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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Haemorrhage in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the hemorrhagic symptoms of Phosphorus?

the hemorrhagic diathesis; the blood does not coagulate; haemoptysis and haematemesis.

When is Secale useful in uterine Hemorrhage?

Passive, painless flow of dark liquid blood, the patient is wrinkled and scrawny, is often unconscious and cold, hemorrhages preceded by formication and tingling. Slightest motion aggravates flow.

When is Cinchona indicted in Hemorrhages?

Dark clotted hemorrhage, s from any part of the body, with coldness of face, collapse, gasping, gasping for breath, and the patient wants to be fanned; ringing in the ears.

What other drug has a copious passive Hemorrhage and where the patient desires to be fanned?

Carbo veg.

Give the unique symptoms of Acalypha Indica.

Dry cough, followed by spitting of blood, which is pure in the morning, but dark, lumpy and clotted in the evening, with a constricted feeling around the chest.

What are the main characteristic symptoms of Sabina?

Metrorrhagia, with paroxysmal flow of bright color, accompanied by pains in the joints,. After abortion or labor, pains in back to pubis.

What are the Hemorrhages of Ipecac?

In haemorrhage of Ipecac?

In haemoptysis, where the blood is bright and in gushes, with nausea and gagging. In hemorrhages of bright red blood, which flows steadily; nausea, etc.

What are the symptoms indicating Lachesis in Hemorrhages?

Hemorrhages of dark blood, which deposits a sediment as of charred straw; small wounds bleed profusely and the blood remains fluid, does not coagulate.

What is the Haemorrhage of Belladonna?

It is bright red from the uterus and characteristically hot.

What are the indications for Bovista in Hemorrhages? Hemorrhages from relaxation of the capillary system; epistaxis or menstrual hemorrhages where the blood flows occurs more at night or in the morning.

What are the symptoms calling for Ustilago in Haemorrhages?

Bright, partly clotted haemorrhages from passive congestion of the uterus; haemorrhage from slight causes, as from digital examinations.

What is our principal use of Millefolium?

In hemorrhages from any part of the body of bright red blood, and occurring after mechanical injuries. Haemoptysis, epistaxis or hemorrhages from the uterus or bowels.

How does it differ from Aconite here?

Aconite has anxiety; Millefolium not.

What are the characterising feature of Erigeron, another member of the same family, in Hemorrhages?

The hemorrhage is of bright red blood and is increase by every motion of the patient.

Give hemorrhage calling for Cinnamonmum.

Profuse hemorrhage from a strain or misstep; tendency to hemorrhages; frequent attacks of nosebleed.

What is the Hemorrhage of Trillium pendulum?

Active or passive; threatened abortion, with a gush of blood one each movement, with a sensation as if the hips and back were falling apart; relieved by bandaging the hips tightly.

Give indications for Carbo veg. in Nosebleed.

Persistent, dark, occurring in old and debilitated persons, the face being pale, sunken, almost hippocratic; nosebleed in old people.

What remedy has Nosebleed where the blood coagulates and hangs from the nose like icicles?


When is Ferrum indicated?

It stands between China and Ipecac. It suits anaemic cases like China, where there is much prostration, and it has bright red, gushing flow and difficulty of breathing, like, Ipecac.

Give hemorrhagic symptoms of Hamamelis.

The flow is dark, passive, venous and accompanied by a feeling of soreness, and the patient is greatly exhausted.

What of Phosphorous in Haemorrhages?

Haemorrhagic diathesis. hemorrhages from any part of body, especially from lungs or stomach.

Mention a few drugs for Haemoptysis with brief indications.

Aconite: Bright red, with great anxiety and fever.

Cactus: With strong throbbing of heart, less fever and anxiety than Aconite.

Millefolium : Bright red, no fever.

Mention two drugs having Hemorrhage due to tissue degeneration.

Arsenic and carbo veg.

What are the Hemorrhages of Crocus?

Epistaxis or other hemorrhage where the blood is thick and dark, hangs in strings from nose.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.