Haemorrhages & Its Indications

Homeopathy treatment of Haemorrhages & Its Indications from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for treating Haemorrhages & Its Indications homeopathically. …


ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Passive flow dark, offensive blood. Worse for motion. (SECALE.) Or active, bright, with great fear and anxiety. Fear of death; tossings.

BELLADONNA. Bright red, hot blood; feels like hot water. Clots easily and becomes dark red. Congested, hot face and head. Full bounding pulse. Worse jar, light, motion, noise.

BRYONIA ALBA. Dark, fluid, blood. Headache, worse motion. Nausea and faintness, worse raising head. Worse movement, speaking.

CARBO VEGETABILIS. Haemorrhages with indescribable paleness of body. Coldness – face – nose – breath – tongue. Icy coldness of legs and feet. Cold sweat (VERATRUM ALB.). Almost entire collapse. Yet air-hunger, wants to be fanned.

CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. After hasty labour. Tremulous weakness. Soft, flabby uterus. Free, passive haemorrhage.

CHINA OFFICINALIS. Haemorrhages with fainting, loss of sight, and ringing ears. Debility from loss of blood.

CINNAMONUM. Profuse flow; bright red. (IPECACUANHA, BELLADONNA, etc.), Severe flooding. Hammering temporal headache.

HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Slow, steady flow; passive; profuse; dark. Exhausted, but no alarm or anxiety. (Opposite of ACONITUM.) Bursting headache, worse bending down. Pressing temporal headache, “A bolt, temple to temple, screwed tight.”

IPECACUANHA. “Bright red, profuse, with heavy breathing and nausea.” With threatening abortion. Post-partum. Metrorrhagia; menorrhagia. Dark, bluish rings under eyes. Pale. Persistent nausea. Blood bright red, liquid; gushes with every attempt to vomit. Gasp for breath, as if panting. Weak pulse. Heat of head; cold sweat where covered. (Sweat where uncovered. THUJA).

LACHESIS. Haemorrhage; will not coagulate; decomposes. Worse for heat; for pressure on abdomen. Suspicious disposition.

PHOSPHORUS. Bright, free, persistent; stops and starts. Weakness; coldness, or emptiness in abdomen. Abdomen sensitive (LACHESIS). Small of back, as if broken. heat running up back. Thirst for cold drinks. Craves ices. (PHOSPHORUS).

SECALE CORNUTUM. Passive flow of dark, offensive blood. Chilly, but wants to be uncovered. In feeble, cachectic women.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.