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MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRALIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRALIS…


MAGNET. P. AUST. South pole of the Magnet. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum pur.,” III.




See Magnet.-p-arct.


A sort of anxiety in the limbs (immediately). Pinching in the flesh. Pinching and squeezing in various parts of the body. Pain in the limbs, as is felt when growing too rapidly. Darting pains here and there. Jerking sensation in every part of the body. Stinging-burning pains. Bruised pain in all the limbs. Bruised pain in all the joints, early in the morning. Stiffness of the joints. Cracking of the joints during motion. Lightness of the whole body. Laziness and heaviness of the whole body, a feeling of anxiety, as if threatened with paralysis. Great rush of blood to the brain.


Corrosive itching. Itching stinging, lacerating, in the evening, when in bed.


Frequent yawning. Sleepless and wakeful. Restless sleep with loud talking and dreams. Unusual beating in the region of the heart.


Sensation like those preceding fever and ague. Shaking chilliness. Feeling of coldness all over. without being actually cold. Internal coldness in the affected part. (Wakes in the morning with a violent headache, heat, and alternate chilliness.). Increase of internal warmth, without thirst. General sweat in the night. Great aversion to the open air. Small, scarcely-perceptible pulse. Uncomfortable, unusual warmth, accompanied with a peevish mood. Flush of heat from one part of the body to the other. Sensation as if the blood were jumping in the veins.


Want of cheerfulness. Despondency. Great discouragement. Taciturn. Violent anger. Wild, vehement, rude. Great quickness of fancy.


Unsteadiness of the mind. Vertigo as if intoxicated.


Rush of blood to the head. Heaviness of the head. Fine crawling in the brain. Shocks in either temple Lacerating in the face. Pressure in the occiput. Headache, pressure on the top of the head, or in either temple. Sharp, pointed, aching pain in the side of the head, with pressure from within outward. Simple and tensive pain over the whole brain. Jerkings in the head. Spasmodic contractive headache in the region between the eye- brows.


Sensation as if cold air were blowing upon the body. Watery eyes. Erosive pain. Painful smarting dryness of the eye-lids. Swelling of the meibomian glands Smarting in the inner canthus. The skin around the eyes is sore. Beating and itching in the eye. Deficient sight. Faintish sort of cloudiness.


Roaring in the ears. Sensation as of the whizzing of the wind in the ears. (Inflammation of the outer ear.) Occasional stitches and ringing in the ear.


Pain of the submaxillary glands, as if swollen. Toothache, aggravated by warm drink.


Sensation of swelling in the tongue, and heat in the organs of speech. Sore feeling in the throat during and between the acts of deglutition. Burning in the pharynx.


Indifference to food. Metallic taste, partly sweetish, partly sourish. Canine hunger. Inclination to vomit. Fits of nausea when stooping forward. Eructations of mere air.


Pain in the stomach, as when one presses upon a bruised spot. Violent aching pain in the pit of the stomach. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Flatulent colic at night. Drawing pain in the right side of the abdomen, scarcely permitting him to walk. Lacerating colic occasioned by walking, and appeased by sitting. Distended abdomen. Feeling of repletion in the abdomen.


(Frequent desire for stool, causing nausea.) Cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness, followed by diarrhoea. Involuntary discharge of thin stool. Itching of a haemorrhoidal tumor at the anus.


Incontinence of urine. Smarting pain in the fore part of the urethra. Drawing in the spermatic cord. Jerking in the spermatic cord. Lacerating in the spermatic cord. Lacerating, strangulating jerks in the testicles. The glans is red and inflamed, with itching and tension. Nocturnal emission. Violent excitement of the sexual desire. Impotence. Derangement of the menses, appearing early or late.


Coryza, and cough with expectoration of green mucus, and short breath. Deep inspiration, resembling a kind of sobbing, and accompanied with involuntary deglutition. Shortness of breathing in the pit of the stomach. Oppression of the chest, as if the breathing were tremulous. Pain in both sides of the sternum, consisting in pressure and drawing, with an anguish. Palpitation of the heart. Sharp stitch in the right chest, arresting the breathing. Aching pain in the chest, afternoon and evening.


Pinching in the muscles of the back. Gnawing and smarting in the back. Aching, and at the same time burning pain in the small of the back, during rest and motion. Dull stitches in the small of the back. Intolerable pain, as if bruised. Quick, painful jerking, in the arms, from above downward. Sense of fullness in the arm. Painful stiffness in the elbow-joint. Drawing paralytic pain. Pain in the arms, as if the blood had been arrested. Stiffness of the elbow-joint. Sensation in the arm as if if had been sleep. Painful drawing in the fingers, and finger-joints.


Paralytic and bruised pain in the hip-joints. Drawing with pressure, in the muscles of the thighs. Stinging itching in the thigh. Beating and jerking, in the limbs being convulsively contracted. Lacerating with pressure in the patella. The knees give way in walking Compound pain in the knee, aching and lacerating. Cramp-pain. Beating in the muscles of the legs. Cramp-like drawing pain in the calves. Pain as if sprained in the tarsal-joint. Sensation in the feet as if they had been frozen.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.