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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Magnetis Polus Arcticus from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821…

(North pole of the magnet.)

(Applied in the region of the fourth to the sixth dorsal vertebrae, at a distance of four or five finger breadths from the body.)

(Vertigo, there is a whirling in the head and she feels as though she would fall on either side (immediately).

Vertigo as if from intoxication, which compels him when standing to place the feet differently in order to support the body (aft. 5 m.). [Htn., Fz.]

When walking in the open air vertigo so that he could not tread firmly (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]

When walking in the open air he staggers to and fro, as in vertigo (aft. 22 h.). [Lr.]

5. In one side of the head a vertiginous drawing (aft. 10 m.).

When she went up stairs, she has a drawing in the head from its centre to both ears alternately, like the pendulum of a clock.

He is not quite conscious, cannot think accurately; he feels as if the intelligence were suspended, and as if something in the brain pressed from above downwards and forced out the eyes; a threatening of syncope.

When walking he is as if intoxicated.

Sensation of intoxication, like a humming in the head (aft. ¼ h.).

10. Confusion of the head, and longing for open air.

Confusion of the head. [Mch. – DE HARSU, l. c., p. 135.] (Applied in the region of the fourth to the sixth dorsal vertebrae, at a distance of four or five finger breadths from the body.)

Weak memory; but cheerful (aft. 1 h.).

For two successive days he wakes up each time from the afternoon nap with violent headache, as if the brain were bruise and confused; it is alleviated after waking, and goes off on getting up (aft. 3, 28 h.).

A pain compounded of soreness and bruised feeling on the surface of the brain in the forehead and one temple.

15. Head as if bruised and smashed in one half of the brain (aft. ½ h.).

Drawing headache on the left side (aft. 27 h.). [Htn.]

In the right temple drawing boring pain; at the same time a spasmodic pain just below the left zygoma.[Mch.]

A side shock in the head in the morning in bed.

Behind the right ear a shock-like tearing in the head when walking in the open air, which gradually extends also to the front (aft. ¼ h.).[Htn.]

20. Behind the left ear a shock-like tearing in the head when walking in the open air, which gradually extends also to the front (aft. ¼ h.). [Htn.]

20. Behind the left ear a shock-like tearing in the head when sitting (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

He has a feeling as of a weight that pressed down the head.

In several parts of the brain a pressure as from something hard. (Much heat in the head.)

In the head a disagreeable sensation of compression as if a part of the brain were pressed in.

25. The noise of a hammer causes a shock in her head.

In the right temple a pressure involving the head when walking in the open air. [Fz.]

An (aching) pain above the left temple, externally (aft. 27 h.). [Lr.]

In the occiputal articulation a pressure going outwards, so that he must always bend the head forwards. [Fz.]

Aching pain in the left side of the forehead (aft. 22 h.). [Lr.]

30. An aching pain externally above the right superciliary arch (aft. 28 h.). [Lr.]

Headache, especially when raising up and moving the eyes.

A tensive sensation in the brain under the forehead extending into the root of the nose.

In the morning, after rising, several times some stitches superiorly in the left side of the forehead, until the afternoon.

35. Headache as if the temples were pressed asunder.

Violent headache all the afternoon as if the brain were pressed asunder (aft. 3 d.).

(Large lumps on the hairy scalp, which are only painful when touched.)

Tension of the integuments of the head, as if they were closely attached to the skull, causing confusion of the head (for several hours). [Hl.]

Smarting itching on the hairy scalp (aft. ½ h.).

40 Rush of blood to the head, and flush of heat in the cheeks. [Fz.]

A tension over the face.

Paleness of the face.

A cold blast in the eyes.

The eyes protruded (aft. ½ h.).

45. Staring look at an object, when sitting.

Fine stitches in the left eye (aft. 24 h.).

Stitches in the eyelids. [CHRISTOPH, WEBER, Wirkungen des kunstlichen Magnets, Hanover, 1767.]

In the evening stitches in the left eyelids, with dryness of them. [Fz.]

Fine shooting in the canthus and in the left cheek. [WEBER, l. c.]

50. Burning, prolonged stitch in the upper eyelid (aft. 3 m.)

On the border of the upper eyelid a vesicle which pressed on the eye.

Eyelids in the morning strongly gummed up. [WEBER, l. c.]

Painful sensitiveness of the eyelids when reading (aft. 12 h.).

Twitching and drawing in the eyelids. [WEBER, l. c.]

35. Drawing in the eyelids. [WEBER, l. c.]

Drawing in the eyelids and lachrymation. [WEBER, l. c.]

Mucus in the outer canthus. [WEBER, l. c.]

Itching in the inner canthus and the border of the eyelids (aft. ½ h.).

Itching over the right eye, compelling scratching. [WEBER, l. c.]

60. Itching in the eyelids. [WEBER, l. c.]

Itching in the eye. [WEBER, l. c.]

In the morning on awaking, in bed, painful dry feeling of the eyelids (aft. 14, 20 h.).

Sensation as of grains of sand in the eye. [WEBER, l. c.]

Burning, redness and lachrymation of both eyes. [WEBER, l. c.]

65. Great movement of the eyeball; much water collects in both eyes. [WEBER, l. c.]

The eyes water in the morning.

The eyes water much, intolerance of sunlight.

(Applied to the weak right eye.) (aft. ¼ h.) a burning in it; it became red and filled with water. [WEBER, l. c.]

Applied to the weak eye, a coldness that lasted three or four minutes (aft. 2 m.). [WEBER, l. c.]

70. Coldness of the weak eye, as if a lump of ice lay in the orbit instead of the eye; when the coldness went off, a prolonged needle-prick in the eye. [WEBER, l. c.]

First coldness, then heat in the eye. [WEBER, l. c.]

Ticking sensation in the eye, like a watch (for 25 m.). [WEBER, l. c.]

Restless motion of the eye. [WEBER, l. c.]

Sensation as of a spider’s web before the eyes. [WEBER, l. c.]

75. Flash of light in the eye, like a falling star. [WEBER, l. c.]

Formication between the two eyes. [WEBER, l. c.]

(Applied to the eye) a strong drawing over the eye, on the cheek, and the ear to the upper jaw. [WEBER, l. c.]

The pupils are much dilated, and contract but little to the light (immediately).

80. A stitch from the Eustachian tube into the inner ear (when stooping).

Ringing in the ear of the same side. [WEBER, l. c.]

Some tearings in the right internal ear, like carache (aft. 18 h.).

A hissing and a drawing sensation in the ear.

85. Applied to the ear, a crepitation and crackling in it. [WEBER, l. c.]

(Applied to the ear) a warmth and roaring in it, as when water boils and bubbles. [WEBER, l. c.]

Applied to the ear, heat and pecking in it. [WEBER, l. c.]

A kind of deafness, as if a skin lay before the right ear followed by heat in it. [Lr.]

Tension in the membrana tympani.

90. Acute tensive pain in the face that extended to the tonsils. [WEBER, l. c.]

Drawing in the left cheek. [WEBER, l. c.]

Fine pricking on the cheek, as from innumerable fine needles, with hot sensation, but without heat perceptible to the touch (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

A small lump in the face near the nose, which causes pain like excoriation when touched, when not touched some rare, slow stitches are felt in it.

Eruption of pimples on the right ala nasi with shooting itching sensation. [Fz.]

95. Deception of the sense of smell; in the room there is a smell of rotten eggs, or as if a privy was being cleaned out (aft. 27 h.). [Htn.]

Deception of the sense of smell; in the room there is a smell of whitewash or dust.

On three afternoons profuse epistaxis, which becomes more profuse each successive afternoon, preceded by aching pain in the forehead (aft. 4 d.).

In the afternoon (about 2 o’clock) haemorrhage from the left nostril (aft. 46 h.). [Lr.]

In the afternoon (about 4 o’clock) when walking in the open air, after blowing the nose, epistaxis for three quarters of an hour (aft. 23 h.). [Lr.]

100. Sore pain on the nostrils, even when not touching or moving them (aft. 26 h.).

At first red and hot nose-tip, then red, hot, sharply despots on the cheeks.

Crepitating shooting pain in an (already existing) pimple on the right angle of the mouth (immediately). [Fz.]

Drawing in the left axilla and the left cheek. [WEBER, l. c.]

In the morning on awaking a tensive pain in the left upper maxilla (aft. 36 h.). [Lr.]

105. A painful squeezing in the maxillary joint on moving the lower jaw, as if it were dislocated (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Under the mastoid process, between the sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle and the ramus of the lower jaw aching drawing pain proceeding from the temple. [Fz.]

Tensive pain in the left anterior submaxillary glands (aft. 19 h.). [Lr.]

In the left submaxillary gland, squeezing aching pain, under the left angle of the jaw (aft. 2 h.).

In the submaxillary glands a crushing aching or pinching pain, per se such as is felt in acute sore-throat (aft. 4 h.).

110. Tearing pain in the cervical muscles as if they were too tired.

Painful cramp in the cervical muscles from one ear to the other.

Cramp in one of the cervical muscles when yawning; afterwards the part was painful to the touch.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.