Acalypha-ind [Acal]
Haemorrhage, in the morning blood bright-red and not profuse, in the evening dark and clotted; pulse rather soft and compressible; patient has a played out feeling in the morning and gains strength as the day advances.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Haemorrhages from nose, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus; wasting away, great emaciation (follows well after China); ebullitions.
Aconite [Acon]
Haemorrhages, occurring particularly at night, or if caused by anger or fright; patient cannot lie on either side, and either is really worse or is made to feel worse from rising; the flow is constant and coagulates into a mass; thirst, dry skin, restlessness; dark hair, plethoric habit, especially in young people; fear of death, of moving or turning, of rising, lest something may happen, etc.; no peace of mind.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
Enlarged spleen; subject to haemorrhages; chronic intermittents, (>) in sunshine, (<) damp places or damp weather.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Where BELCHING OF WIND AFFORD MARKED RELIEF of suffering; observed particularly in haemoptysis.
Arnica [Arn]
Bleeding is caused by INJURY, CONCUSSION, FATIGUE; patient feels a soreness as from a bruise in the part whence the blood issues; hot head and cool body; pain causes a rush of blood to the head, which feels very hot to the patient; bleeding constant and bright-red; head sensitive; headache.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Persistent haemorrhages of a low type, depending upon some degeneration in the organ affected; irritability of fibre and mind; violent burning pains.
Belladonna [Bell]
Forcing or bearing down sensation in uterine haemorrhage, as if the abdominal contents would be pressed out of the vagina, with loss of blood; blood coagulates easily and feels hot to the parts through which it passes; congestion to head, eyes, eyeballs, which are red; flushed face; patient can’t bear the least jar of the floor; wishes to drink little and often wishes to be covered warmly, and even then may have cold thrills pass through the body; feels worse, or is worse, in the afternoon or evening, from a draught of air, from rising; in plethoric people with red face.
Bovista [Bov]
Relaxation of the entire capillary system, favouring haemorrhagic diathesis; epistaxis with menstrual irregularities or from traumatism; uterine haemorrhage from any little overexertion; puffy condition of the surface of body from sluggish passage of blood through the veins.
Cactus-grand [Cact]
ACTIVE haemorrhages with strong action of the heart, but less anxiety and less fever than under Aconite
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Anaemic symptoms following haemorrhages in psoric leucophlegmatic patients, who feel worse when the limbs hang down, even in bed, wishing to keep them drawn up and feel better in dark rooms, from massage, from loosening garments, from warmth and on being covered up warmly.
Camphora [Camph]
Haemorrhagic diathesis; excessive bleeding from capillaries without other prominent symptoms; lightness or dizzy heaviness of head, ringing and buzzing in ears; nose cold and pointed; praecordial anguish; sighing respiration: great anguish.
Cantharis [Canth]
Haemorrhages from any part if attended with cutting, burning pains during micturition.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Continuous passive haemorrhage, patient wants to be fanned; skin cool and bluish, pulse rapid and weak; haemorrhages of a low type, blood changed in its composition, dark and rather fluid; lack of animal heat; anguish of heart.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Spiteful and irritable temper; blood dark, more or less clotted, desire for air; thirst; urine pale and profuse. Worse in the night from warmth, anger, eructations, while lying on painless side, while perspiring, during sleep, from coffee; feels better while fasting.
China [Chin]
Profuse and exhausting haemorrhage, nearly exsanguifying patient; blood often dark and clotted; great irritability form nervous prostration; features collapsed and coldness of face and body; gasping for breath with desire to be fanned in order to get more oxygen; fainting spells; pulse irregular, filiform; anaemic ringing in ears as of bells; skin cold and clammy.
Cinnamomum [Cinnam]
Haemorrhage from LIFTING, STRAINING, overstretching the arms or taking a false step; repeated small haemorrhages; hysterical attacks after loss of fluids, especially when too copious and exhausting, as from flooding.
Crocus [Croc]
Haemorrhage from various parts, blood black, viscid, clotting, forming itself into LONG BLACK STRINGS, hanging from the bleeding orifice; (<) in the morning, fasting, in the house, during pregnancy; (>) in open air, after eating.
Crot.-hor [Crot-h]
Haemorrhages FROM ALL ORIFICES OF BODY, even bloody sweat; adynamia showing itself by cardiac debility, feeble pulse, sluggish circulation, bluish skin, faintness, general debility. (Crotal., blood dark, fluid, partly coagulable; Elaps, haemorrhage of entirely fluid blood dark, fluid, partly coagulable; Elaps, haemorrhage of entirely fluid blood; Lachesis, sediment of blood, which has oozed out, has the appearance of charred straw). Haemophily.
Elaps-coral [Elaps]
Haemorrhages of dark fluid blood; much coldness, (<) from drinking cold water; horror of rain and of any exposure.
Erigeron [Erig]
Haemorrhages associated with irritation of bladder and rectum; haematocele; epistaxis of bright-red blood; profuse bleeding from gums; haematemesis from ulceration and rupture of blood-vessels; haematuria; metrorrhagia, profuse flow of bright red blood, (<) from every movement; pallor and weakness; haemoptysis dark coagula, passive bleeding.
Ferrum [Ferr]
Haemorrhage of bright-red blood, often mixed with coagula, associated with a GREAT DEAL OF FLUSHING, rapid and a little labored breathing, pulse increased in frequency and strength. After severe loss of blood: pale, bloated appearance, skin cool and pitting on pressure, particularly about joints; great lassitude and debility; cries easily; loss of appetite with aversion to food; constipation, (<) during cold weather, after midnight, from abuse of Peruvian bark.
Hamamelis [Ham]
PASSIVE VENOUS HAEMORRHAGES, especially when the part from which the flow of blood proceeds feels sore and bruised; patient exhibits no alarm or anxiety concerning the bleeding; great exhaustion and hammering headache.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Constant flow of bright-red blood, with bluish face, congested eyes, twitching of muscles; delirium, unconsciousness; (<) evenings, from mental emotions.
Ipecacuanha [Ip]
PROFUSE AND STEADY BRIGHT-RED FLOW OF BLOOD, usually accompanied by nausea and sometimes by very hard, labored breathing, patient takes long breaths, as if panting; cold skin and cold sweat; (<) periodically from vomiting, coughing in haemoptysis; (<) from suppressed eruptions, from having taken Peruvian bark at some past time.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Chiefly in post-partum haemorrhage, also in threatened abortions between second and third months, accompanied by pain in the back, extending down over the buttocks, Haemorrhages attended with stitching pains. Worse after vexation, after being overheated, from lying on the side; better from warmth, from eructation.
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Haemorrhages, BLOOD NOT COAGULATING, thin, blackish or light red; septic haemorrhages, stench from mouth and stomach, putrid gangrene, discharge smelling like carrion; adynamia; want of nerve power.
Lachesis [Lach]
Always when blood can be discerned like black straws as a sediment, whether from the uterus, bowels, nose, stomach, lungs, or at the bottom of the ulcer. Often used in typhoid when haemorrhages occur. At the climaxis paroxysms of pain in the right ovarian region, relieved by gushing of blood from vagina. Chills coming on at night as an accompaniment of bleeding.
Lachnanthes [Lachn]
Haemorrhages profuse, blood pale; dizziness with sweat and boiling in chest and cardiac region; chilliness (>) by warmth.
Ledum [Led]
Long-lasting epistaxis, blood pale; raging, pulsating headache; bright-red menorrhagia with absence of vital heat; expectoration of bright-red foaming blood.
Mercurius [Merc]
Epistaxis, blood coagulates and hangs from nostrils like icicles; uterine flooding, flow profuse, dark and clotted; haemorrhages of old women after climaxis; haematuria in typhoid; scorbutic condition of gums, sore mouth; glandular swellings; laxity of skin and muscles.
Millefolium [Mill]
Bright-red haemorrhage of lungs, uterus or bowels, of mechanical origin; no anxiety about the bleeding; no pain.
Mitchella-repens [Mit]
Haemorrhage of engorged uterus, rather passive, with dysuria; blood of a bright color.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Bleeding from the uterus, with pain in the back, extending down through the hips to the legs, and pressure as if the uterus would be forced down and out of the vagina; epistaxis; haemoptysis; one of the best remedies FOR BLEEDING FROM THE BOWELS; suits dark-haired persons with rigid skin and muscle; no thirst; foot- sweat foetid; mental condition of distrust; blood dark; urine like horse urine.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Haemorrhages excited by indulgence in rich food, much coffee, intoxicating drinks; haemorrhoids, haematuria, metrorrhagia at the climaxis or from high living; haemoptysis from debauchery, especially in drunkards; urging to stool with constipation.