum. Haemorrhages from slight causes, as from a misstep, coming on suddenly, profuse and of a bright red color.
Sabina. [Sabin]
Bright red clotted flow, worse from motion, is characteristic of Sabina, with pains extending from the pubes to the sacrum and down the thighs. It is especially useful in protracted uterine haemorrhages and after abortion or parturition. These are painful labor-like drawing pains in the abdomen. **Erigeron is similar, but associated with irritation of the bladder and rectum, the flow comes in fits and starts, a sudden gush, then a stop; a lumpy dark flow. Some physicians consider **Erigeron almost specific in all forms of haemorrhage. Exhausting attacks of haemorrhages at the menopause are often checked by **Erigeron. After miscarriage it is also of great use, here the haemorrhages is bright red in color. **Crocus corresponds to a passive congestion and suits especially nervous hysterical women. The haemorrhages are of dark, tenacious, black, tar- like blood, worse from any motion, and especially profuse.
Ipecac. [Ip]
One of our best remedies in the haemorrhages of incipient phthisis, and here Bayes recommends the 1 to 3 dilution; the blood is bright red from any part, and is accompanied by nausea. Haematemesis. The surface of body may be cold and covered with cold sweat. **Acalypha Indica. According to Dr. Arthur Clifton, of England, no remedy equals **Acalypha in haemoptysis; it comes with a gush after a fit of dry coughing; the breathing is hurried, and the blood is bright. **Sanguinaria. Metrorrhagia at climaxis, bright red, clotted offensive flow. **Vinca minor is also a useful remedy in post climacteric haemorrhages.
Hamamelis. [Ham]
Dr.Dyce Brown considers **Hamamelis one of the best remedies for uterine haemorrhages generally, and clinical experience has abundantly verified its use, not only here, but in haemorrhages from any parts of the body, especially from the lungs, where it is of great value. It corresponds best to a passive venous haemorrhage, being here certainly one of our most efficacious remedies. It is useful in epistaxis, with tension and pressure in the glabella. The blood is usually dark. **Pulsatilla. Passive epistaxis and epistaxis substituting the menses. **Mercurius. Nosebleed; blood coagulates, dark, clotted, and profuse. **Arnica. Besides its use in traumatic haemorrhages it is very useful in nosebleed of growing children.
Cinchona. [Chin]
Farrington says one can hardly do without **Cinchona in haemorrhages. The blood is dark and clotted from any orifice of the body; the flow is profuse, so profuse as to exsanguinate and cause fainting and ringing in the ears; and a characteristic is that the patient wants to be fanned. It is especially useful in ante-and post-partum haemorrhages. **Ferrum metallicum suits anaemic, prostrated patients, but the haemorrhages is bright red mixed with coagula, and gushing. It thus stands between **Cinchona and **Ipecac. With **Ferrum there is much flushing of the face.
Aconite. [Acon]
Acute haemorrhages call for **Aconite when there is anxiety and fever, and a profuse bright red flow. **Millefolium has the same bright red flow, but no anxiety or fever, and this remedy is most useful in active haemorrhages from the nose, lungs, or bowels of mechanical origin; epistaxis. It is a more active haemorrhage than that requiring **Hamamelis. It also corresponds to haemorrhages in typhoid fever with tympanitis. **Cactus. Haemorrhages with strong throbbing of the heart. **Ledum and Opium. Haemorrhages of drunkards; red, foamy blood. Ivins mentions **Bryonia as almost specific in passive epistaxis of young persons.
Bovista. [Bov]
**Bovista produces a relaxation of the entire capillary system which, of course, favors haemorrhage. It is, therefore, useful in epistaxis, and in uterine haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged; it flows between the menstrual periods from any little over-exertion. Farrington gives as characteristic that the flow occurs chiefly or only at night or early in the morning. The surface of the body is puffy. **Ustilago is another haemorrhagic remedy; the flow is bright red, partly fluid and partly clotted; slight manipulations, such as a digital examination, cause the haemorrhage. The 6th potency is recommended. **Thlaspi bursa pastoris has been successfully used in uterine haemorrhages. **Mitchella. Uterine haemorrhages of bright red blood accompanied by dysuria. **Platinum has dark painless haemorrhages; clots hard and dark, mixed with fluid blood, passing away in a thick tarry mass. It may be accompanied by a sensation as if the body were growing larger. Painful sensitiveness and constant pressure in the mons veneris and genital organs.