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At night heat, without thirst which desires and bears uncovering.

370. Disagreeable, unpleasant warmth in the whole body, with sweat on the face, without thirst (immediately).

Insensible perspiration over the whole body of a strong, not disagreeable empyreumatic odour, such as a healthy man exhales when perspiring freely.

General sweat after midnight.

Profuse sweat with frequent shivering. [UNZER, l. c., p. 108.]

At night, gentle perspiration, particularly about the place the magnet is applied. [DE HARSU, l. c., p. 27.]

375. Sweat (on the place where the magnet lies.) [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., pp. 129, 130.]

Profuse perspirations. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., pp. 214, 215.]

Sweat all over the body especially on the back, in the morning during sleep. (After touching the middle of the magnet.)

While at his work during the day he talks aloud to himself (Like an insane person.) without knowing it (immediately).

He is exhausted and yet extremely careful and eager to complete his work thoroughly.

380. The greatest exhaustion of the body, with sensation of heat and cool sweat on the face, with restless and, as it were, strained, over hurried activity.

A zealous over-hurry, followed by pain in the arm and head if the shoulder (in the first hours).

Over-hurried thoughtlessness and forgetfulness; he says and does something different from what he meant to say and do, and leaves out letters, syllables and words.

He exerts himself to do things, and does quite the opposite of what he intended, against his own wish.

Hesitating resolve, irresolution, over-haste (immediately).

385. He is distraught and cannot fix his attention on a single subject (immediately).

All around him seems as if in a kind of half-dream.

Involuntary inattention: he cannot direct his attention, much as he wishes to do so, on a certain subject.

When he reads everything seems quite clear on the paper, but he can with difficulty comprehend the sense of what he reads.

Anxiety. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 155.]

390. At night very great anxiety with very strong palpitation of the heart.. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 146.]

He is easily startled by a noise.. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 199.]

Very much disposed to get angry and indignant, and when he does get angry he has headache of a sore description (immediately).

He is easily vexed and gets sufferings therefrom, especially headache, as from a nail pressed in.


395. Resolution, consideration, strength of mind and body (with good easy digestion). (Seems to be only curative action after a previous opposite disposition.) (aft. 5 h.).

In the morning tranquil disposition, calm, serious. (Seems to be only curative action after a previous opposite disposition.)

Phlegmatic, lazy disposition; not inclined for any work, lassitude, and drowsiness. (A rare alternating action.)

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.