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1045. Dry heat, all day long. [An.]

Unquenchable thirst during the chill and heat of an ague. [J. V. von HILDERBRAND (Effects of china in agues.) in Hufel. Journal, xiii, i. p. 142.]

Feeling of flying heat, with thirst for cold drinks. [Gss.]

Very great thirst, for an hour (aft. 9.1/2 h.)., and thereafter a burning heat all over the body, with throbbing in all the blood-vessels, without sweat, and without thirst, with violently burning ears and burning in the forehead, but only normally warm cheeks, hands, and feet, not with standing which all these three parts seem to his inward feeling to be too hot (aft. 10.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

In the evening, an hour after the heat, dry palate and thirst. [Fz.]

1050. After the febrile heat, during the sweat on the back and forehead, thirst. [Wr.]

Fever with anorexia. [FISCHER, l. c.]

In the evening, an hour after the heat, thirst and hunger, then, after eating, there ensued coldness and rumbling in the abdomen. [Fz.]

Heat of the body and redness and heat of face, for three hours, with great hunger; the lips burn when he brings them together; in the skin about the lips, also there is burning shooting pain (afternoon). [Fz.]

Heat of the whole body (in the afternoon from 5 to 7 o’clock), which on walking in the open air increases, and sweat breaks out on the forehead, with great hunger preceding and lasting into the commencement of the heat, returning also after the fever; when walking he feels in the abdomen as if hot water ran down it (heat running all over the abdomen and down the thighs), with red cheeks, without thirst (aft. 12 h.). [Fz.]

1055. Warmth in the face and redness of the cheeks, with dry, sticky lips, without thirst, in the afternoon about 3 o’clock).[Fz.]

Heat on the whole body with swollen blood-vessels on the arms and hands, without perspiration and without thirst (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Irregular, acute fever, with profuse sweat. [STAHL, l. c.]

He perspires incessantly at night, even under light bed-clothes.

On covering himself up with the bed-clothes he immediately sweats profusely all over; disagreeable as this is to him, he is at the same time so drowsy that he cannot collect himself nor get up.

1060. Sweat during sleep.

Sweat during sleep in the morning.

Greasy sweat ni the morning.

In the morning, as soon as he gets up, sweat came on his face.

After awaking (about 3 a.m.), sweat of the body with thirst, but no sweat on the feet, and on the head only where the cheek lies on the pillow.

1065. Profuse sweat. [MORTON, l. c.]

Debilitating sweat at the end of the febrile heat. [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

General profuse sweat. [ALPINI, l. c.]

In the morning, after the night sweat, the skin is not sensitive to the open air, nor apt to be chilled; he can throw off the clothes without injury.

Profuse sweat all over the body when walking in the open air.

1070. Cold sweat on the face with thirst.

Cold sweat all over the body (aft. ½ h.).

The whole body is very warm, especially the face and chest (aft. ½ h.). [Hrr.]

Heat through the whole body, internally and externally, as from drinking wine, with redness of the face. [Wth.]

Heat all over, and fine needle-pricks in the skin of the whole body, particularly on the neck, at the same time great thirst for cold water (aft. 22 h.). [Hrr.]

1075. Over the whole body a transient feeling of heat and actual heat, and on some parts of the skin fine weak needle-pricks, with thirst for cold water (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Great thirst for cold water, and yet chilliness and heat, especially in the morning immediately after waking. [Hrr.]

More thirst every morning than afternoon. [Hrr.]

Towards evening some heat, quite without chilliness, with quicker pulse (aft. 12 h.). [Bch.]

Quick irregular pulse-beats (aft. 6 h.). [Bch.]

1080. Pulse much slower and weaker (in the first h.). (From a half-ounce dose.) [DE KOKER, l. c.]

Slow weak pulse (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Slow weaker pulse, which gradually becomes quicker and stronger (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

The febrile attack commences with sneezing.

(Fever returning earlier (From its employment in agues.) .) [SCHEGEL, l. c.]

1085. (Decrease of the febrile chill, and increase of the febrile heat.) [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

(Increased febrile heat.) (From its employment in agues.) [FISCHER, l. c.]

(Talking nonsense during the febrile heat. [SCHEGEL, l. c.]

(Talking nonsense.) (From its employment in agues.) [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

(Delirium.) (From its employment in agues.) [GESNER, l. c.]

1090. Anxiety, anguish. [CLEGORN, – QUARIN, – ROSCHIN, l.c.]

Extraordinary anguish. [STAHL, l. c.]

Great anxiety – death. (From cinchona-bark taken during the chill of ague.) [DE KOKER, l. c.]

Intolerable anxiety (about 8 p.m. and 2 a.m.); he jumps out of bed and wants to make away himself, and yet he fears to go near an open window or to approach a knife – with corporeal heat, without thirst.

Quite besides himself, and in despair he tosses about in bed. (Comp. with 1091, 1092.)

1095. Too anxious caution.

An over-anxious concern about trifles (aft. 1.1/2 h.).

Dejection. [GESNER, l. c.]

Gloominess, hopelessness. (1098, 110, see 1094.) [Gss.]

Inconsolableness. (Comp. with 1098, 1100.)

1100. Discouragement. [An.]

Want of the (usual) cheerful humour; he prefers to be alone. [Htn.]

Piteous, subdued whining and crying out.

She falls from time to time into a lachrymose humour, without external cause, from some self-mads, trivial whim, e.g. from some imaginary want, such as that she cannot eat enough, & c. (aft. 20 h.).

In the midst of cheerful humour, sudden, short-lasting crying out and tossing about, without visible or appreciable cause.

1105. What formerly appeared to him in a bright light, seems now to be lusterless, unworthy, and shallow. [Stf.]

Morose, disposed to quarrel. (1106, 1112, see 1107, 1108, 1110.) [Trn.]

He is cross, angry, and easily moved to anger. (1107, 1108, 1110, comp. with 1106, 1112.) (aft. 4 h.).

Ill humour, going on to the most violent anger, so that he could have stabbed someone.

Cross when cause is given, otherwise stupid, perplexed, embarrased.

1110. Extremely disposed to be vexed, and to take every occasion to get cross; after wards quarrelsome and disposed to vex others, and to make reproaches and give annoyance to others (aft. 2 h.).

He is inwardly very cross. [An.]

Discontented and sensitive, disposed to quarrel. [Wth.]

Discontented; he thinks himself unfortunate, and fancies he is opposed and tormented by everybody (aft. 5 h.).


1115. Indisposed to think, alternately gay and gloomy for three hours (aft. 2 h.). [Wth.]

Distaste for mental and serious occupations. [Bch.]

No desire for work; he is idle.

Serious humour. [Htg.]

Humour gloomy, no wish to live.

1120. Contempt for everything.(Comp. with 1121.) (aft. 1 h.).

Indifference to all external impressions, and disinclination to speak.(See 1120.) [Bch.]

Tranquillity of mind.(Curative action, apparently.) [Lr.]

Ill – humour, but neither sad nor quarrelsome, yet not at all disposed for rapid thinking. (Comp. with 1115, 1116, 1123, 1140, to 1142.)

Quiet ill humour, and not disposed to speak (the first day). [Hrr.]

1125. Complaining ill-humour.

Sighing ill-humour. (1126, 1128, 1129, comp. with 1124, 1127.)

Ill-humoured, laconic, disposed to reverie. [Stf.]

He is silent and will not answer.

Obstinate silence; he will not answer at all.

1130. Caresses increase his ill-humour.

Ill humoured irresolution; she can never come to the point, and is disobliging at the same time.

Dislike to mental work and drowsiness. [Hrr.]

Dislike to bodily and mental exertion. [An.]

Liking for work, reading, writing, and thinking; particularly well-disposed and industrious.(Curative action.)

1135. He makes a number of grand plans for the fu.((1135 to 1138, see 1139, 1143.) [Htn.]

He makes many plans, and thinks over their accomplishment; many ideas force themselves upon him at once. [Hrr.]

He has many ideas, undertakes to carry out all sorts of things, builds castles in the air (aft. some h.). [Wth.]

He has a number of plans in his head which he greatly desires to carry to execution, in the evening.[Gss.]

A quantity of scheming ideas.(1139, 1143, together with 1135 to 1138 are alternating actions with 7, 1140, 1141, and 1142.)

1140. Slow flow of ideas.

Periodical cessation of thoughts. [Lhm.]

He is lost in thought (as if the flow of ideas stood still) (aft. 3 h.).

He cannot keep his ideas in order, and commits mistakes in writing and speaking, inasmuch as he puts words first that should come afterwards; the taking of others distracts him much (aft. 2 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.