(Epidemic Parotiditis. ).
Belladonna. [Bell]
This is unquestionably the most important remedy, corresponding to vascular engorgement, fever and nervous irritability so common in this disease. The glands are swollen, hot and red and sensitive to pressure, worse on the right side. The pains are flying and lancinating and extend to the ear. It is useful when the swelling suddenly subsides, and is followed by throbbing headache and delirium.
Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
**Rhus corresponds to dark red swellings, with tendency to erysipelatous inflammation and typhoid conditions. There is much aching in the limbs, the patient is restless and the symptoms are worse at night. It is our best remedy in secondary parotiditis. The left side is more apt to be affected.
**Lachesis corresponds to left- sided mumps, with purplish swellings and aggravation after sleep.
Mercurius. [Merc]
This is one of our best remedies in mumps, as if has a specific action on the salivary glands. There is slight fever and it is useful in the later stages. The special symptoms are tenderness, salivation, offensive breath and threatening suppuration.
**Pilocarpine muriate 3x is what Burnett terms his “big shot in mumps.” It seems to affect especially the parotid gland.
Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Especially useful in orchitic and mammary complications. The tongue is thickly coated, the mouth is dry and the pain is worse evenings and after lying down. For metastasis to the ovaries Pulsatilla may be the remedy.
**Conium is indicated by excessive hardness of the swelling. **Clematis and **Aurum may be useful in orchitic complications.