(Headache such as occurs from a chill.)

From a slight vexation a headache, as from a sharp impression on a small point of the brain. (Ignatia removed this immediately, comformably with its homoeopathic symptoms 35, 284. [These figures seen to be wrong, probably Ss. 59 and 297 are meant.])

In the region of the crown on a small spot of the brain pain as from the impress of a blunt nail; the spot is also painful externally to the touch (aft. ½ h.).

20. In the morning after rising from bed, headache, almost as if the brain were raised up from its base, which goes off after yawning.

Pimples on the hairy-scalp (with phthiriasis). [ANDRY et THROURHT, l. c., p. 219.]

Along with cold hands, heat of face, and smarting sensation in the skin of the face.

Intolerable burning pricks (Without any admixture of itching.) in the muscles of the face, in the evening.

In the eye burning, tearing, and sparkling. [UNZER, l. c., p. 20.]

25. Burning drawing and continual sparks in the affected eye. [UNZER, l. c., p. 18.]

Fiery sparks before the eyes, like falling stars. [J. DAN. REICHEL, Diss. de magnetismo in corpore humano, Lips., 1712.]

Painful stitches through the right eye, which lost themselves in the jaw, and then a tug through this eye down the neck, through the chest, abdomen, and hips, to the right leg. [UNZER, l. c., p. 101.]

Sensation in the eye as from the pendulum of a clock. [REICHEL, l. c.]

On moving the body, particularly the arms, profuse sweat on the head and face.

30. Sweat n the face without heat, in the morning.

Dilated pupils.

Along with activity of the mind and body, dilated pupils (aft. 24 h.).

During the unconscious convulsive attacks the pupils were not dilated. [UNZER, l. c., p. 140.]

Beyond the visual point and the line of sight, white light-spots quiver with great rapidity round about at the side as in reflexion, (Almost the affection called by MARCUS HERZ “false vertigo,” ) in the dusk of the evening.

35. In the evening after lying down, a smarting in the eyes, as from acrid tears.

Itching of the eyelids towards the outer towards the outer canthus.

Itching of the eyelids and eyeballs in the inner canthus.

Dryness of the eyelids and of the inside of the mouth, in the morning after waking.

Inflammation of the eyelids and of the inside of the mouth, in the morning after waking.

Inflammation of the eyelid. [UNZER, l. c., p. 70.]

40. Feeling of dryness of the eyelids (aft. 4 h.).

The lower eyelid quivers (aft. 1 h.).

A quantity of mucus escapes from the eyes, nose, and ears. [REICHEL, l. c.]

The external ear feels to him hot, and yet it is not so.

Itching in the auditory organ.

45. In the morning in bed, itching burning in the meatus auditorious.

A pimple on the antitragus of the ear, which itches; this itching does not go off by scratching, which causes pain in addition.

A fine whistling in the ear, but intermittent, like the beat of the pulse.

Loud, strong rushing noise in one ear, and at the same time some headache on the same side, as if a foreign body were in the brain there, at the same time the pupil on that side us much dilated (after touching the middle of the magnet).

Heat of the ear to which the magnet was applied. [ANDRY et THROURET, l. c., p. 234.]

50. Rushing noise before the ears. [UNZER, l. c., 6. 23.]

In the ear, noise like boiling water. [REICHEL, l. c.]

In the ear, electric shocks. [REICHEL, l. c.]

Deafness without noise in the ear.

Pain in the cheek and ear. [ANDRY et THROURET, l. c., p. 252.]

55. On a small spot under the ala nasi, burning pain (aft. 1 h.).

Illusion of smell: smell before the nose, like dung (aft. ½ h.)

Illusion of smell: from time to time he imagines he perceives a smell before the nose like what comes from a clothes chest that has long been shut up.

Near the red border of the upper lip, not far from the commissure, a white pimple, or a red inflamed lump, which pains as if sore per se, but most when moving and touching the part.

On the inside of the lower lip, a small ulcer, painful when touched.

60. Painful sensitiveness round about the border of the lips.

Metallic taste on one side of the tongue.

Burning of the tongue and pain of it when eating.[UNZER, l. c., p. 112.]

In the periosteum of the upper jaw, a jerking tearing pain, like jerks compounded of tearing, boring shooting and burning, extending to the orbit.

In the facial bones, especially the antrum of the upper jaw, a twitching tearing pain in the evening.

65. Blows on the jaws. [UNZER, l. c., p. 26.]

Trembling of the chin and neck. [UNZER, l. c., p. 25.]

Dislocation pain in the maxillary joint.

Pain of the front teeth on drinking some cold liquid; the cold penetrates into the teeth when drinking cold liquid.

The tooth is painful from air entering the mouth; the air penetrates painful into the tooth.

70. Drawing pain in the jaws to the temple, with a sensation as of cramp in the masseter muscles.

Looseness of the teeth.

A blow with burning in the teeth. [UNZER, l. c., p. 33.]

The tooth is painful when chewing.

Toothache excited by stooping (aft. 24 h.).

75. Toothache: a tapping or twitching aching only in single jerks.

A violent throbbing in the teeth, even without any exciting cause.

The gum of a hollow tooth is swollen and painful when touched.

Toothache only in the hollow carious teeth.

In the roots of the lower incisors a monotonous pain as if bruised, sore, or as if it were corroded by something.

80. Pain in the palate as after swallowing a large mouthful.

In the morning, in the open air, the submaxillary gland is painful as if it were swollen (aft. 12 h.).

Tensive pain in the anterior submaxillary gland.

In the submaxillary glands single obtuse stitches, in the evening.

A hard pressure in the lower part of the thyroid cartilage of the throat.

85. Pimples under the chin on the neck with itching per se, which is increased by touching, and with a simple sore pain.

Swelling of the neck, redness of the face and stronger palpitation of the heart. (In a person subject to palpitation of the heart, when the magnet is brought near him.) [ANDRY et THROURET, l. c., p. 235.]

Copious accumulation of saliva in tmouth, almost like ptyalism, with pains in the submaxillary glands.

Copious accumulation of saliva in the mouth,. [REICHEL, l. c.]

Every evening, flow of saliva, with swollen lips.

90. Along with clean tongue, especially in the morning, foetid smell from the mouth, which he did not himself perceive,

In the morning, foetid smell from the mouth with much mucus in the throat.

Persistent foeter of the mouth, which he does not himself perceive, as in active mercurial salivation.

Hunger (immediately).

Hunger, especially in the evening.

95. He has appetite but the food is without taste.

He has hunger and appetite, but no taste of the food; mucus in the mouth seems to deprive him of taste (immediately).

He has longing for tobacco, milk, beer, and they are relished; bur scarcely has he begun to partake of them when he is all at once satiated, and can only take very little of them (aft. 16 h.).

Disgust at tobacco smoking, as if he had become satiated with it, although it does not taste disagreeably.

He has no appetite, without, however, experimenting loathing or bad taste.

100. Want of hunger without repugnance satiety or bad taste (immediately).

When he smokes tobacco it has no taste and only stings his tongue (immediately).

Beer has not taste, it tastes like water merely.

Some things seem to him to taste mouldy, though they have really a good unspoiled taste (aft. 1 h.0.

Eructation of the smell and taste of filed or turned hornshavings.

105. The eructation has the taste of the food, but it is a spoilt taste.

Attacks of frequent eructation, which is in part incomplete and not perfectly performed.

Ineffectual efforts to eructate, incomplete eructation (aft. 1 h.).

When he stoops acid rises up from the stomach, felt in both sides. [UNZER, l. c., p. 111.]

110. A rushing mingled with stitches through the stomach and bowels.

Aching in the stomach, with spasms, which rise up to the upper parts; restlessness that does not permit him to remain in any one place; heaviness of the tongue, paleness of the face, and coldness of the body, with very small, tense, irregular pulse. (This array of symptoms recurred daily at the same hour, but always getting weaker, for ten days, in three women.) [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 155.]

A crepitation and creaking in the scrobiculus cordis, as when a clock is wound up. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 174.]

In the region of the diaphragm, sensation of agreeable distension. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 232.]

Pressure as from a stone in the epigastric region, especially on making an effort to think (aft. 2 h.).

115. Tensive aching and anxious fulness in the epigastrium (immediately).

Movement of flatulence in the abdomen, with loud rumbling, without pain.

Great rumbling in the abdomen. [UNZER, l. c., p. 98.]

Burning and rooting in the abdomen, like a heaving. [UNZER, l. c., p. 23.]

The flatulence went hither and thither in the abdomen, with sharp, aching pain and audible rumbling in small spots here and there. (After touching the magnet in the middle.)

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.