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120. In the morning, after waking, in bed, the flatulence makes a commotion in the abdomen with rumbling an howling.

Loud, but painless, rumbling, especially in the small intestines, to close underneath the os pubis and in the iliac region, which can be felt by the hand laid on, as if a diarrhoeic stool would come away. Although nothing or only a small, short discharge of flatus ensues.

Short snaps of flatus are discharged with loud noise and pains in the anus, as if forced away. (After touching the middle of the magnet.)

Very loud rattling and rumbling in the abdomen, in the morning in bed; followed by colic, as from displaced flatulence.

Flatulence immediately after eating.

125. Putrid fermentation in the bowels; the flatus discharged is very foetid and hot (aft. 12, 24 h.).

Straining and urging to stool in the bowels. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 130.]

A qualmish sensation and painfulness as from a resinous purgative or rhubarb in the bowels, with hot, foetid flatus, passed with pain.

He feels sick and sore in his bowels – pains in the bowels as if they were bruised, with nausea as if after taking purgatives, foetid flatus and diarrhoea (aft. 16 h.).

Before each discharge of flatus, pinching in the abdomen. 130. Soon after stool pain in one side of the abdomen.

Threatened protrusion of a hernia (aft. ½ h.).

A tensive and at the same time burning pain in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, and thereafter a drawing and tensive pain in the calves (aft. 20 h.).

Itching in the naval itself.

In the morning frequent, almost ineffectual irritation to diarrhoea, alternating with rumbling of the restless flatulence in the abdomen.

135. Diarrhoea without pain in the abdomen.

Painless faecal diarrhoea, mingled with flatus (aft. 12 h.).

Diarrhoea for several days. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 220.]

Constipation of the bowels for several days, with headache, as from an obstruction in the brain, which involves the head almost uniformly, with peevish impatient humour.

140. Constipation of the bowels for several days. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 143.]

Diarrhoea. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 220.]

Constipation of the bowels for several days, with headache, as from an obstruction in the brain, which involves the head almost uniformly, with peevish, inpatient humour.

140. Constipation as if the rectum were narrowed and contracted (aft. 36 h.).

After the stool violent haemorrhoidal pain in the anus, (sore) as from a wound, and a constrictive sensation more in the rectum than in the anus.

When sitting, a burning in the anus as in a kind of haemorrhoids.

Itching haemorrhoids.

After a soft stool blind haemorrhoids, as if the piles at the edges of the anus were sore, when sitting and walking.

145. Haemorrhoidal flux. [DE HARSU, recueil des effets de’ l’aimant, geneva, 1782, p. 26.]

Prolapsus of the rectum when at stool.

Pain compounded of itching and soreness, on both sides of the anus, when walking in the open air.

Frequent discharge of urine. [UNZER, l. c., p. 15.]

Some minutes after micturition a burning in the bladder, especially in the neck of the bladder.

150. In the urethra, near the caput gallinaginis, a burning during the ejaculation of the semen in the act of coitus.

In the morning on awaking a burning in the region of the seminal vesicle.

In the morning on awaking, a burning itching in the region of the seminal vesicle, or at the caput gallinaginis in the urethra, which excites to coitus; the burning is increased at that spot during micturition.

In the morning after sunrise profound sleep full of lascivious dreams, after waking.

Inclination of the genital organs to emission of semen, and an inguinal hernia tends to protude, with some pain.

155. Pain in the inguinal region, as in the protrusion of a hernia. (After touching the middle of the magnet.)

Nocturnal pollution (aft. some h.)

Sexual desire (aft. 12 h.).

When walking erection of the penis, without amorous thoughts.

In the morning, in bed, constant erection of the penis, without amorous thoughts.

160. Absence of sexual desire, disinclination for coitus.

The penis remains soft during all amorous excitement (immediately).

The prepuce is retracted behind the glans penis and does not cover it at all, or only to a very small extent.

Swelling of the epididymus and simple pain thereof, on moving or touching it.

Itching smarting on the inner surface of the prepuce (aft. 2 h.).

165. Burning smarting under the prepuce (immediately).

The metrorrhagia increased. (In an old women.) [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 152.]

The menstrual discharge that had ceased for some days came back the next day after applying the magnet, and continued to flow for ten. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 155.]

The catamenia, which had ceased ten days previously returned after applying the magnet, but only lasted the usual time. [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 73.]

Quickly occurring, and as quickly ceasing coryza.

(A kind of catarrh)(aft. 12 d.). [ANDRY et THOURET, l. c., p. 155.]

Frequent fits of coughing, at night – which do not wake him up.

In the evening after lying d, a violent fit if dry cough, after which there comes a slight expectoration of ordinary tracheal mucus (aft. some h.).

Convulsive cough (immediately).

Sobbing breathing. [UNZER, l. c., p. 50.]

Mucus in the trachea, which is easily expelled by short cough (Voluntary tussiculation), in the evening and morning (aft. 24 h.).

After midnight when lying awake and thinking, tightness of the chest on account of mucus on the chest, which is diminished by coughing.

180 After midnight when lying awake and thinking, spasmodic cough.

Oppression on the chest, i.e. viscid mucus adherent to the anterior part of the windpipe, which, however, can be detached by voluntary short cough.

Fits of violent. Dry cough, by which smarting and burning tears are forced from the eyes.

Violent fit of coughing, with copious expectoration of blood (aft. 6 d.). [DEHARSU, l. c., p. 27.]

Spasmodic cough with blows and anxious respiration and visible oppression of the chest. [UNZER, l. c., p. 41.]

185. Intolerable burning stitches in the lateral muscles of the chest towards the back.

Pressure on the chest (aft. 4 d.). [DE HARSU, l. c., p. 27.]

Shooting in the chest and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body. [UNZER, l. c., p. 21.]

Blow on the upper part of the sternum, which excites cough and watering of the eyes. [UNZER, l. c., p. 41.]

Great oppression on the chest, tearing in the stomach and bowels and throbbing in the shoulders. [UNZER, l. c., p. 85.]

190. Tearing intermingled with shooting in the right side. [UNZER, l. c., p. 12.]

Tearing from the right side into the internal pats of the body, mixed with shocks and shooting, just as if small pieces of flesh would be torn out, or sparks of fire were emitted. [UNZER, l. c., p. 12.]

From the middle of the chest four burning streams towards the back and sacrum, with anxiety and sensation as if the parts were cut to pieces, and divided. [UNZER, l. c., p. 65.]

Burning tug from the left shoulder through the chest on its right side, just as if parts were separated. [UNZER, l. c., p. 16.]

Burning tug from the stomach through the abdomen and back, whence the streams, divided in the sacrum, went towards the lower extremities. [UNZER, l. c., p. 20.]

195. Blow or jerk in the sacrum, which almost takes away the breath. [UNZER, l. c., p. 113.]

A burning in the spine. [DE HARSU, l. c., p. 25.]

In the morning a painful stiffness in the cervical vertebrae on moving (aft. 12 h.).

In the morning a cracking in the cervical vertebrae on moving.

Pain in the cervical muscles which goes from the shoulder to the lingual bone, as if cramp would occur there.

200. Backache when standing and sitting still.

Twitching of the dorsal muscles and sensation as if something alive were in them.

Pain in the sacral articulation in the morning in bed, when lying on the side, and by day during prolonged stooping forwards.

Spasmodic pressure betwixt the scapulae (aft. 5 d.). [DE HARSU, l. c., p. 27.]

Pain in the shoulder-joint (or the ligaments of the joint), as if it were dislocated and had fallen out (not merely as if sprained or twisted).

205. Throbbing on the shoulder with sensation as if it were lacerated. [UNZER, l. c., p. 37.]

Shocks on the shoulders whereby the arms were propelled forwards. [UNZER, l. c., p. 21.]

Shocks in the joints of the arm and in the head, as if they were beaten with a small, light hammer. [UNZER, l. c., p. 11.]

Drawing pain in both shoulders and down the nape with throbbing in both arms. [UNZER, l. c., p. 100.]

Tugging in the joints and muscles of the arm. [UNZER, l. c., p. 13.]

210. A tugging in the right arm, a kind of digging round about the wrist, elbow, and shoulder-joints. [UNZER, l. c., p. 12.]

Pain in the muscles of the arm, as if they were slightly separated from one another. [UNZER, l. c., p. 12.]

Burning and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shiver. [UNZER, l. c., p. 98.]

Burning in the right arm, as from sparks of fire. [UNZER, l. c., p. 16.]

Here and there burning pain on the arm. [UNZER, l. c., p. 11.]

215. Needle-pricks in the arm. [UNZER, l. c., p. 11.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.