OLEANDER symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy OLEANDER…


OLEAND. Nerium Oleander, Laurel Rose. Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum,” III.


Agn., China, Cin., Cocc., Ignatia, Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Sabad., Sulphur


Camph., Cocc., Nux.-v.


Violent pressure in several parts of the body, gradually increasing and decreasing, from without inwards Cramp-pain in several parts of the limbs, for instance, in the ball of the thumb, feet,. Crampy pressure in several parts of the body and limbs, in the fingers and toes, as if the bones in those parts would be crushed.


The skin of the body is very sensitive; it becomes sore, raw, and painful merely by the friction of the clothes. Swelling. Gnawing-itching over the whole body, while undressing. Itch-like eruptions. Herpes. Scurfy pimples. Tension through the whole body. Paleness paralysis. Numbness and insensibility of the whole body. Sick feeling and weakness in the abdomen and chest. Weak, lazy, indisposed to work. Faint-hearted and sinking. Sensation of weakness, as if he would breathe his last every moment. All his limbs feel weak and weary; the knees are very weak. Fainting fits, going off after sweating.


Frequent yawning. Sleeplessness. Voluptuous dreams. Restless dreams.


Feverish shuddering all over, without thirst or heat, during rest and motion. Chill all over, with cold hands and warm cheeks. Feeling of heat and chilliness of the whole body, without thirst. The pulse varies; it is alternately frequent, rare, full, soft, small, and faint.


Dullness of sense, out of humor.


Vertigo in the forehead, and staggering of the lower limbs, as if too weak. Loss of consciousness. The whole head feels obtuse. Dullness of the mind, he is unable to think.


Heaviness of the head. Sensation of tightness round the head, which occasions a feeling of stupefaction rather than pain. Aching pain in the brain. Aching pain in the forehead, with pressure from within outward. Pressure in the upper bones of the skull, with sensation as if they were sore. Pain in the forehead as if it would split. Slow painful beating in the forehead, like the beating of the pulse. Boring pain in the whole brain. Gnawing itching over the whole hairy scalp. Scurfy eruption on the hairy scalp. Scaly or humid scald-head, with nightly itching and burning after scratching. The epidermis of the hairy scalp peels off.


Dull pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, alternately increasing and decreasing. Dilatation of the pupils, followed by contraction. Burning tension in both lids, even during motion. Smarting in the eye. Pressure in the eyes as from a hard body. Red swelling below the eyes, as if an eruption would break out.


Cramp-like drawing in the outer ear and underneath, as if pulled out. Sharp aching pain in the interior of the ear. Pain below the ear and over the mastoid process. Shrill, stupefying ringing in the ear. Humid, fetid spots behind the ears, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front.


Numb feeling on the dorsum of the nose. Stupefying dull pressure between the root of the nose and the left orbit.


Wild looks; he looks pale, the eyes are surrounded with blue margins, and the cheeks are sunken. Burning itching of the forehead. Stupefying compression in both malar bones, as if they were seized with pincers. Pressure on the malar bone, stupefying rather than painful, extending deep into the head and the root of the nose; a tensive, stupefying, troublesome sensation. Violent aching pain in the temples.


Constant toothache at night. Cutting-aching pain during mastication. The molar teeth are sensitive during mastication, as if decayed. Strange feeling in the mouth, as if all the teeth were loose, the gums of both jaws being bluish white.


White-coated tongue, with a feeling of dryness in the mouth, and with dry lips. The power of speech is almost entirely lost. A sort of burning in the oesophagus, down to the stomach.


Everything tastes flat. Great hunger and appetite. No appetite, but canine hunger. Great thirst for cold water.


Frequent, violent, and empty eructations. Aversion to everything, as if it would make him vomit, or give him a diarrhoea. Disposition to vomit from the stomach, and accumulation of water in the mouth. The inclination to vomit is succeeded by great hunger. Nausea, also in the mouth, as if he would vomit. Excessive vomiting, followed by thirst. Vomiting of a yellowish-green water of bitter taste. General sick feeling, with inclination to vomit.


Sensation of emptiness in the region of the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest.


Pricking pain below the umbilicus. Intermittent pricking in the abdomen, sometimes accompanied with indications of diarrhoea. Pinching in the bowels. Bowels feel as if weakened by purgatives, and as if he would be attacked with diarrhoea. Gnawing, internally, below and above the umbilicus. Painful sensitiveness around the umbilicus.


Ineffectual urging to stool. Hard and difficult stool. The first portion of the faeces if diarrhoeic, the latter solid. Scanty thin, watery stool. Burning at the anus between the stools.


Frequent emission of copious urine, particularly after drinking coffee. Brownish, burning urine, with whitish sediment.


Titillation in the larynx, occasioned by the inspiration of air, and causing a short cough, which concusses the whole body.


Oppression of the chest when lying. Sensation as if the chest were oppressed by something heavy, when walking, standing, or lying, occasioning a deep and anxious inspiration. Violent palpitation of the heart. Anxiety about the heart, with trembling of the whole body. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety. Dull drawing pain above the heart, more violent when stooping, and continuing during and inspiration. Stitches in the chest. Tensive stitch in the middle of the chest. The outer parts of the chest ache.


Pain as if sprained in the right side of the back. Tensive pricking in the dorsal spine, when walking or standing. Violent and full, although slow pulsations of the carotids. Dull lacerating pain in the left side of the nape of the neck and in the left scapula.


When raising the arms very high the shoulder-joint feels painful as if sprained. Jerking in the muscles of the arm. Itching sensation above the bend of the elbow. Dull pressure on the fore-arm, as if occasioned by a hard blow. Pulsative pain in the inner side of the fore-arm, near the wrist joint. The veins of the hand are swollen, without the hand feeling hot. Intermittent, dull pressure in the palm of the hand. The hand trembles when writing. Cramp-pain in the fingers.


Itching vesicles on the glutei muscles. Contractive pain, when walking, as if sprained, in the glutei muscles of one limb. Weakness in the thighs and legs. Cramp-like drawing in the knee, when bending it. Feeling of painful weakness in the legs. Undulating drawing in the bones of the legs. Pulsative pain in the bend of the knee. Buzzing sensation in the legs and feet, particularly the soles. Constant coldness of the feet. Paralysis of the feet and legs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.